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Sadiq Khan wins a historic third-term as London mayor

Congratulations to him! London is one of the world's greatest cities, and having a liberal, progressive, environmentally conscious mayor in charge is clearly paying dividends as his vote share has increased.

Here's to another 4 years 😊 🌍🌿🏳️‍🌈
We all love congestion charges, let’s have more of them. I don’t think😞
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
@Fairydust Have you ever actually voted before? Pencils are always provided in polling booths. There is nothing to stop you from bringing your quill and bottle of ink should you wish 😐

Counting over 2 million votes by hand takes time. Perhaps you should have volunteered to help and speed things up!
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
@Fairydust You should report your concerns to the Electoral Commission . . should make for a diverting BH Monday 😊

The only irregularity was interference by the national Conservative government to remove the second preference vote from what was previously quite a good system of proportional representation. Apparently motivated by a desire to reduce support for the centrist candidates and wholly in keeping with the highly negative campaigning of their own candidate. They failed 🙂
@SunshineGirl Well hopefully when Labour get in they will simply reinstate the AV in London.
Ironicman · 56-60, M
As a Londoner I voted for Khan. Roll on the general election so we can end 14 years of Conservative chaos, drama, sleaze and scandal. My only wish would be to have Burnham at the red helm but you can't have it all I guess.
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
Good luck...you're going to need it
@SunshineGirl I am astonished by the (good) air quality in Stockholm. Even though London, subjectively, is better than, say, Paris, Stockholm is on another level.
@SunshineGirl and long may it continue
@SW-User Yes - it’s a low-rise city by the sea, made up of lots of islands, so I guess that helps to clear out pollution, but it never seems as congested as London

(Whoops responded to wrong post but my comment stands!)
@SunshineGirl not speaking of Brighton. I live further along the coast.

I’m sure Brighton is a wonderful place, and not a bit like that depicted in Graham Greene’s Brighton Rock.
@SunshineGirl I was a student there once. And have a bit of paper somewhere to prove it.😌
@SunshineGirl ‘oh what a lovely war ‘ was made there too🙂
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
@sunriselover I used to go there on weekend day trips when I lived in London . . on a train rather than a motorbike, I should say!
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
It's a pity James T Kirk wasn't running against him.
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@Djac17 It's not hard to guess your views. And also your religion... Also, I might add, this was not a general election
Richard65 · M
@Djac17 yup, and Jackson relied on Jean Lafitte, a French pirate and privateer who operated in the Gulf of Mexico with his Baratarians, who, historians agree, was crucial to Jackson gaining victory.
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@Richard65 My God, some of her policies! She was genuinely dangerous. Under her, the city would burn.
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zonavar68 · 51-55, M
@SW-User It's an insane push to force all Londoners and people wanting or needing to visit greater London to only drive EV's.
@zonavar68 It's the way the world is going, and I for one am glad.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
@zonavar68 Most people who want or need to visit central London have no need to use a car at all. The public transport system is very good.
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@Fairydust Nice deflection. I say again, who would the realpeople of London have voted in? You claim to know all; please share.
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Fairydust · F

I’m not scared lol, I couldn’t give a toss what you say about me, I’ve been looking into this for years, I can hardly post it all in one message lol 😂 like I’ve said, do your research! You won’t find it on google as it’s controlled by them.

I’ve posted the truth here many times here, it’s people like you just can’t see what’s really going on 🙄 I find it bizarre that so many are sleepwalking into this mess.

When the shit hits the fan and it will soon, you’ll wish you paid more attention.
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@Jexie At least the mayor was elected democratically.

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