"China permitted more coal power plants last year than any time in the last seven years, according to a new report released this week. It's the equivalent of about two new coal power plants per week."
No doubt, a few "How dare you?!" comments by Greta to the CCP will convince them of the error of their ways. 🙄
@Thinkerbell Re: the Chinese coal plants. That should be the # 1 priority. It won’t because the Chinese will ignore such concerns and there might be some here in the U.S. who regularly clamor for climate change but dare not criticize much less demand a cessation of coal plant building in China. Why? Because it’s dangerous and not in one’s best interest “ to bite the hand that feeds you!”
@Thinkerbell The CCP does and will do what it wants. It does promote beliefs that they’re doing their part, are in on concerns for climate change. They are also believer’s in Barnum.., …“A sucker is born every minute!”
If she did in China as in Sweden There wouldn't be any Repeatin' What she does to big Xi A Uyghur she would Be And for life big bugs she would be Eatin'!
If in China she did as in Sweden, She'd be WORSE off than Eve was in Eden, Cuz instead of the snake, Xi would roar, "She's a flake[i]!" And poor Greta would certainly BE done.[/i]
@TallMtnMedic Greta's mother used her for attention. The same the democrats here are using Biden, Harris, Fetterman, AOC and her squad, and many others, just for attention.