According to Brahmins, if a women want equality, equal rights and if she is feminist then she can never be religious...
I live in a society where men and women can't have friendship, women is designed to submit her husband, if she don't submit, she go through a lots ofPain and suffering in their whole life and one day she get died...
According to Brahmins, a person can be wealthy and powerful by dominating multiple people but he can't get peace, happiness and spirituality...
According to Brahmins, a religious men and a religious women can never love each other, because religions teach us humanity and the love between manAnd woman teach us insanity, satanism and lust...
May be following religions is all about stupidity but the truth is that you can't get anything by being intelligent...
Thoughts are all about life, good and positive thoughts gives you better health, wealth and success... bad and intrusive thoughts destroy everythingAnd makes You cheap slave of money...
According to Brahmins, you can feel both psychopathy and empathy because humanity is divided into caste system, if you are emphatic for upper castePerson then may be you have psychopathic tendency for lower caste person...
According to Brahmins, till you have money that's earn with honesty, you will must have peace, happiness and spirituality...
According to Brahmins, how much people talk about feminism and gender equality but the truth is that feminism will destroy peace, happiness,Spirituality and love between men and women... It will only make them depress, sick and addicted to wealth power, luxury...
Can you understand science, I can't understand it, most scientific theory looks imaginary and fake to me... If science is too advance then why humansAre still very stupid...
According to Brahmins, a psychopath or narcissist is nothing without the help of God, saint or priests because his mind is full of negative, bad andIntrusive thoughts...
A real women never fall in Love with empath or psychopath men, because she already fall in love with God and always submitted to God...
Humans are not actually selfish, if you do good with others then definately they will do good with you...
You know, life is very painful if you don't have friends or good relationship but psychopath enjoy this pain and suffering...
Love is all about goodness, because love is exist between two good people, bad people can never truly love each other...
According to Brahmins, the only reason people are poor cause they think too much about love, care, feelings and humanity...
Psychopath and empath have no proper defination, we can only sense that what is empathy and what is psychopathy...
I think only those people are psychopath who understand human mind and behaviour on very deep level...
God will test you numerous times for what you choose between wealth, power, luxury and humanity... If you choose wealth, power and luxury then youWill get all pain suffering of this world... And if you choose humanity you will get peace, happiness and spirituality...
According to Brahmins, if love between men and women is not about domination and submission then it will not be about welfare of humanity, it willOnly about politics and gaining wealth and power...