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Ever feel like a complete failure as a human?

I do every day.

I can’t do the most basic things, I can’t cope with life, I can’t be trusted with any independence.

I look at what people my age are doing, people have such full lives and I’m stuck here, being supervised 24/7 unable to leave the house, barely existing. What’s the point? What am I fighting for? There literally seems no point to keep going just so I can have more days in this awful existence.
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You've been dealt a life many can't fathom and at such a young age, so you can't judge your life based on others. Many people only share what they want to anyways, but you willingly show your humanness. That takes bravery in today's world, Sophie. Although your pain will always remain, hopefully you can live vs existing one day.❤️‍🩹
@MoonlightLullaby love your words of encouragement
Ive been fighting with why tf am i alive i have no reason to continue feeling all week but you sound you have that on top of being in house jail :( i can only send my love or else i would do more to help
@TryingtoLava sorry you feel this way too
@SW-User o theres no comparison to the amount of anguish youre in right now you dont havta empathize but thats very sweet <3
Ontheroad · M
Don't look at me or anyone else as a comparison... you are a unique person and you've dealt and will continue to deal with damage and trauma unique to you.

I think you are doing amazingly well... you are alive and have made it through this day... you are stronger than you give yourself credit for.

That you can come here and be open and honest tells me you are strong... few here tell the truth. You got this.
@Ontheroad thank you
I hope you can find a piece of mind, somewhere.
MrSmooTh · 31-35, M
You're not a failure. Everyone makes mistakes and no one is perfect. You could be in a slump where it seems like you can't do anything right, but that just means you need to find what you're good at and do that. Everyone is good at something.
No, never. Despite my personal end result I have done a lot of good things, overcome, and accomplished much. I've helped and done right by a lot of people and other living creatures at my own sacrifice.
Ducky · 31-35, F
You're not a failure as a human. You have issues, which just shows that you are indeed human. But you're getting help now and that's not a reflection of any shortcomings you may have,
@Ducky thank you for saying that
You are in competition with no one
All you csn do is try your best ...there is no right or wrong when you are trying to deal with issues
@SW-User thank you
Not complete but i deal with a lot in my life but i look at my kids and grand kids and i know i did something right
Ynotisay · M
OK. As long as you know that all those things you mentioned are just reinforcing the negative. Doesn't have to be that way. Thoughts become things. You run you. You're choosing you're own path.
I'm 100 percent sure there's billions of people in the world who don't have anything CLOSE to what you have. Things like indoor plumbing, reliable food access and electricity, personal safety and on and on. Hell, you have your sight and you're clearly not mentally handicapped. So you have a lot to be GRATEFUL for. Why not choose that? It's easy.
@Ynotisay evidently you know fuck all about mental health if you think picking up a piece of litter is a cure. Just move on and be a do gooder elsewhere
Ynotisay · M
@SW-User Interestingly enough I actually do. I've written on the topic for publication. I'm up to speed. Which is why I said what I said. But a do gooder? For actually trying to help? OK. Kiss off. Wallow in self pity. Your life. I'm done.
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Other than being supervised and not being able to leave the house, I'm in exactly the same place. Leaving this world is what I think about constantly. Either that, or listening to near-death experience accounts, which is the only thing that consoles me. All I want is some peace and relief. This world and the people in it, are hardly the places to find that. It's gotten worse for me lately. I'm really at the end of my rope.
sciguy18 · M
Only on days that end in “Y”.
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
You will overcome!!
@Quimliqer maybe
Dawgsfan3 · 41-45, M
We’re all here for you
Richard65 · M
I apologise if you've already explained this in some previous post, Sophie, but did something specific happen to make you feel this desperate? Or is it something you don't even understand yourself? It sounds awful for you 😕
@Richard65 not right now
Richard65 · M
@SW-User well I know there's not much I can do, but please remember people do care about you, even on here. You can DM me if ever you feel like just talking and I'll chat about anything you like, even as a distraction from the awful thoughts in your mind. I truly am sorry, I'm sure you're a fabulous person who has a lot to offer and can make a future for yourself.
@Richard65 thank you
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
@SW-User did you kill someone?
@TheRascallyOne I’m responsible for them dying if that’s the same thing
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
@SW-User message me please i need more information
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
If u are over 18 your parents can't stop u from leaving
@smileylovesgaming my parents are dead and I’m currently on suicide watch on conditional release from hospital so I can be stopped from leaving because if I leave I will be sectioned and hospitalised
Lilnonames · F
@SW-User do you think going to the hospital will help tho?
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
Why are we here? Just to suffer?
@GeistInTheMachine feels that way
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
@SW-User Yeah.
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@jshm2 really helpful, thanks
Flenflyys · 31-35, F
How old are you?
Flenflyys · 31-35, F
@SW-User I don’t want to give the “you’re so young” speech but in my experience, you’re a new adult trying to navigate the adult world and haven’t had the opportunity to build you confidence with achievements yet. It’ll come. Work on becoming good at things your interest in.
Daily. I compare myself to others all the time.
I have been through that and this feelings totally sucks. Not but due this this I made more mistakes in life. All I can say is hold on and keep working on what you like..
TexChik · F
You are fighting to get better. To overcome. To adapt. Attack your illness with your mind. Know it, own it, kick it's ass. Everyday in your mind. Each day is a new rung in the ladder. Keep climbing. You will get there!
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I feel like this in regards to my health but you are doing what you can to survive and it’s important. Your family and friends want you to get better.
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@funfan so you help her! I’m not in a position to help anyone and 2 suicidal people talking never ends well
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@funfan I’m not, and I’m not going to. Sorry

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