why sometimes people don't respond to your posts on hereit really angers me sometimes, especially when i need a bit of advice, guidance or opinions...i post something ( which i think is interesting) and i get no replies. i know i can't force people to respond but still it is very frustrating.
It makes me sickThere will always be posts telling people who have depression or suicidal thoughts to reach out for help. What’s the point? This is the response you get (2)
Ever feel like a complete failure as a human?I do every day. I can’t do the most basic things, I can’t cope with life, I can’t be trusted with any independence. I look at what people my age are doing, people have such full lives and I’m stuck here, being supervised 24/7 unable to leave the... See More »
My first post! What do you want to know about me?It says add more details so I'm not really sure um I'm 18 and Canadian. I'm starting college this year and I'm a bit scared because idk if I can do it lol. Also I like the outdoors, shopping, parties and idk here's a selfie? Lol (1)