Reason10 OK! Common ground..And you know what? I will go further. Both Ben Shapiro (I am familiar with him) and the left are correct. It takes both sides to produce real progress of a society or civilization.. Somr bright spark invents the steam engine. Then for a century it is incorpoarted into the next big thing. Exploration and settlement. Now whether thats good or bad depends on who and where you are. But thats where the psychology comes in. Respect is a psychological factor. Do you leave the tribes alone,? Trade with them? Or just consider the gold in them thar hills? That is the question man the philosopher has to answer.
I am deliberately not answering it. Because each answer has a cost for the future. Less profit, equals less wealth equals less drive to explore further equals less progress.
On the other hand, more of everything would be left now..
Thats why I use the economics to keep score of progress..To see how much of the wealth does actually get into the hands of the people who benefit most from the progress.😷