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198 Democrats vote in favor of election interference.

On Wednesday night, 198 house Democrats voted against a bill that would require proof of citizenship to register to vote. Democrats have spent years spewing fake outrage over foreign election interference after falsely claiming it lead to Donald Trump being elected president. There is no reason for Democrats to oppose this law besides the obvious reason which is out of desperation they want illegal immigrants voting in our federal elections. This is the main reason so many Democrats remain unbothered by the crisis at our southern border. For those who can see right through the Democrats web of nonsense please continue to pray for our republic.
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Ontheroad · M
Stop drinking the Kool-Aid. This is an attempt to prevent American citizens from voting. There is already a law on the books and there is zero reason to add the onerous requirements of this law.

I might feel differently if there was voter fraud... there isn't and that is a proven fact.
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@Ontheroad I had to show my ID to buy beer yesterday. After giving this some thought I realized that this wasn't being done to prevent anyone from illegally buying alcohol underage. This was being done to suppress the alcohol consumption in this country. That cashier at the grocery store is a threat to democracy.
Shadyglow · F
@Ontheroad Its true, its a manufactured lie designed to prevent fair voting
Sorry, but the law is actually designed to prevent people from voting, period.

A lot of Americans don't have proof of citizenship documentation. A real ID drivers' license, a Tribal ID, or a military ID would be unacceptable unless coupled with additional documentation, such as a birth certificate or an extract from a birth record that proves the applicant was born in the United States.

This means that for countless Americans, including military voters, Native voters, people who have changed their names (including tens of millions of American women), the elderly, the young, the poor, and naturalized citizens, who are ALL Americans, it's going to be harder for them to vote..

And I'm also sure it's a coincidence that most of the people that the law would impact are more likely to vote Democrat.
Adrift · 61-69, F
@SW-User Uh, the last time I checked you had to have some form of ID to get into the military. in fact just about everything you do including registering for school requires some form of ID.
Diving a car the list goes on and on...
@SW-User You hear alot of that these days. Not an argument that makes sense. Just "prove it." As if it has been PROVED that this is intended to keep minorities from voting. Let's get serious people.
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@ElwoodBlues Every time we look closer at these voter ID bills, we find out that they're made to restrict three groups from voting. It's always black people, poor people, and young people. Three groups that tend to vote Democrat.
@ElwoodBlues No let's not look at what happened in Alabama in 2014. Let's focus on what's happening right now
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@SW-User COVID-19 has been proven to kill. That's the fuсking difference.
FLAme42 · 41-45, F
The same party that pushed for vaccine passports are against voter ID laws. The complete irrationality of that is incredible
@FLAme42 Exactly!! The hypocrisy is glaring.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@FLAme42 It's not irrational if you realize that this hurts the Democrats ability to ballot harvest and stuff ballot boxes with dubious votes.
@SumKindaMunster That's exactly right. They want to take the kind of things that happen in places like Bridgeport Connecticut coast to coast.
Look, I'm all in favor of voter ID, AS LONG AS they also make it free and easy to OBTAIN voter ID.

Without the free and easy part, this is just voter suppression of the poor and elderly.

"Voter ID laws have been estimated by the U.S. Government Accountability Office to reduce voter turnout by 2-3 percentage points, translating to tens of thousands of votes lost in a single state."
@ElwoodBlues I can somewhat agree but then shouldn't drivers license be free as well? An extra $40-$50 makes it hard on a struggling family some weeks.
@SW-User I see your point. However, as I understand it, driving is a "privilege," while voting is a constitutionally mandated right. That means there's a much stronger legal argument to make voter ID free (and remove other voting encumbrances) than to make other licenses free.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
It is just another attempt at voter suppression, so Republicans can practice minority rule. Voter fraud is exceedingly rare, and even in those rare instances there is no evidence that any elections have been impacted. But false Republican claims allow them to pass bogus legislation about imagined issues instead of addressing real issues that face the country.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@strictdadhusbandanduncleinpa Illegal immigrants don't vote in federal elections. Never have. Never will. It is a non-issue, but it gives Republicans an opportunity to suppress voting by certain groups they believe will vote for Democrats.
@windinhishair yes they have and will continue to do so
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@strictdadhusbandanduncleinpa There is no evidence that illegal immigrants vote in federal elections. It just doesn't happen.

I agree with you that it gives Republicans an opportunity to suppress voting by certain groups they believe will vote for Democrats, and will continue to do so.
Do I even have to debunk this? We all know this is just another way to stop citizens from voting, right?

Also, it's pretty deranged to say a foreign government interfering in our elections is the same as people who live here voting in said elections. Who cares if they're not citizens? They live here, they work here, they're part of the country.
@strictdadhusbandanduncleinpa Just out of curiosity, what evidence is there of the rate of actual voter fraud such as would be caught by stricter voter ID laws? Oh, wait, I looked for you:
... reviewed allegations of fraud dating back to 2000. He identified 31 credible instances of impersonation fraud from 2000 to 2014, out of more than 1 billion ballots cast over that period.

Another report:
The report reviewed elections that had been meticulously studied for voter fraud, and found incident rates between 0.0003 percent and 0.0025 percent. Thus, the report found, it is more likely an American “will be struck by lightning than that he will impersonate another voter at the polls.”

Meanwhile, what is the rate of voter suppression?? The GAO estimate says current voter ID laws reduce turnout by 2 or 3% per election. Let's take the lower number, 2%. That means that in the 2020 election, current voter ID laws deprived over 3 million people of their vote. Now I agree voter fraud is a problem. But isn't voter disenfranchisement similarly a problem? How would you weigh 300 cases of in person voter fraud against 3 million cases of voter disenfranchisement?
@BohemianBabe Because it leaves an avenue for illegals to register to vote which is exactly what the Democrats want.
@strictdadhusbandanduncleinpa Not really. You could live here legally without citizenship.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
Nothing wrong with requiring ID to vote.We should need to provide that information, there are plenty of ways to get an ID that would prove your citizenship.

You are absolutely correct that this hurts the Democrats at the voting booth and is the only reason they oppose it.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Keep rolling out that old GOP joke about illegal immigrants voting en masse. EVERY investigation into voting irregularities, including those run by GOPers, has found the there is little to no illegal voting -- and as often as not the few cases found are GOP voters doing the cheating.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
EVERY investigation into voting irregularities, including those run by GOPers, has found the there is little to no illegal voting

Yeah right dude. Why do partisans always speak in absolutes? You know you can't back this up with facts.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Lucia · 36-40
Democrat since 2016.

I agree with the law to a large extent. I'd like to see it be easier to prove citizenship (like more easily, cost-free ways to obtain said proof). But with that said, I think it is more important to have only citizens voting. And ultimately it will just have to be the individual's responsibility to prove their citizenship.

To deny all allegations of foreign interference with elections would be ignorant. It happens. And it goes both ways. Of course Russia wanted Trump in 2016. Even if they didn't know him (which obviously they did), Hillary had a track record of disliking them - and would extend the Obama policy on the area. But Hillary sure as shit did help that thing along by being an idiot with the private e-mail account.

Similarly there will be countries interfering against Trump. I would be surprised if none of the US allies tries to see what they can do to support the Democrat campaign. Democrats are more predictable from a policy perspective.
4meAndyou · F
You scared me! You didn't mention that the House PASSED the bill 221 to 198.
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joe438 · 61-69, M
Election interference is okay if it helps you, but intolerable if it helps the other side. Why can’t we just agree to have none of it?
Softandsweet2 · 31-35, F
You spin that just like Fox News would - maybe you can get a job there.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@Softandsweet2 fox only hires rinos and liberals
@Softandsweet2 If they offered me one I would accept it. And it's not a hard spin when what they're doing is this obvious.
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@Northwest It's one of the go to pages in the democrats play book. To refuse to look at or acknowledge an obvious problem in order to refer to it as a "non-existing" problem. The same way they swore for years the southern border was secure when we all knew it wasn't.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@strictdadhusbandanduncleinpa Why is it an "obvious problem" when non-citizens aren't voting in our elections and haven't in the past? What is the problem needing fixing?
Northwest · M
@strictdadhusbandanduncleinpa The false equivalency is strong with you.
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