As someone once said to me, there are the factors you have control over, and there are the factors you don't have control over. Or, to put it differently, the things you do to contribute to the situation, and the things the guys do to contribute to the situation.
For what you bring to the situation:
Know thyself.
It's a core principle of discernment.
Psychologically is certainly part of it.
Do you have unresolved aspects of yourself you need to address? Unhealed pain? How do you view yourself? What's your self esteem? Do you love yourself?
All these facets and questions are elemental, foundational, essential, preliminary considerations to address first.
Then an indispensable question is:
What are your values?
Who and what you value is a huge driver in who you pursue and/or allow to pursue you. It filters out guys who won't treat you the way you deserve.
And, it determines with whom you share significant, profound similarities, which will be some of the most important and reliable predictors of a successful relationship.
Then, once you've established that you're operating from a healthy space, and you know what your values are:
What and who do want?
Then you can make some well founded, and well reasoned decisions about how to be, where to be, and with whom, which make it much more likely that you'll be with someone you respect, cherish and love, and who treats you the same.
As someone else said, be yourself, and be with the people you love, and do what you enjoy, and someone else who approaches life the same way, doing the same activities that you both enjoy, that is, the right person, will be right there next to you.