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He dumped me

My boyfriend asked me for money tonight
And he was ever so persistent,
But after months of helping him
I finally stood my ground and said No!
He tried all methods, the guilt trip
The tantrum, but when he was sure i was serious about not handing over the cash.
He wrote me this,
It's over you are a very selfish person
I can not continue this relationship
The same person who earlier this evening was sucking up and saying all sorts of compliments and love bombing! In a big way im glad he is out of my life!
Better to be single than manipulated and used
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Oneofthestormboys · 56-60, M
He’s done you a favour.
Anyone who asks their partner for money like that isn’t worth being with. Good on you for standing your ground and getting him to reveal his true character.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
He should hustle elsewhere, not at home, that's no hustle.
Renkon · 41-45, M
The is not the first time it happened, right? And I am guessing this is also not the first time you guys broke up. And that you knew somewhere down inside that this is going to end like this.
Most women know this.

So why did you put up with this this long?
updown2020 · 61-69, M
Well good for you. I hope he does not have keys to your house and that you have signed Iou’s Because you will need your money back.
updown2020 · 61-69, M
@updown2020 You should thank him for doing you a favor for dumping you he was only using you as a ATM anyway. But if he has had access to your house have the locks change just to be save, And change you pins on your ATM cards and check your credit cards to see if you have them ,
CherAdams · 51-55, F
@updown2020 Thank goodness, he never lived with me,
He had my card at one point but I changed it
I was sending him willingly
I was blindsighted
updown2020 · 61-69, M
@CherAdams Well make sure that card is cancelled and change your pins . If you keep cash around your house changes the places because if he watched you where you got it from well he might just break in. I hope you did not co sign anything for him because you would be on the hook for that.
Khenpal1 · M
Woman – No, you cannot be a guest, young man. There are only two guests in life, one is wealth, and the second is youth. Both are sure to arrive and depart, and never stay even when pleaded a million times! Tell me, who are you?
CherAdams · 51-55, F
@Khenpal1 Well, put
In a way I'm relieved because who wants someone who is not genuine???
Khenpal1 · M
@CherAdams Maybe he was like this- Woman – No, my child. You are not at all stubborn. Nails and hair are the only two to display stubbornness. No matter how many times you cut them, they always grow back. So be truthful about who you are!
serendipitydoodah · 46-50, F
Good for you!
I'm proud of you.
Good riddance.
CherAdams · 51-55, F
@serendipitydoodah Thank you 🤗🤗
being · 36-40, F
Close that door once and for all .
Nick1 · 61-69, M
That’s the way they manipulate and make you feel guilty for their problems. Been to that road before. You did right thing to stood up for yourself. Hope he has not taken too much advantage so far.
You will be fine.
That's a good thing. Since you know now what his intentions were. He was using for finance and nothing else
CherAdams · 51-55, F
@littlepuppywantanewlife I had a gut feeling something was off, I also suspected that he is probably using drugs , because he completely loses it , if he can't get money
@CherAdams that must have been the case. Because if he was a decent man he could have worked hard to get his own money. You made a great choice to not give him the money.
Good for you to improve your situation. You can be single and be happier or find someone else or whatever you want to do.
Indianboy · M
Well done.. You deserve much better person for your kind and helping nature. The one who respects you..
cuddles1266 · 70-79, M
You did well and are better off without this anchor in your life!!
Strictmichael75 · 61-69, M
Well done
Not a big loss
Just looking for someone to give him money
Strictmichael75 · 61-69, M
If you want to chat don’t hesitate to message me
Spectre128 · 51-55, M
You did the right thing,.good for you.
doodatt · 61-69, M
Best to move on, l wish you well
He did you a favour. Move on
Darin99branch · 51-55, M
Best decision!
Shaveit · 61-69, M
Sounds like he is a democrat
originnone · 61-69, M
Oh, give him some money.....
Snuffy1957 · 61-69, M
I'm glad you stood your ground worh him and got him out of your life!
Sounds like he was just using you for money all along
Havesomefun2 · 56-60, M
Neoerectus · M
Good on ya!
RuyLopez · 56-60, M
He needs an ATM not a human being. Lucky for you he made it easy for you to be done with him. Just don't take him back.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Make sure you never take him back!
Tracos · 51-55, M
good riddence!
CultOfPersonality · 36-40, M
His loss not yours
You should upgrade to me. I'll only charge you half of what he did to be your boyfriend. 😛
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@cheradam] you last sentence rather echo most peoples thinking he is the selfish one. good riddance too the sponging louse i say e is no loss to you
Royrogers · 61-69, M
Best thing to happen to you. Awful cretin. Well rid of him. Good advice about changing your passwords. Possibly good to change your locks too. Now you can spread your wings and enjoy your life
Yeah he wasn't a friend.. he was a leach. Good riddance and congrats on giving him the boot
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
Did you thank him for saving you the trouble and angst of kicking his rear-end out the door?
MyNameIsHurl · 41-45, F
Sorry ☹️
OldBrit · 61-69, M
You're well shot of him I think.
BeJeweled · 61-69, F
You should have kicked him to the curb the first time he asked you for money.
Good riddence!
What a loser.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
What a gold digger whore to bf. Ugh. Glad he took the trash (himself) out.
AngelKrish · 26-30, M
He was dickhead !
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CherAdams · 51-55, F
@babyboy42 No thanks
BigGuy2 · 31-35, M
Well done 👍👍👍
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CherAdams · 51-55, F
@BigGuy2 That gives me hope 🤗🤗,
I appreciate your kind words
BigGuy2 · 31-35, M
@CherAdams ... a credit to you that you were kind enough to 'help' him - even more of a crdit to you that you got wise to what he was doing

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