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Freedom is in no way free....

We need to understand and never forget
what a place controlled by a majority brings...
Things like inquisition..... slavery....
things that control and over run individuals... it simply cannot happen... that is why America is a representative republic.... not a democracy. .

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BlueVeins · 22-25
A representative republic is a type of democracy, and by far the most dominant.
GlitterEater · 36-40, F
@BlueVeins These people are absolutely brain dead.
BlueVeins · 22-25
@GlitterEater A bunch of aphorisms stacked on top of each other in a trench coat
As long as it’s understood; on whose behalf the violence is being used, is everything.

The Ku Klux Klan, the Nazis and ISIS have used that same argument to reassure their supporters.
nocool · 51-55, M
Itnis to defend the constitutional republic a d the rights of all it's citizens..
Neoerectus · M
Tyrrany by a minority has brought far worse ills historically. Communist and Fascist parties are examples in Russia/China and 1930-1945 Germany.

US's two party polarized oligarchy is a problem. Parties are not mentioned in the Constitution. We would be far better off with minority voices, like a Parliament, that provides genuine discussion. Peopie need genuine, non-block discussion to reach compromise.

Tyranny by majority can be avoided if the rule of law is just, people educated, and taugnt to discern objective fact from opinion and fiction. Judiciary needs to be set apart from politics as much as possible.
@Neoerectus Which is why the founding fathers created a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy.
Neoerectus · M

The problem is parties. There was an early SCOTUS case challenging the as extra constitutioh?nal. Had they not brought them in by English Common law, we would be voting for individuals and NOT oligarchical social ruling clubs.

They also felt the people needed a stronger voice than they had under Geo III and the Parliament of the day. Generally, they backed majority rule as shown by what is needed to pass bills.

They were concerned by populist faddish voting...THAT was the reason for republicanism.
Current far Right folks think this justifies tyrannical minority rule.

Jefferson was against this. ..well, except for wanting to keep slavery.. 🙄

Many of those stinky compromises have come back to undermine us...
Really · 80-89, M
@Neoerectus 'The Problem' is greed, and people who will go to any lengths to feed their greed.
GlitterEater · 36-40, F
Please don't do violence on my behalf.
@GlitterEater How is protecting others "gross", hmmm?
GlitterEater · 36-40, F
@NativePortlander1970 I'm not talking about protecting people. Focus, dude.
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nocool · 51-55, M
Yes i did...
I have been everywhere.
I lived in Europe for most of my time in working for 6cf
PoeticPlay · 51-55, M
Then why do you believe that you and those who believe such as you say such nonsense?
Why is your thinking so limited.
Why do you discount the bravery and fortitude and intelligence and love and patriotism of those who did not fight in WW2 ?
Do you think that only those that hold a gun are capable of defending America.
Which by the way Germany did not attack America.
And we did not drop NUCLEAR WEAPONS on Germany.

That is also a fact.
nocool · 51-55, M
You are telling me that by not fighting back... you will win a war?

I didn't say Germany attacked the US...
I said the US ended it...
When you read what i write... make sure you understand my points before trying to attack me with silliness....

Make sure you understand...
had we, the US, not stepped in, and make sure you understand...we were forced to step in....
Europe as we know it, would not exist...
Morvoren · F
The militia folk banjo crowd speak.
Morvoren · F
DO NOT GOD DAMN ASSUME YOU ARE SAFE ANYWHERE, you're too fucking dumb for words.

I see you’re not only physically useless. Additionally you’re mentally unbalanced.

I live in a safer place than you. A rural fishing community. Not the shithole that is Iowa. So it’s not to be expected that we should have the same way of life as each other.
@Morvoren You are not safe, anywhere, that it why you pissed me off, your blase and glib attitude, YOU are the unstable one.
Morvoren · F
@NativePortlander1970 Yes I am.

Jealous, fat boy?
meJess · F
I wonder how people slept in sovereign nations where the US decided that regime change was required.
nocool · 51-55, M
The ones who fought have slept well ever since change was made...
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
Freedom's just another word for "nothing left to lose." And nothing don't mean nothing, if it ain't free.
GlitterEater · 36-40, F
@Sidewinder Calm the frak down, Bobby.
We are representative, but we are a democratic republic.

This attempt to rewrite Madison is modern.
that is why America is a representative republic.... not a democracy. .

Alright, we get it, you want a dictatorship. 🙄
gol979 · 41-45, M
Peace = Violence
Freedom is an illusion sold to those who will never have it .
And it makes me sad that too many give too much, lose too much: their lives, their identity and clarity , their health and normalcy - for a dream they deserve, but will never be given.

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Renaci · 36-40
People can't seem to understand understand that a country can have more than one form of government at any one time. There are no pure monarchies or republics or democracies. They are all hybrids.

The US is a Federal Constitutional Democratic Republic. Canada is a Federal Parlimatary Constitutional Monarchy. The UK is a Unitary Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy.

But leave it up to a conservative to fuck up definitions. I mean it makes sense then being anti-education and suffering from black and white thinking about other mental issues.

Also none of the violence like slavery, Nazism and the inquisition was done in the name of democracy. It was done in the name of xenophobia, racism and theocracy. All groups that are on the right. When someone claims to be right one automatically knows they are wrong.

And as history has shown right wing governments will continue to rise but soon thereafter will ALWAYS fall.
MethDozer · M
.that is why America is a representative republic.... not a democracy

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