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Why don't good men come in my life?

Do any men who don't feel superior to women even exists? If so, why don't they come in my life? Is it something like women have to approach them? or they don't have interest in me?

Is there anything i can do to attarct or find or make myself approachable to good ones?
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
I’d rather be alone forever than be in another relationship with a man who feels superior to women.

You’re still quite young, and I hope you can be patient while waiting for the right kind of man—someone who is kind and treats you as his equal.
pdockal · 56-60, M
Maybe you just need to find a submissive man
subhubby · 56-60, M
@pdockal yes,I agree based on what she describes.
MPath37 · 51-55, M
As someone once said to me, there are the factors you have control over, and there are the factors you don't have control over. Or, to put it differently, the things you do to contribute to the situation, and the things the guys do to contribute to the situation.

For what you bring to the situation:
Know thyself.
It's a core principle of discernment.
Psychologically is certainly part of it.
Do you have unresolved aspects of yourself you need to address? Unhealed pain? How do you view yourself? What's your self esteem? Do you love yourself?
All these facets and questions are elemental, foundational, essential, preliminary considerations to address first.

Then an indispensable question is:
What are your values?
Who and what you value is a huge driver in who you pursue and/or allow to pursue you. It filters out guys who won't treat you the way you deserve.
And, it determines with whom you share significant, profound similarities, which will be some of the most important and reliable predictors of a successful relationship.

Then, once you've established that you're operating from a healthy space:
What and who do want?

Then you can make some well founded, and well reasoned decisions about where to be, which make it much more likely that you'll be with someone you respect, cherish and love, and who treats you the same.

As someone else said, be yourself, and be with the people you love, and do what you enjoy, and someone else who approaches life the same way, doing the same activities that you both enjoy, that is, the right person, will be right there next to you.
Om2014 · 31-35, M
For that you might have to upgrade the discussions u like, ur interests, goals, priorities. good people have better thinking mindset their discussions and activities are constructive and positive. If have those kindof liking then u can meet someone through some positive random discussions online or while ur at that activity probably some sports, meditation sessions etc. I believe people who are too much worried abt physical looks and such will end up getting overpowered by carnal desires and overlook " someone with a good mind" kindof person. Or they may strike as boring people. Deep discussion drive deep people more than mere looks. Best of luck
AngelKrish · 26-30, M
I waited but now i am not waiting for anyone as no body showed up
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
@AngelKrish maybe you and she could become friends
sahi81 · 22-25, FNew
@Jenny1234 i don't make male friends lol. Most men come in my life as friends only want my body. I only date men if i like their behaviour and check if we r compatible.
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
@sahi81 I understand that your culture is very different than mine in that regard. I don’t think I would date a man if I didn’t know him as a friend first
WandererTony · 56-60, M
Have patience. Things happen unexpectedly. Be prepared so you dont get caught on the wrong foot.
Check your "just friends" vault. There's probably 10 or 15 in there.
sahi81 · 22-25, FNew
@SmileOnYourBrother Even my male friends i friend zoned turned out bad, only 2 asked me to date till now. One was a horrible person, he just wanted to use me so he tried friending me and another was little nice but he was emotionally unavailable type. Most men who come in my life as friends only want my body, i stopped having male friends, thats why.
scooogy · 31-35, MVIP
I'd say that depends on either your culture or your environment.
subhubby · 56-60, M
I believe women should be shown devotion and lifted up as superiors by their BF or their husband. We as men should aim to serve, and please ladies at all times. I know there are men who think this way and if you share your desire to have a good obedient man, they will come.
@subhubby I don't think either has to be over the other.

It's supposed to be a partnership, a together-hood...not some struggle for who is king of the 2-person "hill"...
Morvoren · F
Being wary of who you engage with and some self evaluation is probably the best way forward.

Also make sure you recognise an opportunity to be with a good man, when one comes along. That was a challenge for me.
sahi81 · 22-25, FNew
@Morvoren what is brisk ed
Morvoren · F
@sahi81 Sorry that was full of typos because I was busy stuffing my face at the same time as writing. I’ve corrected it 🙂
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
I see absolutely nothing wrong with you looking and asking for yourself.

This is not about being submissive or dominant. It's about finding what you want.

So look for yourself and ask.

BTW most men really are not very picky within certain parameters.

Too many parameters eliminates everyone.
TheShanachie · 61-69, M
I think you haven’t met a guy that has enough in common with you yet, you’re still very young. A big thing in common would be total respect for each other.
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HumanEarth · 56-60, F
Ever thought its not you, but the food and drinks the men are consuming.

Just look at the stuff they put in there. Like Aspartame for example. They tell you its safe and yet The organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer classified aspartame as possibly carcinogenic to humans.

It also changes alters peoples moods, changes behavior. Technically Aspartame is mind alternating drug and its one of many found in food today
Johnson212 · 61-69, M
Yea they are the emasculated ones you are not interested in. Walk outside your building and look around, everything you see will have been built by men. How can they not help give off and air of superiority.
@Johnson212 ...showing off accomplishments only "your" group did because of keeping other groups down is a monument to an "-ism", not "your" group's greatness.
Kobrassky · 26-30, M
What exactly is wrong with the men you've been running into ? And what are you looking for in a man you cant find ?
They exist, but I think may be far and few between, while more common than you know. I'm not sure where you find them right now.
Convivial · 26-30, F
Maybe you're looking in the wrong places?
sahi81 · 22-25, FNew
@Convivial where can i look?
Convivial · 26-30, F
@sahi81 i seriously don't think you should... What you should be doing is enjoying your life and your friends.,. Nothing more attractive than a busy happy person 😜
They all think that on some level. If they pretend otherwise they’re lying.
Bleak · 36-40, F
Superior to woman in what sense??
sahi81 · 22-25, FNew
@Bleak idk, most men i met felt superior over me just bcuz i am women. Only they must know why
Bleak · 36-40, F
@sahi81 This is wrong..
It’s very unfortunate that you have to go through this. But truth be told, decent men exist.
gagan1999 · 31-35, M
Good men never interested in friendship with women...
HobNoblin · 36-40, M
Don't know, went MGTOW long ago, its been awesome!
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Where do they come ? On your stomach ? Haha
curiousaboy · 26-30, M
He will come, don't force.
sahi81 · 22-25, FNew
@curiousaboy tired of waiting, is there anything i can do?
WolfGirlwh0r3 · 36-40, T
um..... it knows its completely inferior to all
Entwistle · 56-60, M
Maybe they do and you just don't recognize them?
496sbc · 36-40, M
well theres alot of things
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