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This is why I’m single. Am I wrong to feel annoyed by this ?

So I’m very sick today. The guy who’s trying to date me asked me more than once to let him know if I needed anything. After the second time I told him, I need some soup or rice from my fav chinese spot. That I need help w/ laundry or maybe some money so I can take half the day off work. He responds sorry I don’t have much to give. You asked me what do I need. I never asked him for a thing until he asked me if I need anything. I really want to cuss him out. Also we never hooked up or anything but he invited me to another date and I’m tempted to just cancel it. If someone is sick or in need I will help, I get my girlfriends food or tea when they are sick. So a man that’s trying to get w/ me can’t pick one thing is annoying to me. Then the fact that he flexes a bmw, and the postion he has at work but can’t get me some soup. The little things matter to me. Also I’m very sick rn so I’m even more grumpy and pissed about this. X a million.
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Carissimi · F
You are expecting too much from a man you haven’t yet dated. Asking him for money is way out of line. He’s not your mother, or brother. You seem to have a sense of entitlement. Asking for soup was one thing, but doing your laundry, and asking for money was way too much.
Carissimi · F
If someone I didn’t know well said they were ill, and I said let me know if you need anything (and let’s be honest, most people say this to be polite, they really don’t mean it), and asked for food, that would be reasonable, but to ask me for money, and to do their laundry is over the line. @MsSwan
@Carissimi Very true
@Carissimi Agreed. Way out of line.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
Asking someone for money you're not even in a relationship with is incredibly inappropriate. So is doing your laundry. That's a very intimate thing.

If he asked what he could do to help, picking up some groceries would be appropriate.

You went too far asking for more and probably screwed yourself out of what he was originally offering [a meal] by asking for too much.

It would be incredibly rude to "punish" him by canceling just because you thought he didn't give enough...that is manipulative. Is that a personal trait you want to cultivate?
No, you're not wrong to feel that way.

Edit to add:

Bringing you food would be nice of him, but anything else is asking a little too much at this point.
you are asking an awful lot. helping you with laundry on top of the food was a lot. But money too?? thats... shocking. .
Flenflyys · 31-35, F
Lmao is this for real
Ceci13 · 51-55, F
Yeah you seem entitled as hell but spoiled people always say stuff like that. You don't even know him well enough to ask for money or to do you're laundry he's not ya mom dad or sister or anything and even then. Geesh people act like they are owed everything by strangers. Hopefully you will grow up and get a clue. The best thing that could happen to him is you canceling the date lol.
Elisbch · M
If I were in his position with you, wanting to get to know you better but didn't know you well and had another date lined up with you, I either would not offer anything (unlikely) or be prepared to do a version of the minimum since I didn't know you long or well. It's the once bitten (usually more than once) twice shy thing that can make me weary and maybe a lot of men. He should have been more specific like directly say what he'd be willing to get you or help you with. There's no way I'm going to offer up a half a day's salary when I don't know you. I'm sorry, it just doesn't work that way. (bitten fear as well as common sense). I'm likely to get you the Chinese food you want if it's not too far away. Laundry and money would come well after knowing you for quite some time. Laundry may be a little bit sooner than that.

It's a bit troubling for me to hear you reference the kind of car he drives and the amount of help he's able to give you without knowing you. If I was going to date you and felt you were measuring me up only by my car. You would be the one that gets dumped quickly.

I do hope you start feeling better soon. 🍜🥡😷🙏🏻
Elisbch · M
A lot of people throw around the word deserve I've noticed. That word infers entitlement. I think anybody that thinks they're entitled to something has grandiose delusions of their self-importance. None of us are entitled or deserve anything. We have to work for and earn it but we never deserve it. That includes relationships.
When we start thinking that we deserve things, we're setting ourselves up for a lot of disappointment and a poor quality life.
Having high expectations is a killer.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
Maybe he doesn't wanna seem like a push over?

Get well soon :)
DrWatson · 70-79, M
If he is offering help and then won't give any, it sounds as if the offer was just a line to try to get into your good graces.

This does not bode well for his sincerity in general.
When you mentioned his car and all, I totally agreed with you. I say break the date. He doesn't sound like someone you'd want to be around.
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
Do you often try to use people like that?
Lexiitexii · 31-35, F
I’m Not using him he asked me if I needed anything he also brought me a nice gift the first time we met. He also bought me food today as well. I am very generous and these are the little things to me I deserve someone to do the little things for me as well. A bite to eat and helping w/ laundry when I’m exhausted is really a issue then don’t ask @Nitedoc
Lexiitexii · 31-35, F
@Nitedoc I do these things for my girlfriends and family and more I deserve to get the same treatment.
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
@Lexiitexii Fair enough.
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Mudkip · 31-35, M
Um, did you really ask him for money?
YoungPoet345 · 26-30, F
That does sound annoying. Sorry.
Kstrong · 56-60, F
Obviously doesn't mean what he says, he's showing the quality of the man he is and character... Not worth your time ..
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
I guess you've read the responses by now.
So: Are you going to cut the guy some slack OR: ask him to marry you so you can ask him to do your laundry and give you some money?😈
Lexiitexii · 31-35, F
@JollyRoger Ask him to marry me 👹
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
@Lexiitexii Yes, you are a 'devil!' Have lots of fun with him!
Lexiitexii · 31-35, F
@JollyRoger I willl ❤️‍🔥
Adrift · 61-69, F
"Let me know if you need anything." most likely what is called a tarrof.
A polite but empty gesture.
mindstruggle · 31-35, F
Yea. I’d feel the same.
I hope you get well soon.
mainvane · 61-69, M
Sounds like you can do better than him
This is why I’m single.
Yes, that's why.
Shame mans got a bimmer and cant get you some Ramen noodles
@Lexiitexii im sorry 😞
Lexiitexii · 31-35, F
@ExperienceDLT Its okay thank you 😂
@Lexiitexii hope you get some noodles
Confined · 56-60, M
No soup, no date. Not obligated to do any thing else, but shows as a date, he was not eager to help with food, so unlikely worth a follow up.
If i was really crazy about a girl, I'd get her food.
Lexiitexii · 31-35, F
@Confined he got me the food a hour ago so I’ll cut him some slack. It was actually kinda inconvenience because I was tired I worked all day, I didn’t want to expose him to my cold, but he wanted me to come to his place after work to ride out and go pick up the food. I did it was nice but I still feel like it was backwards af when I could’ve just stayed home rested and liked him more for helping me take a day off. So I barely had much to say to him plus I had a stuffy nose and sore throat. If I sound naggy it’s cause I’m in pain and tired all I wanted was a little break today.
Confined · 56-60, M
@Lexiitexii There is hope for him yet. 😎
darkmere1983 · 46-50, M
sounds trivial nonsense, there are far more legitimate things in the world to be annoyed about now.
Yeah I'd say this is why 😆
Daneille · 41-45, F
you asked him for money
Asking for money is really innappopriate. You can't expect him to simp for you.
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He sounds like an asswipe. At least he let his true colours show early on.
daddybloke · 46-50, M
wow i can't believe you asked this guy for money what a cheak
literally everyone here saying that you’re asking too much shows how little they value themselves. don’t listen to ppl who don’t see any value in themselves, they will not be able to see it in you no matter how hard they tried. you are worth every request; especially to a guy who “is interested in courting you”

i would cancel this “empty promises” he asked you, you responded, honestly and no beating around the bush, so he fucked off by saying no, leave him there. (:
Collegegirl23 · 31-35, F
What a waste man just block his sorry ass!

Edit just realized you haven't even dated this guy's so no he isn't wrong to say no.
listen to ur intuition, he is only looking to fuck u, not get with you, getting with you would include getting you ANYTHING YOU NEEDED especially when you are sick.
The guy is an ass.
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Carissimi · F
Why? She hasn’t even had a date with him yet. @Stereoguy
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He asks then recants, sounds like a real Chad that should be kicked to the curb.
@Lexiitexii You're so very welcome :)
Lexiitexii · 31-35, F
@NativePortlander1970 I said something and he got me food but it’s still annoyed me because I had to drive to his place with a stuffy nose get in his car ride out to pick up the food tell him to order ahead. Tell him I can’t eat in because I’m stuffed up and tired and in pain. These guys get burned by one girl and make the next girl go through loops. I thanked him for the food and got in my car. Hope he don’t get sick cause my way would’ve been way safer.
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