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Do u believe that Canada can beat the US in a war ? 🪖

A guy at work tried to tell me that they actually can. He claimed that since we lost our power and associations with NATO and the UN that would be our main issue. And he also added that our allies would not assist us in a ground or air type combat simply because Canada is not really a world threat and that they are our neighbors. He said something about a missile that they have that could disappear and reappear at will. Im thinking to myself, this guy clearly does not know about our secret operations programs. And our underground unit in Area 51.
I heard that they have some stuff there that could wipe any country off the map with ease. And that coming from a military guy I know here on the water. Anyway, what do you think. Could Canada really beat the US in an all out war. Any style. Comments please.
Let the chips fall where they may. Best answer wins. ☺

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Arnoldjrmmer · 56-60, M Best Comment
The NATO treaty does not activate commitments when a member is a starting belligerent.
That said the US would not invade Canada. Its not worth it and would have no support.

For hypothetical deathmatch purposes:
Militarily, Canada is no match for the US
The state of Wisconsin puts more armed people in the woods during deer season than Canada has ground pounders. (791,023 vs 106,700 for Canada). Not a straight up match since its comparing prime age military, reserves, and rangers with a bunch of civilians but gives an idea of the disparity in strength
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@Arnoldjrmmer I agree. One branch of military here in the US can take Canada.
@Arnoldjrmmer Taking and holding are two very different things. And the USA sucks at fighting insurgencies.

Plus. for Americans their idea of "cold weather fighting" is 2 inches of snow and 0 C.

You guys dress for an arctic expedition to go to Sundance Film Festival. 😂

Charity · 56-60
Sounds like someone put a little bit of what UFO's are capable of doing in that missiles appearing and disappearing comments.

Now if what is said about UFOs and Roswell in the US using their technology for weaponry and aeronomics then one has to ask theirselves did they allow Canada to gain that type of technology? Canada is not a boastful country, start a quiet and laid back that's not to say they are not well armed. But considering they are part of North America neighbors to the US they would probably rely heavily on the US in case of a war against them.

No I don't think Canada can hold a dime to what us has in its arsenal and would not win a war. And at this point in time I believe all of who was once us allies would support Canada.
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Zonuss · 46-50, M
@jshm2 False. This Area 51[/b] is not bs. We are talking about American intelligence here. You have a lot of Egyptian style technology involved. Technology from the Anunnaki. Technology they got from the Russians. Technology they got from other celestial beings also. Our ability to compile and extract from other cultures is uncanny. That is why the US is still the World Power. Not the Germans.
If the US started a war with Canada, we would BOTH be losers.

BTW, sometimes it's not the shooting part of war that grinds you down, sometimes it's the years of armed occupation.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@ElwoodBlues It depends on the leadership, ground work, and strategy.
@Zonuss Have we ever succeeded in winning "hearts and minds"?
Ultimately no. The US is great at shock and awe that looks good on Tik Tok and Youtube for a few weeks and then lose every insurgency they have fought in modern history.

Plus. What Americans call "arctic warfare' is spring weather here in prairies.

Alaska, ND, and MN are probably the only states that could field troops that can actually fight in the cold.
@BrandNewMan I can tell you that is a lie. The sleep system is a bad joke. You want to see real cold weather gear look at what is issued to Canadian or Scandinavian troops.

Again. Like I said. Taking a training course doesn't matter. Unless you live in the environment consistently you will not be effective. That is human physiology.

No amount of blind jingoism will change how your body works.

And again. Even when the climate is not against you the US has lost every war involving an insurgency since the 1940s.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow Lol .. its used in Alaska you simp .. as harsh as either Canada or Scandinavia. Just stop.
@BrandNewMan Doubt it. Alaska uses alot of non standard equipment.

Like the MOLLEE rucksack is unusable in Alaska and in cold places like Canada because the cheap plastic frame literally shatters.
WintaTheAngle · 41-45, M
They stopped the US 1812 invasion.

In fact the Canadians did such a good job they counter attacked sacked Washington DC and burned down the Whitehouse so…
WintaTheAngle · 41-45, M
@specman If you can’t beat opium farmers what hope have you got?

That’s why you’re now threatening nations with no military like Panama - you might actually stand a chance 😆😆😆
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@WintaTheAngle Yeah whatever. 😂
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@WintaTheAngle NOW threatening Panama ? Dude we kidnapped their president YEARS ago . Get w the times .
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
No.... And Yes.. Here is the thing.. America has the nukes and firepower to flatten any nation . If applied properly. So there is that.. However. If the question became could America invade canada, subdue it and pacify it... Thats something the American military have failed at time and again.. So I dont see them faring any better against Canada, on Canadian soil..😷
krf336 · M
No, they couldnt.
But not for any of the silly reasons mentioned in this post. There is no reason to go to war with canada, this whole conversation is stupid, but since we are here.....
Our borders are insulated by terrain and great lakes, except for a few metro areas in the east and far west, canada does have a strong airforce so thats an issue.
However, we have a FAR superior navy so we could blockade the entire country and attack pretty much anywhere. There is no reason We would need any assistance with an air or ground assault from any allies.
And... half of canada is french.... so there is that.
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Zonuss · 46-50, M
@krf336 Some people just talk because they are actually invisible and want to be seen. They talk loud and still say nothing. Just remember that now. But good point you made here. ☺
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swirlie · F
Yes, I absolutely DO believe that Canada could beat the US in a war. 🇨🇦

The last time the USA tried Canada on for size was the War of 1812 and the USA pretty much had it's own ass handed back to itself to take back home and have sewn back on.

The USA has never done very well in wars, not because of a lack of military hardware which it has plenty of, but because of a distinct lack of strategic military intelligence, meaning most things the US military puts it's hands on are not intelligent decisions.

Case in point, the last two wars the US got itself involved with in most recent history was Vietnam and Afghanistan. In both cases, the USA retreated from battle and went home empty handed after spending about 18 years in Vietnam and around the same length of time in Afghanistan. Extreme embarrassment for the USA with close to 60,000 US Service Personnel lost in that combined but totally failed effort.

Not to be outdone by the Russian military, Americans can sleep peacefully at night in knowing that the Russian Army also failed to win a war it started in Afghanistan long before the USA showed up to do the same thing and Russia too went skulking back to Moscow with hat in hand to receive a much-deserved public spanking in the town square by the Kremlin boss after they got back home.

The USA lost the war in Vietnam because American Forces proved themselves to be abysmally poor at jungle warfare, despite fighter jets and napalm used against a bunch of seasoned North Vietnamese jungle fighters who showed up for the party with spears, jungle snares and World War I-style machine guns which took two men to operate and transport around the jungle.

The USA lost the war in Afghanistan because American Forces proved themselves to be abysmally poor at mountain warfare as well, despite carpet bombing by B-52's, spy satellite technology, lots of ammunition and an endless supply of US government money to support America's insurgency into Afghanistan.

All of this from the American side was used against a bunch of seasoned Afghan rebel mountain fighters who showed up for the party with Russian made single-shot rifles and mountain goats and a little bit of mobile internet which one can purchase in America for their boat or mobile home from a Big Box store, who somehow managed to outsmart those very intelligent American Forces for almost 18 years.

For the record, the USA has LOST every single war that it started in the last 113 years and if the USA makes the fatal error of attempting to start another war with Canada, history would suggest that the USA would either retreat from battle which it usually does when things aren't going like the boss said they should, or they'll simply be handed their ass back to them in a picnic basket after being led to the border crossing and told to fukk off for the second time.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@swirlie we definitely chased the Mexicans back to Mexico City but anyway , I was talking about YOU being sexy and patriotic. I love the land of my birth but I’m not sexy. Regardless of what you may think. It was the Alberta comment wasn’t it? We can take Manitoba instead .
@swirlie and when has Canada done any real fighting, let alone won a war? How many Canadian soldiers have any combat experience? Fist fights in hockey matches are as close as most have come, by far.
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TinyViolins · 31-35, M
They have no nukes. The US does. 90% of the Canadian population live 100 miles from the US border. I don't see how they stand a chance
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@TinyViolins Correction. They have nukes. But it's undocumented classified information. ℹ
Hidden from you. 📜
Punches · 46-50, F
Why is there even talk about a US - Canada war? Why would it be necessary?

Canada is the most peaceful nation on the planet.
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
@Punches Sadly, and amazingly, it has come to this with Trump.
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USA has police forces bigger than Canadas Military
@WintaTheAngle Im sure the Canadian military are very well trained but according to The Canadian Govt they have
68,000 Regular Force members and 27,000 Reserve Force members. The CAF also has approximately 5,000 Canadian Rangers, who are part of the Reserve Force.
That is not enough to beat the United States Military
WintaTheAngle · 41-45, M
@FreeSpirit1 And yet with all your firepower and numbers you couldn’t beat the Taliban or the Vietcong.
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calicuz · 56-60, M
Well, considering that if things came to war with Tяump and his fascist group of boot lickers, the US, combined with Israel and Russia, would make the three combined, the 21st century "Axis of Power." So the chances of loss against the rest of the World would greatly increase.
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
There is not a chance in hell Canada could win in a war with the US.
NATO of course would not aid the US in an invasion of Canada.
WintaTheAngle · 41-45, M
@JimboSaturn Te US couldn’t win on Vietnam of Afghanistan.

It’s not just about numbers and fire power.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@WintaTheAngle Afghanistan are masterminds at ground war. They are very good at gun to gun warfare. I think people believe that since they are a bunch of poor Afghans and Persians that they do not understand the elements behind war. Oh yes they do. And they are good at endurance in the hottest weather known to man. Fighting in a desert for 20 years is not easy for any country.
specman · 51-55, MVIP
The idea that Canada would win is laughable!
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@Decapito And we got 250 thousand to a million of them. You obviously are not good at math.
@Zonuss And you’re not good at movie quotes apparently.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@Decapito The point stands. The US has never lost a war. Let's see you change that. 🇺🇸
trollslayer · 46-50, M
Well, Russia already defeated the USA using troll farms and disinformation. So….
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@trollslayer Excuse me. 🤔
@Zonuss He works for Russia as a troll on social media
Absolutely not. Liberal lunacy in US and Canada to even think its possible.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@BrandNewMan Well said.
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