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Toxicity is still trending ? This dude posted “ I’m a little toxic baby 🤪” and the girls went “and we love it 😩”

I’ve never once thought it was cute, especially at this big age. It’s all just mind games and jealousy?

I want honest, mature and healthy. I think it’s only exciting for people that need to see their SO’s unhealthily obsessed with them to feed their own ego’s and feel special and wanted.

If you need someone to stalk you, key your car and leave you 50 missed calls, threaten to kill themselves and leave you 30 voicemails of them crying for you to feel alive and loved. You got issues. Fix them.

I thought only younger people were like this but it’s people my age too. The hell you need to do all that for ?!

In other news my first hosting shift is tomorrow and I don’t have a trainer so I’m stressed
mindstruggle · 31-35, F
Not for me, I’m into nice guys. 😩
Maybe I’m the toxic one lol
Bang5luts · M
@mindstruggle I like you.
mindstruggle · 31-35, F
Awwwe I don’t have cheesecake tho. 🥺
Bang5luts · M
@mindstruggle me either.
deadgerbil · 22-25, F
Boring guys are no fun
@deadgerbil get therapy
deadgerbil · 22-25, F
@Pressure how dare you
@deadgerbil I’ll say it again too in bold letters
What happened with no trainer, wtf?

Oh, and toxic people... You already know my take on that subject. Lol
@SUPERVlXEN yes I know your take on it lol.

And BRO I know!! Like…idk how to use the system ??!
They need to step up their game. Oh, that goes for both of them. 🙄
Shadyglow · F
madness is a glamour-thing for some as well
Its a pop-culture thing.

And its wrong to be like that. Just saying...
@Shadyglow I didn’t even think of this
Selah ·
Its hard to find someone who isn't toxic but isn't too mature that you feel like you're the toxic one in comparison.lol it's a fine line.
@Selah i like when someone gets a little jealous but damn what do you mean delete all my friends? What do you mean you don’t trust me? Okay it’s not cute anymore.

Now you’re just aggravating 😂
Justferfuun33 · 41-45, M
Toxicity is a deal breaker for me.
Justferfuun33 · 41-45, M
@Pressure Relationships can be challenging for sure but there should also be a feeling of "easy." When you fit together, you don't need to try so hard or be needy. It just gets into a rhythm and works or move on. Life's too short.
@Justferfuun33 that’s hard to find
Justferfuun33 · 41-45, M
@Pressure true

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