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What is Greta Thunberg's advice?

Now that Europe is facing perhaps its biggest energy crisis of all time, I haven't heard anything from Greta. Europe has been pretending to transition to alternative green energy sources that either don't yet exist, or don't exist in sufficient quantities to be useful. But in reality of course Europe simply became addicted to Russia, as some guy named Trump in 2018 pointed out while the Gemans laughed heartily:


People in Germany are now panicking and cutting down wood to use wherever they can get it. People in Poland are waiting in long queues for coal. Britain is facing financial and energy chaos. Europe is reverting to the Dark Ages. So what is Greta's advice? How does she solve this real world problem? She is Europe's energy policy czar. Why the silence?
Guess she went back to playing with her dolls.
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SW-User Best Comment
Thanks IM for BC😛
graphite · 61-69, M
@SW-User How dare you!

Philth · 46-50, M
I expected that the comments on this post would represent a festival of fuckwittery and I'm not disappointed. Taking each point in turn:

Greta has never real had any advice of her own; her message is simply to draw attention to the fact that for decades we've been burying our heads in the sand and ignoring the advice of the scientific communities' majority stance, which is that man-made emissions are responsible for climate change and if we don't act to reduce them, we can expect to see a terrible outcome with great suffering and hardship.

"ohh, but she's getting paid, she's a puppet" - what, and the thick bastards saying this haven't figured there's 1000 times more corrupt politicians and media figures who are taking the money to support the fossil fuel industry, all to increase the wealth of obscenely wealthy old men who know that they'll be dead before things get too hot (literally) for them?

Yes, far too many countries have been reliant on Russian energy sources, I'll refer you back to the politcians. Britain, for example had a choice back in the 1980s during the political war upon coal miners whether to start investing in green energy to retain our relative independence in that sector, or... Yup, instead we opened a load of gas fired power stations, with the Government telling us that Britain's energy needs could be met cheaper and more reliably by relying upon imported energy from abroad. This is what you get when political ideology (wanting to crush the miner's unions at all costs) meets the short-term profiteering of the neoliberal free-market economy (cheers, Maggie).

In splitting up the UK's energy market we lost the ability to design and build our own power stations, the expertise has been divided, scattered. Again, cheers Maggie. But hey, we defeated 'the enemy within', right?

That's just in the UK but I expect its a similar situation certainly across Europe.

Meanwhile as this post tragically demonstrates, there's a bunch of folk whose thinking goes only as far as the price of filling up their 5.7litre pickup which they use to go to the shops or for pose value, who welcome the 'disappearance' of Greta as if it means there isn't an issue with climate change at all. Because its much easier to think that it'll all be OK and we can go back to how it was in the good ole days.

Try telling the people in Pakistan that, the latest nation to get ravaged by extreme weather events, or any of the coastal communities whose homes are literally disappearing under rising seas. Or the inland parts of the world where people are literally frying.

I can guess the likely response, especially since the ignorance required to be a climate change denier often goes hand in hand with other predjudices: and that will be they don't care about Pakistan because its a nation of brown people.

Back to Greta. Right now I expect she's wondering what it takes for people to wake up. Yes, people are hoarding coal and wood. That's not because they are the best energy sources but because they're the most dependable under the situation of Governments across the world not having taken energy creation and use, seriously enough.

Personally I think she might be planning on buying a large bowl of popcorn and sitting back to watch nations like America shoot themselves into extinction in a 'mad max' internal energy war.
Spotpot · 41-45, M
@irishmolly72 Taken out of context anyway coal is dead.
festival of fuckwittery

And how!!!

graphite · 61-69, M
@Philth @Philth
I really have no idea what Greta has to do with this, as if she's somehow responsible for Germany's reliance on Russian energy. Seems like a non sequitur. European countries shouldn't have gotten so deep in with Russia knowing how volatile Putin is. They could've seen an invasion of Ukraine coming. They are reaping what they've sown, I guess.
irishmolly72 · 56-60, F
@SW-User So you agree with Trump on this.
Lemme see now...

Greta's message was "listen to what the science says about global warming." Coincidentally, here's a recent headline from BBC:

Climate change: Europe's warm summer shatters records
This summer was the hottest on record in Europe, according to data from EU satellite monitoring.

A series of extreme heatwaves and a long running drought saw June, July and August shatter the previous high mark for temperature.

I expect Greta is STILL saying "listen to what the science says about global warming," because there are still a lot of people in denial about global warming and the problem hasn't gone away.


@hippyjoe1955 says
you can't tell the difference between weather and climate

Since you encourage everyone to "look it up" I thought you might take your own advice here. Unfortunately, looking up the difference between climate & weather is beyond your meager skills, so I will explain.

Short answer: at a given location & time of day, climate is a 30 year moving average of weather measurements. A bit more complexity: some folks may use 25 years. Some folks may statistically sample the day to make the measurement independent of the time of day.

For a region, climate is a 30 year moving average of samples that cover the region in a statistical sense. Since you looked up "standard deviation of the mean" like I told you to do elsewhere, you now understand how a 30 year average of daily midday measurements over a region would greatly reduce the statistical noise of daily and seasonal variations.
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@hippyjoe1955 Nice attempt to change the subject!! I explained the difference between climate & weather, so now now you move the goalposts!!!

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DallasCowboysFan · 61-69, M
They got rid of her.
She grew up and learned to think for herself.
She made a comment about the green movement and the cancel culture not being being the best road for the EU to follow.
So they fired her.
Her usefulness was used up.
GeniUs · 56-60, M
@DallasCowboysFan for financial gain, there it is again greed. Doesn't matter where you sit politically or religiously there is one leader, one god.
@PatKirby Full Fledged Freaks
Northwest · M
Isn't it strange how conservatives worldwide, and MAGAs in the US are so bent out of shape, over a (now) 19 year old woman's concern about the obvious? That's because she's a Snowflake, right? 🤣
Northwest · M
@BohemianBabe Yeah, she was 16 at the time 🤣. Don't address the issue, attack the messenger. Perhaps they're doing it, because a 16-year old is pointing out the obvious.
fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
That little girl was just being used by ultra left wing people to regurgitate information she was being fed! At her young age it wasn't as if she had first hand experience on anything she was talking about!
PatKirby · M

Left wingnuts actually believe...

There are real issues out there and they’re well beyond her teenage years. The 15 minutes of fame has come and gone. The spotlight has dimmed.( I think it was powered by SOLYNDRA!)
irishmolly72 · 56-60, F
@soar2newhighs But these left wing campaigns continue. Stoking anger, resentment and panic to promote stupid policies is how the far left operates.

I don't like that Trump was elected, but I now better understand why.
@irishmolly72 I do. Yes he's boorish but he's practicle, mostly competant (especially with insane saboteurs always after him), and totally fearless. A real street fighter which we so desperately need.

Plus the nonstop moonbat meltdowns in reaction are SINFULLY DELICIOUS!
Apparently from reading through these posts, Greta seems to have changed course, has fallen out of favor and no longer is featured prominently in too many venues even those about climate change.
Are you actually blaming a kid for all the world's energy problems ? Awesome.
GerOttman · 61-69, M
@SW-User shit, I got blamed for everything when I was a kid, why not?
I think the reason they laughed is because Russia was controlling Trump at the time. So while it's fair to say Germany shouldn't have been relying on Russia's oil, it's a real case of "those who live in glass houses."
As for Greta, she's always been consistent in saying we have to basically force governments to do the right thing. A good example would be how Jon Stewart publicly shamed Ted Cruz for refusing to vote on a bill that would give healthcare to veterans who were hurt by burn pits.
Basically, we need to do whatever we can (within the law) to make these people's lives miserable until they pass legislation.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
I can honestly claim that my ears have never been polluted with her voice, and for that, I am eternally grateful.
Haha, let's hope Greta is back in school where she belongs. The long term solution will probably be more nuclear energy, alongside the renewable sources. A decrease in energy demand would help too, but that would generally go on par with a decrease in economic activity, so no one wants to hear that.
Wantingwidow · 56-60, F
All she ever was , was a puppet. They used her for publicity then discarded her when she no longer served their purposes
Very true, nuclear is the Obvious answer,
Will take years to come online,
irishmolly72 · 56-60, F
@SW-User Nuclear. Is it safe?

[image/video deleted]
@irishmolly72 not totally, but is there any other choice,?
irishmolly72 · 56-60, F
@SW-User You make way too much sense! 🤔
She’s got enough hot air in her to heat a small city. Obnoxious little twat
Miram · 31-35, F
The energy crisis is good for you. People need stop to act like it's a bad thing. Little trial will build character.
Miram · 31-35, F

It will be. Perhaps it will be enough for people to pressure those in charge to form ties with the right allies instead of disregarding moral obligations, if not invest in better means.
irishmolly72 · 56-60, F
@Miram I gain absolutely nothing from anything I say on this site. It's about getting to the truth. I am not a fan of Trump, but Europen leaders ignored him and listened to Greta instead. Now the shit has hit the fan. Where's Greta? Where's Angela Merkle? Where's Gerhard Schröder? They cut and ran.
irishmolly72 · 56-60, F
@Miram The right ally in 2018 was Trump, not Putin. Correct?
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sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@jshm2 Left-wing nut-job perpetual motion machine.

graphite · 61-69, M
Europe surrendered to environmental fanaticism and is now paying the price.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
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irishmolly72 · 56-60, F
@SW-User Thank you for your insight.
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OriginalDumbMan · 36-40
Arming ukranians against russia and expect gas from them. lol
irishmolly72 · 56-60, F
@OriginalDumbMan Sanction the hell out of Russia and then accuse them of weaponizing energy? LMAOOOOO
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@irishmolly72 Everybody knows putin is just making a larger market for vodka
We’re all doomed 😱

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