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Accept my ultimatum, or I'll die.

Complicated question.

I am taken. He is married.
I am happy with my current.
He came in and made me fell in love.
Drama, loads of going back and forth.
Told the truth about us, boyfriend was upset.
I chose to make amends with boyfriend. He is in despair.
He threatens to kill himself if I don't pick him.
He says he will divorce his wife for me, anything.

But I'm dead set on staying with my current boyfriend and winning his love and trust back.

What can I do about this?
(He is currently in the hospital after we called the cops to intervene his suicide)
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DiamondsInc · 31-35, F
You can't do anything about his actions. You can only change your own. Don't allow him to manipulate the situation. Do what's best for you.
Azoica · 26-30, F
@Cityyy: I really hope that's the case. I'll cross my fingers on that.
@Azoica: I've had the same worries as you honestly, but over the years I've been told by a few people that that's how it actually is.
Azoica · 26-30, F
My heartfelt thanks for your well replies. He's absolutely a man of his word, so I hope not.
FallenAngel · 31-35, F
No offense but that's why you should leave married people alone and if you're that unhappy in your current relationship just LEAVE instead of falling for the first guy, especially MARRIED guy, who shows you some attention. But since it's too late for all that in your situation, either stay with your bf or go back to the married man. Whether or not he's serious about offing himself if you don't "pick" him is not your concern. You're not responsible for other people's actions, you're responsible for your OWN. Next time think before you jump in with a married man. If Im coming off as a bit harsh it's nothing personal. There's just no excuse for cheating in a relationship. You either stay or leave, not find another little boy toy to play with to make you happy.There are consequences for YOUR actions.
Azoica · 26-30, F
Yeah I've been told. Thanks. :>

I was never so bright in the relationships department, but this was a wake up call for me when I finally knew the magnitude of my actions. I'm ready to take up my responsibility and mark my words, though this will be something I have to wade through first.

It's a long story how everything turned like this. But thanks for taking the time to write a long reply. I really appreciate it!
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Fernie · F
that's it and that's all
Geezus lawd ....this again ?
He? It says female ...but it's the internet so yeah's most likely a he 😆
@Chernobylplayground: He, She, It, who the fuck knows, lol 😄
Azoica · 26-30, F
@Underconstruction: What do you mean by 'repeat offender?'
johnny253 · 80-89, M
You're not responsible for someone elses behavior. But you responsible for your own and it doesn't sound very good🤔
Azoica · 26-30, F
I made up my mind to be honest from now on, so I wanted to be truthful about everything, start afresh, but of course it's not working out.
johnny253 · 80-89, M
@Azoica: You walked into **it, now you're going to have to wade out.
lorne13 · 61-69, M
let the hospital and whoever is involved handle it. Stay away and work on making your life the way you want it to be
UnderTheBridge · 51-55, M
Leave him. Stop communication. You are not responsible for his life.
I'd just let him be stay away from him
run girl run!
All this drama and you are only 18 ?


Shouldn't you be out enjoying being young and not in this hot mess of a life you are talking about ?
Azoica · 26-30, F
I'm 20. But yeah, sometimes life can be a hell of a drama.

I used to watch dramas and be like; heh, that can't happen in real life. But it does happen. I'm just stuck in a rut.

I wish I could have enjoyed my youth better.
run away as fast as you can from that.
rottenrobi · 56-60, F
You called the cops to have him put on suicide watch. You're being upfront and honest, and you're loyal and true to your guy. I think you can cut the new guy loose without feeling bad.
Fernie · F
loyal and true to her guy???? No...she has no right to not feel bad about being a selfish, lying cheater and knowingly having an affair with a married must be a cheater too to think that...if this story is real at all...which I doubt
rottenrobi · 56-60, F
@Fernie: You see things like you see them, and I see them differently. I'm not a cheater for the record.
rottenrobi · 56-60, F
@Azoica: Good luck.
Wow.. Um. Did he ever talk about why he'd go to such lengths - it may not just be blind love on his part.
So the BF is threatening you with suicide?
Stay well away from the married guy who not only cheats but has psychological issues

He came in and made me fell in love
That's bullshit. Take responsibility for your actions
johnny253 · 80-89, M
@azoica- A lot of men/women say that they'd commit suicide if you leave them because they want to run a guilt trip on you to keep you around. It's an immature ruse. They really wouldn't commit suicide. But if he were really serious I'd hand him the gun , if I were you😀
Azoica · 26-30, F
@johnny253: Yeah that's true. He's still stuck in the hospital, but he didn't commit suicide in the end. He said that he will strive to do better to show me what he's made of, but alright.

Better than killing yourself.
Selah ·
Ignore him. Hes nuts.
johnny253 · 80-89, M
If the man isn't loyal to his wife, what makes you think he'd be loyal to you. He's a scoundrel😠
Azoica · 26-30, F
Probably. But in these 5 years I knew him, I never seen him be so intensely in love before.
I trust his words when he pledges his loyalty, but it isn't right if he is committed to someone who loves him deeply.

He can't just cast her aside like that. It's selfish...

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