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Am I wrong for being a Democrat?

I'm not trying to start a political fight here. I would never in a million years vote for Trump and I don't approve of Elon Musk slashing government programs. I wish the Democrats would have stood for that young boy who became a police officer and a Secret Service Agent. I also wish they would have stood for the person that got accepted into West Point. I think it good that Laken Riley has a Law named after her. I'm not a Trump supporter at all though. I'm very liberal on most issues and would never vote Republican but I'm not going to cut ties with family or friends who do vote differently. Am I in the wrong for being a Democrat?
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Zeuro · 26-30, F
No, not at all. And as much as I don’t like republican policies, people aren’t wrong for being registered republicans. Being a democrat or a republican doesn’t mean you have to vote for your party’s nominee. All it really does is dictate which primary you can vote in.

I’m liberal through and through and tend to agree more with the Dem platform than the GOP’s, but lately I’ve been fairly disillusioned with the left, especially on the issue of Israel. The people I always thought were on my side turned out not to be. Of the stereotypical blue haired SJW college students, I used to think “at least their hearts are in the right place.” That was before they started spewing antisemitic bile, cheering on terrorist organizations, and calling the rape and murder of innocent men, women and children “legitimate resistance.”
NeuroticByNature · 41-45, F
No. Youre not wrong. Im registered Republican but also dont agree with everything going on. I dont think Trump was right to instigate the way he did at certain points of his speech. I also agree with you that the other side should have stood during the celebration of that boy or the passing of that law.
Canicu69 · 70-79, M
No you are not wrong.for being a democrat.
1. You could be a democrat and vote for anyone in the final election
2. You could be a Republican and you wouldn’t have had to vote Trump in either the primary or the final
3. I don’t understand Why anyone wouldn’t want to cut expenses, especially when we have borrow money and raise the debt limit
4. Would you allow your kids to over spend and every six months come to you and borrow more money paying you interest, then over spending again and ask for another loan? If you don’t have Children then you would borrow from your parents….how long would that last….they would tell you Money does not grow on trees
5. Regardless who is in office, we need to quit spending money we don’t have
6. We need to take care of people at home before we send billions to other countries
KingFeeder · 36-40, M
You are not wrong. Having your own opinion is extremely American.

It is extremely sad that representatives can't come together on easy non partisan issues like the ones you mentioned.
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
I would never in a million years vote for Trump
why not?

I don't approve of Elon Musk slashing government programs
so you approve of government waste and fraud?

When you can answer those questions on your own, without repeating democrat dogma, on your own terms without being pressured into it by media, family, friends, etc.

then you'll have your answer...
RockerDad · M
@wildbill83 so you’re fighting corruption with even more corruption? Good plan, Slick. Let me know how it works out.
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
@RockerDad what's your solution then genius? whine about it endlessly? 🤔
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TinyViolins · 31-35, M
Human beings, by our very nature, are drawn to each other in order to belong. Most of Earth, in fact most of the universe, is a desolate, dangerous place. We create tribes out of necessity. There is strength and security in numbers. And ultimately, we find comfort in not being alone.

The downside to tribalism, whether you align with the Democrat tribe, the Republican tribe, or any other of our own invention, is that it can create an echo chamber that amplifies the worst aspects of humanity.

While you may have common goals and values with those in your in-group, it unfortunately comes with the baggage of dragging along toxic elements in pursuit of your purpose. It's like having a bad exhaust pipe on your vehicle. You can stop to fix it, but it'll take time and keep you from going to where you need to be
Canicu69 · 70-79, M
@TinyViolins great post.
I vote democrat and would never vote for Trump. I have not cut ties with friends who are MAGA supporters, but some have cut ties with me. It's very sad.
@Canicu69 🤗
RockerDad · M
@WonderGirl I’ve cut many ties with former friends, and even a couple of extended family members, and I don’t regret doing it. I regret that it was necessary, but I don’t need people like that in my life.
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GerOttman · 61-69, M
No, of course not! The democratic party has some serious problems however and until/unless they take a serious look in the mirror, don't expect to see a different outcome in the midterms or the next presidential election.

I was a perfectly happy third party voter before the 2016 liberal melt-down. After the events of the last 8 years, I'll never vote for a democrat again.
RockerDad · M
I’ve been a lifelong democrat, and am horrified by what MAGA republicans are doing to the country. I no longer recognize my own country, and I don’t know if our society can ever recover from this, the way it’s going since Trump got back in the white house. I feel that there has been very little pushback against Trump/Musk’s insanity. Our institutions are folding like paper. I genuinely feel like this is the beginning of the end of the country, at least in my lifetime.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
RockerDad · M
@sunsporter1649 that is some deep dark Christian Nationalist stuff right there. You’re proving my point for me.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
4meAndyou · F
I am glad that you are THINKING about what you saw. THAT is who they are.

Old School Democrats who don't think too deeply are not aware that their party had become a big circus tent filled with just a few Old School blue dog Democrats, but many more Socialists, and Marxists.

And most of the Democrat party, (also those who don't spend a lot of time thinking clearly), are not aware that their whole party is being manipulated and directed by European globalist billionaires who are USING them to achieve Globalist goals.
You don't have to agree with Democrats on everything to recognize that they're easily the best possible choice.
Elon isn't cutting programs. He's identifying inefficiency. He's found hundreds of billions $$ in waste & fraud already...which will probably grow into the trillions $$

And this is the response from democrats.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Many democrats say the party left them. Doesn't make you a Republican.
nudistsueaz · 61-69, F
If you have to ask yourself that question, I would have to say absolutely.
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being a Democrat.

Right now, at this point in history, Democrats don’t have a narcissistic, convicted criminal & sexual offender sitting in the White House, and no one has led an armed insurrection on their behalf.

So while not perfect, they have much less to be ashamed of. The Republicans, both lawmakers and voters, are the ones who have abandoned any values they’d once claimed to hold. All for the sake of one pundit. 🤨
akindheart · 61-69, F
well you keep asking so you have some doubts. I believe your party died a long time ago. they are no longer liberal, they are radical. they no longer stand for YOU. they stand to line their pockets as witnessed by the findings of DOGE. Whether you love Elon or Trump, or not, the question to ask yourself is does your party love america more than the Republicans do. The answer is NO and you saw it yourself
justanothername · 51-55, M
Normally you review a department or department’s for a 6 month period to get a handle on the departments performance and then you make changes.

Musk is not going this. In fact NOTHING THAT Trump or Musk is doing is following any standard procedures which makes it all illegal.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
justanothername · 51-55, M
[image/video - please log in to see this content]
PalteseMalconFunch · 36-40, T
What exactly are you asking? Because that doesn’t make any sense.
@GerOttman You asked so what and I answered that.

But with the Booboisie, unclear that anyone understands that we had 50-yr-low unemployment, real wages up, a job market for job seekers/labor, and post-CoViD inflation under control with the strongest economy in the world...before DJT 2.

Idiocy is celebrated...

So unclear if anyone can help discernment.
GerOttman · 61-69, M
@SomeMichGuy Well keep celebrating, it's going Great!!
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Zonuss · 46-50, M
No. But Democrats need to get it together.
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oldguy73 · 70-79, M
llamaboy · 36-40, M
llamaboy · 36-40, M

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