I know we are anonymous, but I wish there was an "anonymous" option to post too. Would be fun. Like EP.
Toxicity is still trending ? This dude posted “ I’m a little toxic baby 🤪” and the girls went “and we love it 😩”I’ve never once thought it was cute, especially at this big age. It’s all just mind games and jealousy? I want honest, mature and healthy. I think it’s only exciting for people that need to see their SO’s unhealthily obsessed with them to feed... See More »
Post This Under The Category Of “It’s Too Early For This $h!t”….Felt something on my neck and it was an earwig. Stomped its guts out. I was inside the house but had been outside a couple of times, I don’t know how it got on my neck.
Every time I see a post saying they are new to swI automatically assume they are lying. Okay, just 80% of the time. You can tell a true newbie from someone who's been around the sw block