Went in for removal of an endometrial cyst. It normally takes an hour or a bit longer, but unfortunately, my doctor snipped an area they shouldn't have, near my kidney. Apparently I was internally bleeding and another surgeon had to be raced in to help..it took 4 more hours in surgery to get me back to normal. My dad said I was really pale in the recovery room. I am REALLY glad they called in that other surgeon.
I did technically die once. The paramedics were called and kept me ventilated on the way to the ER. They got me back obviously. Nobody had an accurate time I was gone but they did the usual tests and I had no permanent damage. The whole time I was gone had to be over 25 mins. in my estimation. I didn't see or experience anything. It was all a total blank.
11 hour surgery and woke up in ICU....the next morning I wanted to get up out of the bed....the ICU nurse was like "Really?" I guess I wasn't near death, but they thought I should be....
My ex held me hostage telling me I was going to die that night, but before that, he wanted me to invite my new boyfriend around so I could watch him die first. We had split up months before and he had a new girlfriend but had told me I'd never be allowed another boyfriend again. Luckily I'd dialled 999 and left the phone off the hook so the police heard everything and arrested him.
Back in the drinking days I ran for a tube train at Monument Station. You know they say mind the gap.... Yep.... Missed my leap as the door closed and went straight between the train and the platform. A guy forced the door open and dragged me up filthy and bloody.
If that train had moved...
And my couple of suicide attempts. The one on the cliff was the closest.
As a 2 year old I fell in a river, lucky a man in a boat dragged me out as he was passing, had a few close encounters in the military, few close encounters on my motorbike. But non recently thankfully lol
Not something I often talk about but back in the bad old days with my ex husband he once held a gun at my head. Later of course he laughed it wasn't loaded but...
A lot of people might assume I'm going to say breast cancer here, but I feel like that wasn't even close. They caught it so early that it didn't stand a chance. No, I'd say the closest brush with death I had was at 1:00 a.m., driving home from a friend's house on a back road, when a big buck deer jumped out in the road and bounced off the hood of my car. I honestly don't know how I drove that thing home, but I will say thank the gods for Volvo.
Had a tree fall on me once, almost got electrocuted one time, had to wrestle a wolf on two occasions, almost drowned three times, fell down the stairs multiple times, tried cutting my wrist a few times too
@LordShadowfire When I was in Kuwait, because I was an engineer in the RAF I was far far away from all the shooting which I liked but it got dull. The grunts used to bring us back things they found in Iraq, like old Soviet style grenades. So we were throwing it around the crew room and kicking it back and forth on the promise that the drill holes in the top left meant it was disarmed.
Someone threw it at me while was playing on the PlayStation, I put up one hand to catch it, missed and it went under some containers. I paused my game, went to go get it.
The next thing I remember I was lying upside down in a chain link fence about twenty feet away. And the containers were gone which was a real shame because that was all our food for the month plus things from home.
The questions and paperwork afterwards was unreal.