Neoerectus · M
When take walks around my rural hood, enjoy talking with all the goats, chickens, guinea hens, horses, goats, burros, cows and camels ( unfortunately, their elderly owner gave them away). Some I know by name. ...and feed some of them.
@Neoerectus i named the cows down the road myself. Farmer doesn't know probably
goliathtree · 56-60, M
I have actually had several pet racoons in my life....
I am not weird....maybe.
I am not weird....maybe.
@goliathtree i have always wanted a racoon. And a chipmunk
goliathtree · 56-60, M
@Bexsy had a pet red squirrel too...not quite a chipmunk but...
The funny part is that we have eaten a lot of racoon and when we had them as pets, my grandpa always asked if we were getting them fattened up...
The funny part is that we have eaten a lot of racoon and when we had them as pets, my grandpa always asked if we were getting them fattened up...
goliathtree · 56-60, M
@goliathtree Every pet racoon we had was named....wait for it.....Rocky. They were all smart. One of the earliest ones I remember slept in the big maple tree outside the front door. It came scrambling down every time we came out and she always wanted to be with us. We would sneakily let her in the house with us, but that quickly ended when, in an effort to get up on the couch with us, she began climbing the window drapes and pulled the curtain rod and all off the wall...Mom said "no more!"
exexec · 70-79, C
I talk to all animals (except maybe insects). Alligators seem to be the most attentive. At least they don't run away like squirrels and rabbits. I also talk to really old trees. I like to know what they have seen. People accept my weirdness.
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cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@exexec I’ve been talking to squirrels lately at the bird feeder.
exexec · 70-79, C
@cherokeepatti I tell them to leave some for the birds. They seem to obey.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@exexec The cardinals and house finches have to get to the feeder earlier in the morning to get the sunflower seeds before the squirrels come to feed. I’ve been giving them crackers, dried-out tortillas, and cookies to give them something else to fill up on.
come2gether · 46-50, M
I talk to my cat, but if someone thinks that's not normal, they need to be avoided
4meAndyou · F
I am just "Talk to my dogs and cats" weird. That's pretty normal. 😊😊😊
beermeplease · M
tobynshorty · 51-55, F
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
I speak in baby talk to my floof raptors 🐓
@Pinkstarburst love it 🤣
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@Pinkstarburst 🤦♂
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
@Degbeme 🤷🏻♀
Captainjackass · 31-35, M
I yelled at my dishwasher.
Captainjackass · 31-35, M
@Bexsy sharks hate that song.
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Captainjackass · 31-35, M
@Bexsy thanks its what I deserve.
Jeephikelove · 51-55, F
I want a pet sloth!
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@Jeephikelove Easy to chase after.
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Jeephikelove · 51-55, F
@Bexsy especially while it’s a baby, they’re so darn cute!!
Degbeme · 70-79, M
I`ll talk to anything that doesn`t walk up right or move at all.
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout *slowly backs out the gate
Dolimyte · 41-45, M
I once built a sex toy using off the shelf electronics.
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