KateATX · 41-45, F
I don’t see how any logical person can vote against that.
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whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@KateATX "Shoulda gone to Specsavers"😷
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whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Small point of order. Exactly how is Trump going to pay for ANY of this? Even skipping over the part where tax on social security and tax on tips arent going to benefit anyone who currently needs that income. because they dont pay income tax now...😷
SomeMichGuy · M
@samueltyler2 No, that's different.
I've told you where to look. It really isn't rocket science.
If they don't provide you with a printout of that worksheet, or a statement that your income means it's all taxable, or a copy of the actual 1040 they file on your behalf, then you are paying for substandard service.
I'm out.
I've told you where to look. It really isn't rocket science.
If they don't provide you with a printout of that worksheet, or a statement that your income means it's all taxable, or a copy of the actual 1040 they file on your behalf, then you are paying for substandard service.
I'm out.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@SomeMichGuy the discussion is confusing. This both says you pay taxes on the income, but also says no one pays taxes in more than 85% percent. Honestly, I have no idea how many tax payers already pay no taxes on it.
SomeMichGuy · M
@samueltyler2 Lmao
Northwest · M
close the border
sanctions againt Iran, Russia, China
You mean extend the sanctions we already have.
no tax on tips
Sounded good to the people of Nevada, before they did the math, and figured out this is not going to help them much. You did the math, right?
no tax on social security payments
If you live on social security alone, you will save something like $500? and you've got 40 points?
How much is going to be taxing corporate biglies?
cut wasteful spending
I'm sure you have the specifics, right?
ramp up our military
How? Given that he's planning on cutting wasteful spending.
pick the most qualified candidates, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, or religious beliefs
22 Out of the people in his Cabinet, quit or were fired, after he accused him of being incompetent, not fit for the job, does not know them, who knew that was hard, etc. Even his VP will not vote for him.
lower the cost of gas and energy through his "drill baby drill" philosophy
You have no clue how a global commodity works, do you? We're already the #1 producer of fossil fuels in the world.
create jobs
To make up for the 22 Million jobs he lost? We're already near capacity for how many people we have employed.
lower inflation.
Almost there. His plans will jack up inflation.
anythingoes477 · M
So lets go thru that list....from the bottom up.
10. Lower inflation is a two word empty promise. Does he tell you how? If it could be lowered just like that..........why do you think no one else has done it? Because Biden liked the rap of high inflation being his fault??? Empty words. In fact one of his promises is to ADD 40% more than we nor pay on EVERYTHING by re-instating his tariffs at a higher rate than before. That should lower prices, huh?
9. Create jobs. ;-) ;-) ;-) His policies lost more jobs in 4 years than the last 3 Republican presidents combined. His tariffs ran companies out of the U.S.......and that was 10% to 15% tariffs. What will 40% tariffs do to bring them back. Lie.
8. Lower gas prices. LIE. The U.S. is already the #1 crude producer in the entire world. So why aren't gas prices low? Because EVERY DROP we drill and sell is in the WORLD MARKET. We sell to the world market....and the world market sets crude prices.......not us. So if we drilled a million barrels a day moee.............in order to keep crude prices stable the Saudi's would drill a million barrels LESS (as they are doing now) to keep the world supply constant.
7. LIE. Trump's plan...Project 2025..........is to fire 50,000 + current people in offices in government that are experts in every field and replace them with untrained., inexperienced people who pass a loyalty test to the Fuhrer........yes men. for trump. There is NO GOAL to improve ANYTHING OR FIX ANYTHING............ONLY will they do ANYTHING he tells them to do. Read Project 2025.
6. Ramp up the military. LIE. Ramping up means to increase numbers of boots on the ground. Unless he re-instates the draft that promise is hollow. Enlistment is voluntary.............he has no control of voluntary enlistments. The military budget is set by Congress.............not him. So he has no say over how much that gets increased either.
5. What a joke. Cut spending? ;-) ;-) trump raised the national debt more himself in 4 years than any president EVER has in 245 + years of American history and he had what to show for it? Richer billionaires.
4. Project 2025 and trump himself have VOWED one of his first actions in office will to be to totally end Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid.. Yeah he'll end taxes on the payouts alright....by ending both programs. His "plan" is not to end both outright but rather to give us a "big middle class tax cut."...................meaning he will end FICA payroll taxes, That will starve Social Security and Medicare of funding and both will run out of money by 2027. This is a con job lie.
3. No tax on tips. ;-) Tips are not taxed anyway.............unless a person is stupid enough to VOLUNTARILY claim a stated amount of them on their taxes....and who EVER does that anyway?? Tips are completely unreported........because they never are known to the employer. This is total bullshit promise.
2. Iran and Russia are already sanctioned to the max In trump's first term he tried 4 times unsuccessfully to remove ALL sanctions from Russia. In fact sanctions against Russia for receiving engines and transmissions used in the Russian military was put on Russia during Obama. It just so happens that Pence's brother owns the SOLE pant in the United States that makes engines and trans sold to Russia. That is why a nobody like Pence was named as VP. Pences first..andbasically only job with trump was to remove those sanctions so brother could go back to selling to the Russian military.......................that then used those parts to create the machinery ...tanks and trucks..........to invade Ukraine. And China will NEVER be sanctioned. He intends to tariff them....AGAIN..................which will cost US not them............but he has no control over sanctions. That is Congressional and it won't happen because of world trade markets and global productions of U.S. owned products made in China... More bullshit.
1. Close the border. trump......if he gets elected....trump wants to resurrect the border bill HE killed. Which in fact will result in no less immigration numbers at the border than the number is now being encountered at the Border since the EO to restrict immigration was issued by Biden. The border will NEVER be closed. Crossings for NAAFTA...CAAFTA....daily border crossings for work permits...trucks...cars that freely travel back and forth daily.....will never stop. And the immigration "problem" was never at the border anyway. By INS's own figures 74% of all illegals in the U.S. come here legally on vacations, student visa, work visas, college visas and overstay their visas. the "caravans" was Republican hype from day #1. Ask ANYONE that lives in a border town in Texas. The only "caravans" that disrupted their communities were the flag waving truck and car caravans of trumpers drive to Texas and finally left because they saw nothing to support the FOX bullshit they were told.
Read some history. Read Project 2025. Remember 8 years ago. Out of over 100 promises made to get elected the ONLY one that trump kept was the tax break for the rich. That's why he was ranked the worst president in 245+ years and voted out. This time around he is ONLY wanting to be reelected to pardon himself of at least 50 years in prison on federal felonies. He's a nonstop liar and con man and convicted fraud and felon. The ONLY ones in America that can't or won't see thru him is his cult. Wake up
10. Lower inflation is a two word empty promise. Does he tell you how? If it could be lowered just like that..........why do you think no one else has done it? Because Biden liked the rap of high inflation being his fault??? Empty words. In fact one of his promises is to ADD 40% more than we nor pay on EVERYTHING by re-instating his tariffs at a higher rate than before. That should lower prices, huh?
9. Create jobs. ;-) ;-) ;-) His policies lost more jobs in 4 years than the last 3 Republican presidents combined. His tariffs ran companies out of the U.S.......and that was 10% to 15% tariffs. What will 40% tariffs do to bring them back. Lie.
8. Lower gas prices. LIE. The U.S. is already the #1 crude producer in the entire world. So why aren't gas prices low? Because EVERY DROP we drill and sell is in the WORLD MARKET. We sell to the world market....and the world market sets crude prices.......not us. So if we drilled a million barrels a day moee.............in order to keep crude prices stable the Saudi's would drill a million barrels LESS (as they are doing now) to keep the world supply constant.
7. LIE. Trump's plan...Project 2025..........is to fire 50,000 + current people in offices in government that are experts in every field and replace them with untrained., inexperienced people who pass a loyalty test to the Fuhrer........yes men. for trump. There is NO GOAL to improve ANYTHING OR FIX ANYTHING............ONLY will they do ANYTHING he tells them to do. Read Project 2025.
6. Ramp up the military. LIE. Ramping up means to increase numbers of boots on the ground. Unless he re-instates the draft that promise is hollow. Enlistment is voluntary.............he has no control of voluntary enlistments. The military budget is set by Congress.............not him. So he has no say over how much that gets increased either.
5. What a joke. Cut spending? ;-) ;-) trump raised the national debt more himself in 4 years than any president EVER has in 245 + years of American history and he had what to show for it? Richer billionaires.
4. Project 2025 and trump himself have VOWED one of his first actions in office will to be to totally end Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid.. Yeah he'll end taxes on the payouts alright....by ending both programs. His "plan" is not to end both outright but rather to give us a "big middle class tax cut."...................meaning he will end FICA payroll taxes, That will starve Social Security and Medicare of funding and both will run out of money by 2027. This is a con job lie.
3. No tax on tips. ;-) Tips are not taxed anyway.............unless a person is stupid enough to VOLUNTARILY claim a stated amount of them on their taxes....and who EVER does that anyway?? Tips are completely unreported........because they never are known to the employer. This is total bullshit promise.
2. Iran and Russia are already sanctioned to the max In trump's first term he tried 4 times unsuccessfully to remove ALL sanctions from Russia. In fact sanctions against Russia for receiving engines and transmissions used in the Russian military was put on Russia during Obama. It just so happens that Pence's brother owns the SOLE pant in the United States that makes engines and trans sold to Russia. That is why a nobody like Pence was named as VP. Pences first..andbasically only job with trump was to remove those sanctions so brother could go back to selling to the Russian military.......................that then used those parts to create the machinery ...tanks and trucks..........to invade Ukraine. And China will NEVER be sanctioned. He intends to tariff them....AGAIN..................which will cost US not them............but he has no control over sanctions. That is Congressional and it won't happen because of world trade markets and global productions of U.S. owned products made in China... More bullshit.
1. Close the border. trump......if he gets elected....trump wants to resurrect the border bill HE killed. Which in fact will result in no less immigration numbers at the border than the number is now being encountered at the Border since the EO to restrict immigration was issued by Biden. The border will NEVER be closed. Crossings for NAAFTA...CAAFTA....daily border crossings for work permits...trucks...cars that freely travel back and forth daily.....will never stop. And the immigration "problem" was never at the border anyway. By INS's own figures 74% of all illegals in the U.S. come here legally on vacations, student visa, work visas, college visas and overstay their visas. the "caravans" was Republican hype from day #1. Ask ANYONE that lives in a border town in Texas. The only "caravans" that disrupted their communities were the flag waving truck and car caravans of trumpers drive to Texas and finally left because they saw nothing to support the FOX bullshit they were told.
Read some history. Read Project 2025. Remember 8 years ago. Out of over 100 promises made to get elected the ONLY one that trump kept was the tax break for the rich. That's why he was ranked the worst president in 245+ years and voted out. This time around he is ONLY wanting to be reelected to pardon himself of at least 50 years in prison on federal felonies. He's a nonstop liar and con man and convicted fraud and felon. The ONLY ones in America that can't or won't see thru him is his cult. Wake up
LeopoldBloom · M
@anythingoes477 One correction - these days, nearly all tips are on credit cards. Hardly anyone leaves cash tips anymore. So these are tracked and reported.
The federal minimum wage for tipped employees is still $2.13 per hour, unchanged since the early 90s. If the worker doesn't earn at least $7.25 per hour with tips added to that, the employer must make up the difference. However, since tips are income, I don't see why they shouldn't be taxed.
I would rather see the tip credit eliminated, with tipped workers making minimum wage free and clear.
The federal minimum wage for tipped employees is still $2.13 per hour, unchanged since the early 90s. If the worker doesn't earn at least $7.25 per hour with tips added to that, the employer must make up the difference. However, since tips are income, I don't see why they shouldn't be taxed.
I would rather see the tip credit eliminated, with tipped workers making minimum wage free and clear.
SomeMichGuy · M
@anythingoes477 Thank you for your very nice run-down!
anythingoes477 · M
@LeopoldBloom Youre right about adding tips to cards for most. I do not do that. If i pay with a card i always tip in cash. The waiter gets his money immediately that way...unreported.
easterniowegin · 51-55, M
Kamala wants almost the opposite of every item here.
She wants globalization and NWO.
She wants globalization and NWO.
SomeMichGuy · M
@easterniowegin You are really underinformed, at best.
LeopoldBloom · M
@easterniowegin As if you know what those mean. What happened, did you fall into a coma during the presidency of George H.W. Bush and just wake up?
BohemianBabe · M
1.) close the border
He's lying, he didn't do that as president, plus his sanctions on Venezuela caused the migrant crisis.
2.) sanctions againt Iran, Russia, China
He's lying, he lifted sanctions on Russia.
3.) no tax on tips
That would be good, but considering everything Trump did when president was based on hurting the workers, this is probably another lie.
4.) no tax on social security payments
See previous.
5.) cut wasteful spending
Such as?
6.) ramp up our military
We already spend more on our military than any other country and it ain't even close.
7.) pick the most qualified candidates, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, or religious beliefs
He literally picked JD Vance as his running mate. Plus, look how many of the people from his last administration are either in prison, or they won't support Trump after seeing him in office first hand. No line has come back to bite Trump like "only the best people."
8.) lower the cost of gas and energy through his "drill baby drill" philosophy
We're actually producing more oil under Biden than Trump. So if this is important to you, vote Harris.
9.) create jobs
Other than Herbert Hoover, no president has lost more jobs than Trump.
10.) lower inflation.
How? What specific policies did Trump propose that would do this?
NerdyPotato · M
@BohemianBabe it's not wrong, just a little misleading maybe. They don't want government involved in big things that affect everyone like the economy, climate, education, encouraging people to contribute to society, etc. They only want government to control small things that don't matter to anyone else, like what people do in their own bedroom, what's in their pants, what bathroom they use, etc.
BohemianBabe · M
@NerdyPotato They want government subsidies for corporations, which is "big government" getting involved in the economy. They also bail out rich people on a level that keeps them rich.
TBH, I think terms like "small government" and "big government" don't really mean anything, they're just buzzwords.
TBH, I think terms like "small government" and "big government" don't really mean anything, they're just buzzwords.
NerdyPotato · M
@BohemianBabe the implications certainly don't match what the buzzwords are supposed to mean.
PatKirby · M
Keystone Pipeline, drill baby drill!
LeopoldBloom · M
You left out:
Appointing unqualified judges like Amy Coney Barrett, Aileen Cannon, and Matthew Kaczmaryk, whose sole qualifications are approval of the Federalist Society and hysterical opposition to abortion
Outlawing medication abortions and signing a national abortion ban
Cutting military aid to Ukraine, allowing Russia to annex it
Withdrawing the US from NATO, which would allow Putin to expand the Russian empire into Western Europe
Kissing up to dictators like Putin, Orban, and Kim Jong Un
Implementing the fascistic Project 2025
Tanking the US economy, again
Appointing unqualified judges like Amy Coney Barrett, Aileen Cannon, and Matthew Kaczmaryk, whose sole qualifications are approval of the Federalist Society and hysterical opposition to abortion
Outlawing medication abortions and signing a national abortion ban
Cutting military aid to Ukraine, allowing Russia to annex it
Withdrawing the US from NATO, which would allow Putin to expand the Russian empire into Western Europe
Kissing up to dictators like Putin, Orban, and Kim Jong Un
Implementing the fascistic Project 2025
Tanking the US economy, again
SomeMichGuy · M
DJT already tanked the economy once.
The President doesn't have a dial for inflation.
Do you realize how many UNfilled promises he made before?
The President doesn't have a dial for inflation.
Do you realize how many UNfilled promises he made before?
He ALSO promises
1) To be a dictator.
2) To "fix it" so that we don't have to vote again.
1) To be a dictator.
2) To "fix it" so that we don't have to vote again.
SomeMichGuy · M
@MrBrownstone Don't care as you dodge DJT's stated agenda and promises.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@SomeMichGuy Not answering tells me what I thought. Thanks.
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Theyitis · 36-40, M
6. We already spend waaaay too much on military. Besides, what’s he trying to do, get us into WWIII?
7. Most qualified candidates = most loyal to Trump.
8. Won’t lower the cost of gas.
9. He lost jobs when he was president.
10. Great. How is he going to do that?
7. Most qualified candidates = most loyal to Trump.
8. Won’t lower the cost of gas.
9. He lost jobs when he was president.
10. Great. How is he going to do that?
SomeMichGuy · M
@Theyitis Thank you. 😊
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Damn good planks
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
if trump didnt exist.
what would all Americans prefer?
a oil/gas pipeline delivering energy at 1/3 the cost.
or letting warren buffet. dems biggest party donor. deliver it by train?..
what would all Americans prefer?
a oil/gas pipeline delivering energy at 1/3 the cost.
or letting warren buffet. dems biggest party donor. deliver it by train?..
Snuffy1957 · 61-69, M
Confiscate All Guns ...
BohemianBabe · M
@Snuffy1957 She didn't say "confiscate all guns" in that video. She said she wants to ban assault rifles.
By the way, I disagree with her, I don't think we should ban any kind of guns. But saying she wants to confiscate all guns is just objectively wrong.
By the way, I disagree with her, I don't think we should ban any kind of guns. But saying she wants to confiscate all guns is just objectively wrong.
Snuffy1957 · 61-69, M
That's a different video than the one where she actually says it... i don't seem to be able to find it just yet...
They use the excuse they are trying to save lives... but taking away law abiding citizens guns ain't the answer...
It's a mental health issue...
They ARE trying to disarm American people!
That's a different video than the one where she actually says it... i don't seem to be able to find it just yet...
They use the excuse they are trying to save lives... but taking away law abiding citizens guns ain't the answer...
It's a mental health issue...
They ARE trying to disarm American people!
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PicturesOfABetterTomorrow · 41-45, M
Lets look at this a point at a time.
1)Blame immigrants for failures in your own country. Really original.
2) Iran and Russia are already among the most sanctioned countries on earth. There is not much more that can be done. Not to mention collective punishment is something that we supposedly decided as a global community is bad 80 years ago.
Oh and starting an economic war with China would be stupid and would be suicidal for the US. The US literally cannot even print their own money without importing ink from China.
3) No taxes on tips is cool but tips are also how companies in the US get away with poverty wages. They essentially force their customers to pay their employees for them.
4) More tax breaks may or may not accomplish much of anything.
5) Number 5 and number 6 are in direct contradiction with each other. Pissing away blank cheques to an organization that has now failed 6 audits is wasteful by definition.
7) Well that would be a first. That has never been the criteria.
8) Oil is a dying industry. This is like the GOP lying to WV that coal is coming back...it isn't.
9) Presidents don't create jobs unless you are talking about massively expanding the public service sector which is not being discussed.
10) Inflation is already going down. So whatever.
And price gouging and inflation are not the same thing.
Inflation and record profits don't go together.
1)Blame immigrants for failures in your own country. Really original.
2) Iran and Russia are already among the most sanctioned countries on earth. There is not much more that can be done. Not to mention collective punishment is something that we supposedly decided as a global community is bad 80 years ago.
Oh and starting an economic war with China would be stupid and would be suicidal for the US. The US literally cannot even print their own money without importing ink from China.
3) No taxes on tips is cool but tips are also how companies in the US get away with poverty wages. They essentially force their customers to pay their employees for them.
4) More tax breaks may or may not accomplish much of anything.
5) Number 5 and number 6 are in direct contradiction with each other. Pissing away blank cheques to an organization that has now failed 6 audits is wasteful by definition.
7) Well that would be a first. That has never been the criteria.
8) Oil is a dying industry. This is like the GOP lying to WV that coal is coming back...it isn't.
9) Presidents don't create jobs unless you are talking about massively expanding the public service sector which is not being discussed.
10) Inflation is already going down. So whatever.
And price gouging and inflation are not the same thing.
Inflation and record profits don't go together.
fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
Sounds like a good start!
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@fanuc2013 Of course it does.
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
Nothing about deficit reduction.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
Have you read any of Project 2025?
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SomeMichGuy · M
@ChipmunkErnie Sadly, your summary says it all.
Roundandroundwego · 61-69
Without open borders nobody is free and everywhere is war.
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samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@akindheart don't even joke about that. I dislike him for so much of what he says and does, but I am opposed to violence of any sort. There is no Republican platform, except perhaps Project2025. You should read it!
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LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
You've missed several.
•Replace thousands of federal employees with Trump appointees who will prevent legislation the Heritage Foundation doesn't like from ever passing again
•Disband the FBI
•Ban the teaching of Black History in America
•Disband the Board of Education
•End marriage equality
•Disband the Environmental Protection Agency
•Pull the US out of NATO, effectively ending it and leaving Europe vulnerable to an attack from Russia
•Implement a tariff on all imports, leading to massive inflation
•Make it legal for the military to fire on protesters, just like his hero Kim Jong-un
•Ban abortion nationwide
•Ban contraceptives nationwide
•Ban in-vitro fertilization
•End Medicare
•End Social Security
Let me know if I've missed any, guys.
•Replace thousands of federal employees with Trump appointees who will prevent legislation the Heritage Foundation doesn't like from ever passing again
•Disband the FBI
•Ban the teaching of Black History in America
•Disband the Board of Education
•End marriage equality
•Disband the Environmental Protection Agency
•Pull the US out of NATO, effectively ending it and leaving Europe vulnerable to an attack from Russia
•Implement a tariff on all imports, leading to massive inflation
•Make it legal for the military to fire on protesters, just like his hero Kim Jong-un
•Ban abortion nationwide
•Ban contraceptives nationwide
•Ban in-vitro fertilization
•End Medicare
•End Social Security
Let me know if I've missed any, guys.
Stop Trump federally outlawing abortion
Amnesty to illegal immigrants
That's all I got
Amnesty to illegal immigrants
That's all I got
@sunsporter1649 people want to believe it
Just so they can maintain some self righteous rage
It's really odd
Just so they can maintain some self righteous rage
It's really odd
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@Activitykittens try it somewhere else
@MasterLee try what?
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