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Do you feel narcissistic people are born with the predisposition to be that way…….

Or are they narcissistic as a result of their upbringing and circumstances. Or both. Or neither.
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Gibbon · 70-79, M
I believe our genetics and upbringing, including all adolescent peers, control who we are until our brain fully develops. Which is said not to occur until the mid 20s or early 30s.
That gives a lot of time for character development and flips. As well as time to be externally manipulated.

Narcissistic behavior could well be a predisposition that is brought out by the developing environment.
This could well be true for predictions to many mental disorders. Just because the disposition is there doesn't mean it has to develop.
Same thing with medical issues.
A whole family may be predispositioned to kidney failure but no assurance all of them will. We are what we eat could well play into that.

All that said there sre people in this world being toyed with and manipulated to be something they are naturally not.

I am predispositioned and developed to be really really REALLY pi$$ed off at the self mentality being socially pressured and persuaded into possible mental illness that would not have developed without intentional assistance.
I’m honestly not sure. 🤔

One of my sisters, based on her behavior much of the time, qualifies as one. I’ve known her literally all of her life; as a child when she got into trouble, she would say, "Don’t get angry at me !"

She still has that attitude; never considers taking responsibility for misdeeds; it’s so much easier to accuse others of "judging" her.

She’s one of four children raised by the same two people, yet she’s the only one like this. And she always has been.
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
Nightwings · 31-35, F
I don't think it's a mental illness that you can have a predisposition to get, it's a psychological disorder meaning it's gained and not inhereted, but you can inheret a better or worse personality in general, which might affect the type of psychological problems you are more likely to gain from hardship I suppose?
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
I think they have a predisposition but are also encouraged in it because they are indulged so they grow up thinking that they are entitled. They get angry as adults when they are in the real world away from the one or one who indulged them. By that time they’ve learned how to manipulate others and if that doesn’t work they’ll scam etc.
Coralmist · 41-45, F
I have two narcissists in my family, my mom and her sibling. Both had zero discipline growing up. She even said so herself. They could say or do anything, with no consequences. It set up an environment for destruction as they became adults. They are mean, loud, abrasive, selfish, and obnoxious. EVERYTHING is about them, 24/7, and if it's not, there's hell. It was a nightmare growing up. The things they have both said and done are plain evil. They are not kidding in any way when they say cut ties with a narcissist. They will ruin your LIFE. 😧 I absolutely believe environment /upbringing is a huge factor.
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
Im going to give the safe boring answer. I definitely feel there is a strong genetic disposition to narcicism, but it can be amplified by nurture
fun4us2b · M
It's a horrible disorder - while they are unconscious of how awful they are and the desire to just eliminate them from our lives is so pervasive but yet we are left to feel guilty - they are a scourge unto us all...
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@fun4us2b My father was and two sisters are. The only way to have a peaceful life is to block them out of it. They are very destructive in so many ways and the damages cannot be reversed. Every one that I’ve ever known end up to be lonely the older they get and it is pathetic. Have worked with one too and it’s the same tactics and patterns of behavior. Doesn’t matter what culture or country they are born in it’s always the same thing.
fun4us2b · M
@cherokeepatti sad and true. Sorry you have had them so closeby...
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@fun4us2b Each sister lives about 2 miles from me. When I was fighting cancer I didn’t want them to know & stayed away from any place I thought they’d be. Picked up groceries a few times or had someone else do it after I ordered online & paid for them, things like that.
Pfuzylogic · M
I think neither. I think it is borne out of a poor choice to be selfish.
Gibbon · 70-79, M
@Pfuzylogic People make choices based on experience. They don't exist out of blue.
Pfuzylogic · M
@Gibbon Thank you maga guy.
I’ll hold fast to my answer though! 😌
NeuroticByNature · 41-45, F
I personally think they are made that way by unfortunate upbringings.
Upbringing, I don’t believe you’re born in ne.
seaglass · F
Both, genetics on a scale and circumstances
What you feed, grows...
HobNoblin · 36-40, M
They're probably born wrong.

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