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So apparently Georgia is considering issueing a formal apology to Russia for the actions of the war criminal Sackashvili in 2008. What colour will

next US backed coup be this time? Can't let that inconvenient truth come out...again. Might make Americans in particular question the narrative holding up the Ukraine proxy war.

I mean nevermind that both the EU and the OCSE both issued reports that Georgia started the war in 2008. Can't let that one out again.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
First rule - there are no good guys in geopolitics.
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@GlitterEater I am done playing your games.
Khenpal1 · M
@CountScrofula Russia was called from roughly 19 century before was Muscovy they had stolen from Rus to misled Russian people who been ruled by non Russian Katherine from Stettin, Stalin from Georgia and Brezniew who know what monger he was
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
Georgia is going to apologise to Russia for what, exactly? Not being more helpful when Russia used Abhkazia and South Ossetia to launch attacks against sovereign Georgian territory and ethnically cleanse the separatist areas?
@SunshineGirl And if Putin is really the cartoon cliche you and others make him out to be. Hell bent on global conquest or European conquest or whatever the story is this week. Explain this.

Find another example of a conqueror hellbent on creating an empire that gave back an entire country after winning, Good luck with that.

Because the two are completely opposing motivations. Georgia was taken in a week. Yet Russia had no interest in occupying the country.

Do a bit of critical thinking and some basic googling before you just accept whatever you are told.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow He is in prison on charges of corruption and GBH against an assembly member. Nothing to do with the war.

Russia occupied four Georgian cities and withdrew troops from them twoi months later. The ECHR has stated that Russia exerts direct control over the two supposedly separatist regions and has committed serious human rights abuses. In 2022 the ICC issued arrest three warrants against Russian nationals for war crimes.
@SunshineGirl Well the warrants were issued in 2009 or 2010. What the prosecutor took to court is one thing.

What speaks volumes is first instead of handing him over as the US is required by treaty they first harbored him in the US, then made him governor of Odessa, Ukraine which he left because of the corruption which is hilarious given the source.

I see you are moving the goalposts and very deliberately avoiding the findings of the EU and OSCE.

And Russia has had peacekeepers in the region since 1991-1992.

By the some logic peacekeepers in the Balkans control half a dozen republics.

And even if we take the war crimes claim at face value which is by itself an issue.

It says nothing about who started the war and war crimes are prosecuted against individuals.
Dshhh · M
What coup we talking about
We have certainly done that repeatedly. But I don’t think that had anything to do with Ukraine.
@Dshhh What is going on is Georgia right now is not "pro Russia". They mostly are just tired of being American cannot fodder. That is what happens when you turn a country into a warzone. They kind of resent you for it. Go figure.

Georgians have their own issues with Russia to work out. They actually have been doing more to build a sort of non aligned group of smaller countries in the region.
Dshhh · M
All the post Soviet states certainly have issues to work out
@Dshhh Yep. And alot of them were created in the USA.
Amylynne · 26-30, F
So when did he become a war criminal?
@Amylynne Over ten years ago his own country issued warrants for his arrest for starting that war of aggression along with throwing his political rivals in secret dungeons.

That is why he is currently in a Georgian prison.

The US sheltered him for awhile and then he was even made a Governor in Ukraine by Poroshenko.

Rewards for being a good pawn I guess.

He got arrested when he snuck back into Georgia for whatever reason.
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@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow And yet Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Poland all officially joined NATO in 1999. And they developed market economies and bought and sold goods internationally and their economies thrived and their standards of living rose, along with health and life expectancy. But you're pretending that's all "colonization." RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT

BTW, I see you've switched over to tossing insults. Sorry, I'm not interested in doing that.
@ElwoodBlues And the ones that say no Thanks tend to have their capital burned to the ground and "revolutions " until they find someone to say yes.

So Yeah, nothing suspicious about that.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow says
And the ones that say no Thanks tend to have their capital burned to the ground

Did Bern & Dublin & Helsinki & Stockholm & Vienna get burned to the ground?? I missed that!

Did Astana (formerly Tselinograd) & Baku get burned to the ground?? I missed that!

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