Hardly the quality of analysis I usually expect from you! Trump was far from a bad President last time, and there are signs that he might be even better this. I'll leave Americans to speak for themselves, but I think he could be very good for his European allies, if only they would take notice of the lessons he offers.
I'm in Los Angeles, and Trump and his ilk announced no federal aid for the fires unless certain conditions are met. I'm sure they will be reasonable. 🙄
Never mind other red states keep building in flood plains, on the coast, etc.,and there are no conditions. California citizens are to be punished.
Trump will make America Great Again. What all the world leaders and politicians have done is shameful. Trump is going to start us back toward returning to a democracy. He is not perfect by any means, but he is better then the tratitors that serve in our government now. Plus I see you are not even an American citizen. What do you care what Trump does? I really do not get into politics over seas or even Canada. The crimes they commit does not affect us that much other then trying to steal from us.
@Confined Citizens of anywhere in the world have a valid interest in what any American President does. Personally, I think President Trump will be beneficial to his European allies.
@justanothername See my separate response on this thread. Trump will pursue American interests, will have no time for "do-gooding" and will have pride in his country and its history. European governments please copy!
@graphite using the USA flag as a blanket is not considered legal according to the US Flag Code, which states that the flag should never be used as "wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery . trump never cared about the law tho..
It seems that for Trumpsters, pissing other people off is the point of him.
They get to be on the 'winning' team, safe in the delusion that they are giving it out and not taking it. The billionaire real-estate bully helps them own the libs.
@Burnley123 they like him because he hates the same people they do. they want the people they hate (or the "animals" they hate, to use trumps words) to suffer. i watched an interview of a farmer who voted for trump and he was asked, "what about the mass deportations? the majority of your employees are immigrants?"
and he said "well we just have to hope he doesn't do that!"
which is something ive noticed a lot. when saying "what if he strips away rights for women and minorities? what if he mass deports millions of people? what about the tariff increase?"
i asked someone i know irl about the tariffs bc he buys lumbar from canada for work and he said "well our government thinks they'll comply" meanwhile canada is saying they'll impose their own tariffs. like where on earth did you get that idea g?
so beyond being delulu lot of his supporters fall back on "oh that will never happen 🙄 so dramatic. he never said that and if he did then he didn't mean it or it'll never pass!"
like why are you voting for someone and just hoping he doesn't do the things he says he's going to do? they view the election as a sports game, which is weird. they laugh when people fear for their actual lives under his rule. and that is weird.
@graphite Well the hypersonic missile that Yemen parked in Tel Aviv the other day was a home made product. Funny how the US can't build one but Yemenis can.
With a Trump appointed Supreme Court and a Congress that is afraid of him. For decades, experts have warned about shifting balance of power within the brances of government. The executive branch has too much power and those powers have been expanded since Richard Nixon was president.
@Burnley123You are a man in your seventies who debates like a twelve-year-old. It's also puerile insults and childish meems
See,THAT'S a personal insult.
Debates like a 12 year old? Do you know too many 12 year olds able produce as much reliable proof and documentation as I have? How many 12 year olds know how to cite the United States Code?
See, you seem to have two problems; 1. Is with people who you lose arguments to.
@HobNoblin show me a picture of the real thing .. i could not find it.. satire like this has been around for years.. and some times its not .. if they cross dress in there own home after hours.ie not on the job .. its america and even if you or i dont like it .. it is there right to do so.. dont you think ? just asking you a simple question if we all have rights or just the ones you approve of is all.
Kamala would release more terrorists on one side and Trump will release more terrorists on the other side. Deciding between the two is like deciding which foot you want to amputate.
At least Trump will bring gas prices down while we fund genocide.