My boyfriend is out of town on a business trip for the rest of the week. I hate being in bed alone. I don't sleep right, I'm bored before bed and none of it feels right. I also get like small bouts of insomnia.
Tough one. Body pillow and one of his shirts might help. Sleeping pills might help as well but wouldn't be my first choice. Exercise yourself into exhaustion.
I remember whenever having a boyfriend, I was craving for some personal space. And just the moment they were leaving I was feeling like you, it takes sometime to adjust, the only truth..
I'm the exact same. I genuinely can't sleep without sharing the bed with someone. If my bf is away, I have to go to my brother's or best friend's house and sleep in their bed with them
Soon Humanoid Robots are going to be available on rentals that can be linked to any person's mind through a chop placed on the neck. The other person can also hire a similar robot where he or she is. The rest is story to be made.