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Whether he is guilty or innocent it is a sad day for America and I expect it will only further polarize an increasingly divided nation.
@Vin53 A simple downvote to you. You are incapable of any thought whatever.
Vin53 · M
@LamontCranston You're and whatsoever would also have been accepted. Just a thought.
IronHamster · 56-60, M
@Vin53 Lamont is right. You're one of the most intellectually lazy mangina shit-posters on the internet. Goal achieved if it was your goal. You might enjoy this for your reading pleasure in case you forgot what they told you to be mad about.

Starcrossed · 41-45, F
I think no one should be above the law and it's pretty clear what an unethical person he is.
tindrummer · M
@IronHamster speaking of shitheads
IronHamster · 56-60, M
@tindrummer Touching yourself in public again?
tindrummer · M
@IronHamster clever 😅
100% of what Trump has faced in court facing or will face is his own fault. He like all men know it's wrong to sexually abuse women..........cheat on taxes......commit bank and insurance fraud............steal from charities.......bribe whores....steal Top Secret documents...........lie to the FBi..........lead a coup........try to cheat an election by pressuring the governor of Georgia to cheat the vote counts............... and on and on and on. Trumps actions and mouth is his own worst enemy...........and thank God that is the case. He could have entirely lived a life of crime and no one would even notice him. But he CHOSE to commit crimes in the full light of the DOJ...America........and every media site on earth. How could he not be seen for what he is.........eventually?
daydeeo · 61-69, M
@anythingoes477 Dude, spit out that Kool-Ade.
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@daydeeo Yeah...........cause none of what I said has ever happened in Cult World, huh? DUH!!!
@sunsporter1649 whines
What secret documents?

The secret documents Trump was bragging about on the recording his aid made at his Bedford golf course, LOL!!!

Secret. This is secret information. Look, look at this,

The secret documents Trump claimed he declassified, then claimed the FBI planted on him, then claimed, they were protected by client-attorney Privilege, then claimed he was protecting the boxes for the Archives because he bought a padlock, etc, etc,

Ya know, sporty, Trump has stopped denying their existence. Please try to keep up, ROTFL!!!

@sunsporter1649 whines
What secret documents?
Go ahead, sporty, post a cartoon that claims the documents don't exist. Then post another cartoon saying it's all Hillary's fault. After all, cartoonists do your "critical thinking" for you, don't they, ROTFL!!!
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@ElwoodBlues Talk about conspiracy theories....purportedly.....YGBSM
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KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@ElwoodBlues The chain of custody is the most critical process of evidence documentation. It is a must to assure the court of law that the evidence is authentic, i.e., it is the same evidence seized at the crime scene. It was, at all times, in the custody of a person designated to handle it and for which it was never unaccounted.

The chain of custody of the “Hunter Biden laptop” was tainted from the very start by Rudy Giuliani. It would be laughed out of any reputable court of law.
funtravler · 36-40, F
Trump brought this on himself. Be something if the race for Trump came down to, Whitehouse and freedom or lose and go to jail!!!
funtravler · 36-40, F
@IronHamster Cheers :) @IronHamster and alternate realities can't be a good sign either. Cheers LMFAO
IronHamster · 56-60, M
@funtravler Correct, but it's good you recognise your issues. Proper diagnosis is the first step to recovery.
snofan · M
@IronHamster I want whatever you are smoking. Clearly some strong stuff.
As Alan Dershowitz said, you can indict a ham sandwich. How many times has the deep state floated a hoax to get Trump over the last 7 years?

HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
@BizSuitStacy Dershowitz also said this indictment was baloney and nothing more than a political vendetta.
trump is not a bright guy. When he talks he sounds like a 4th grader. So ask yourself................why would ANY MAN need to keep stolen documents that detail our military strategies...........our nuke the U.S. would respond to a nuke attack.......the number and deployment locations of troops around the world.......and the other things detailed in the indictment........................

..................unless "someone"..........Putin??............Kim??......... gave him a specific list of what things they wanted him to steal fort buy from him? Why would an ex anyone need to know what the United States strategic defenses and nuke capabilities are..........and specifically our troop placements and what weapons system they had??

This was NOT an accidental coincidence that every single document stolen and kept by trump was 100% beneficial to all enemies of the United States...........and of zero value to have and keep by a guy living on a golf course.
Mindful · 56-60, F
@anythingoes477 I believe that because he is an outsider, persecution is being allowed. Plus he has a foul mouth, so I also want him to go down. Plus he is a dictator, ultimately out for his own interests just like the rest. But our governmental justice system is not being managed ethically. Attorneys are in cahoots to make a fortune. They don’t care about treating people justly and fairly. Yes, Trump is NOT the only one guilty of crimes. I do NOT ever want him to be elected. I will vote for anyone BUT him. But if he goes down, you can be sure others will too.
@Mindful Trump won't go down.................much as he deserves too. The Navy guy who helped him steal and hide Top Secret documents will never get out of prison.........unless he makes a states evidence deal to testify against trump............but even then he'll be in orange for years and years to come. Trump will never do a minute in prison. All presidents........even felons.......are given Secret Service protection for life...........and in prison without that 24/7 protection trump would be killed his first day. So in his case.........another example of how the justice system is cutting him a break not bullying him.........he will simply be convicted of multiple felony count indictments after multiple felony count indictments and still walk free.
Mindful · 56-60, F
@anythingoes477 that would be fair amongst the elite. But it is Not fair to the average man… if Democrats are punished for similar behavior…that would make it fair America will get worse before it gets better. But I could be wrong. In fact I hope I am wrong.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
If the Democrats ran the country the same way they chase trump every single day Americans would have no complaints
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
So .. you’re a douchebag, how’s that working for you? @justanothername
tindrummer · M
@jackjjackson mature, intelligent comeback - just what I expected 😅
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Yep and 100% accurate. @tindrummer
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
It’s less about the crime and more about the coverup
IronHamster · 56-60, M
@KunsanVeteran Right. How odd that it happens the same day the Democrats need a smoke screen to cover up yet more Biden crimes.
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@IronHamster Even more odd—Republicans who immediately recanted their support of Twice Impeached when they actually read the indictment!
IM5688 · 61-69, M
I'll let you know when they indict Joe and/or Hunter Biden.
You're thinking they haven't tried.

And yet Special Counsel John Durham and his team spent FOUR YEARS investigating whether the Trump Russia probe was a smokescreen for Biden's crimes, and he came up with NOTHING against Biden.

And yet Trump's 112,000 person Dept of Justice had FOUR YEARS to investigate all things Biden, and they came up with NOTHING against Biden.

And yet right-wingers have had copies of the hard drive from "the laptop from hell" for 2.5 years, searching every image & email, and all they've found was a well known drug problem and some embarrassing photos; NOTHING against President Biden.

And yet the House Oversight Committee and their team of lawyers has spent the past six months digging into all things Biden and they came up with NOTHING against Biden.

But you, @IM5688, you know better than all these professional investigators. RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT
@jackjjackson claims
The Biden’s are criminals.

And yet Special Counsel John Durham and his team spent FOUR YEARS investigating whether the Trump Russia probe was a smokescreen for Biden's crimes, and he came up with NOTHING against Biden.

And yet Trump's 112,000 person Dept of Justice had FOUR YEARS to investigate all things Biden, and they came up with NOTHING against Biden.

And yet right-wingers have had copies of the hard drive from "the laptop from hell" for 2.5 years, searching every image & email, and all they've found was a well known drug problem and some embarrassing photos; NOTHING against President Biden.

And yet the House Oversight Committee and their team of lawyers has spent the past six months digging into all things Biden and they came up with NOTHING against Biden.

But you, @jackjjackson, you know better than all these professional investigators. RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT


Alas, biz suit & iron hamstr are afraid of the facts I post so they've blocked me, LOL!!!

@HoraceGreenley tries to claim
Dershowitz also said this indictment was baloney and nothing more than a political vendetta.

Mr Kirk,... asked if Mr Dershowitz still thought that the indictment ... related to national security was the most serious one against the former president.

“I do, especially the provision in which Donald Trump foolishly waved some paper in front of a reporter while he was being recorded by his own staff,” Mr Dershowitz said.

“And he said, I could have declassified this, but I didn't, so it's still secret,” Mr Dershowitz said. “And it has to do with a battle attack plan for Iran.”

Mr Dershowitz did not call the charges in the indictment a “smoking gun.”

“But it's surely a gun with Trump's fingerprints on it,” he said.
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
Politically motivated. they have been trying to charge him with something since he become politically involved.
11knaves11 · 41-45, M
@CestManan well said👌🏽
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@CestManan During Trump’s single term he was impeached twice.

Hence his nickname: Twice Impeached

Lately his n.n. was expanded to: Twice Impeached, Twice Indicted. Look for it to expand even more very soon!
CestManan · 46-50, F
@KunsanVeteran Even if he were found guilty of God knows what, we all know high ranking politicians are immune from any real consequence. They know their way around well enough to avoid it.

I am not saying it is right, just how things work.
Vetman · 46-50, M
The thing is is if he would’ve just given the documents back after 150 requests there would be no charges so a little bit it’s on him we keep letting him off the hook and he’s like
a little kid you keep giving 50 chances too and he swears up and down he won’t do it again
The Jack Smith 37 count indictment of Trump shows overwhelming evidence of his guilt on numerous federal felony counts. If he had any brains he would be plea-bargaining now. On the other hand, if he had any brains, he would never have tried to hide from NARA the fact that he had possession of all those top secret documents.

NY Times had a nice explainer of the major charges against Trump.

Unauthorized retention of national security documents
[Elwood note: this is where the 1917 Espionage Act comes in. Note classification status is irrelevant to the Espionage Act. ]

It is a crime to retain national security documents without authorization and to fail to deliver them to a government official entitled to take custody of them.

To win a conviction, prosecutors would have to show that Mr. Trump knew he was still in possession of the documents after leaving the White House and failed to comply when the government asked him to return them and then subpoenaed him.

Each such charged document would be a separate offense, so it is possible that prosecutors have brought as many as five counts of this offense by citing five different records. A conviction would be theoretically subject to 10 years in prison for each count, although defendants in other Espionage Act cases have received significantly less than the maximum.

To obtain a conviction, prosecutors would also have to prove to the jury that the documents related to the national defense, that they were closely held and that their disclosure could harm the United States or aid a foreign adversary.

Although Mr. Trump has claimed — without evidence — that he declassified all the files he took to Mar-a-Lago, prosecutors would not technically need to prove that they were still classified because the Espionage Act predates the classification system and does not refer to it as an element.

Conspiracy Charges

It is a crime to agree with another person to break a law. Prosecutors would need to show that Mr. Trump and some other person had a meeting of the minds about committing a specific crime and that one of them took some step toward that goal. The penalty can be up to five years.


It is a crime to conceal records to obstruct an official effort. Prosecutors would need to show several things, including that Mr. Trump knew he still had files that were subject to the efforts by the National Archives and Records Administration to take custody of presidential records. They would also need to be able to demonstrate that he willfully defied the Justice Department’s subpoena for files marked as classified, and that he intentionally caused his subordinates to fail to turn them all over while leading officials to believe they had complied. The penalty is up to 20 years per offense.

False statement

It is a crime to make a false statement to a law enforcement officer about a fact material to the officer’s investigation. Such crimes carry a penalty of up to five years per offense...
What about the White House cocaine?
Switching over to whataboutism, LOL!!!

So you've abandoned your defense of Trump because you agree that Trump's refusal to turn over the secret documents to NARA is inexcusable. Good to know.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Please try to keep up. There is no what aboutism. The Biden’s are criminals. Trump is beloved for kicking ass in the swamp and will be given the chance to continue. The dems are running like Confederates from Sherman in Georgia jackass. @ElwoodBlues
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@ElwoodBlues What secret documents?
IronHamster · 56-60, M
The country I was born in is no more. This is the sort of thing we used to hear about in third world banana republics. Everyone that questioned the legitimacy of our government has now had their concerns confirmed.
PatKirby · M
You mean we're no longer that shining beacon on the hill? 😳 Oh the horror 🤯!
Budwick · 70-79, M
I think it's 100% politically motivated.
The left is terrified of Trump.
His America First policies are ensure a healthy, prosperous and growing America.
Trump makes We The People the boss, in charge of their own future.
The left hates that.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
Supposedly? He was arrested and charged in NY for criminal financial behavior. He has been indicted on criminal charges by the feds and will be arrested on Tuesday. He has been found guilty of sexual assault. His foundation has been dissolved from criminal behavior. His company has been found guilty of financial crimes. He faces charges in Georgia, additional financial crimes in NY, additional sexual assault/rape lawsuits in NY, and additional federal charges for January 6. That's a wee bit more serious than "supposedly in legal trouble."
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@NativePortlander1970 There you go. Be deliberately ignorant. MAGA.
@windinhishair And just what is wrong about making America great again, hmmm? What is wrong with putting America first and the US Constitution, hmmm?
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@NativePortlander1970 You're just an ignorant moron, as you have admitted and are apparently proud of. There is nothing wrong with making America great, but you don't do it through authoritarianism, racism, and white supremacy. You have no clue what the Constitution is or what it says.
IronHamster · 56-60, M
@funtravler Poor everyone. It turns out Trump was right again. I trust him to fix it. The US benefitted by his four years of leadership more than we did under the last three Presidents combined.
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KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
Lock him up!
funtravler · 36-40, F
49 page, 39 count indictment! I think it speaks for itself but can they get a conviction????
Teflon Don will be ok..
but they’re sure setting a lot of precedents for when he’s boss again.
Nobody can refuse tax releases anymore.
Executive privilege is out the window..
Guess who actually was selling classified docs ….. etc etc

They shot themselves in the foot breaking every norm in their attempt to get trump
PatKirby · M

Now you can arrest a president. Starting with crime leader pedo Biden. Hussein Obama not too far behind. Throw in the Clinton crime family for good measure.

And recall they still haven't 'gotten' Trump.
I hope he get's what he deserves but i suspect he won't.
I think his cult will slurp up whatever sputum he produces about his innocence even if he is convicted.

At any rate, he's too old now to be president.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@Pikachu Does the name Alexei Navalny ring a bell?
All he had to do was comply
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@TurtleEclipseOfTheHeart That's the thing. All he had to do was follow the law. But he couldn't bring himself to do it, because he considers himself above the law. So this is completely his doing and an unforced error.
@TurtleEclipseOfTheHeart All he had to do was not do ANY of the crimes he has committed in the beginning.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@anythingoes477 Trump can't follow the law. He doesn't believe rules apply to him. He will run roughshod over the law as he always has, betting that he will never be held accountable. That is ending, and he is petrified.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Waste of our time and money.
@jackjjackson How did your 1/6 stunt go? Build WHAT WALL? Whos gonna pay for the wall (Gullible schumucks like you thanks to Steve Bannon and Paul Manifort with "pay for the wall campaign)....
CestManan · 46-50, F
What about the other times he was supposedly in legal trouble? Like a few weeks ago when they were saying he would be arrested but never did?
It don't matter. Even if he does end up facing charges, some other republican bigot will take his place.

It is like when bad neighbors finally move out but then someone even worse takes their place.
SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F
@IronHamster Except RWNJ white nationalist domestic terrorists were responsible for orchestraatimg and triggering the violence, as well as murdering a police officer. This isn’t even up for debate-it was widely reported. Have a look. For yourself:

KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@CestManan You do realize he’s currently facing two indictments with more surely coming soon. And that he was held liable for sexual assault and defamation which his post-judgment antics have now elevated.
IronHamster · 56-60, M
@SevIsPamprinYouAlways Yeah. That shit's funny. Vice was started by Gavin McGinnis who also started the Proud Boys. Vice has had government backing and is still economically unviable due to mismanagement since being sold. It shows why in their story there.
I outta throw my shoe at him
EXACTLY what he deserves for all that he has been investigated for. The DOJ had a 99% conviction rate for those they indict. Not a 100% shoe in............but 99% is pretty solid that he will be found guilty of all or almost all of these latest 38 FEDERAL felonies.
Vin53 · M
So you're saying shit doesn't think and in your case its fact.

Your criminal loser is prison bound shithead

IronHamster · 56-60, M
@Vin53 Wrong. He's not a Biden supporter.
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
I hope the truth comes out one way or the other and get this over!
IronHamster · 56-60, M
@Vin53 Citation please.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@fanuc2013 Trump and his attorneys aren't even protesting the facts of the indictment, only that Jack Smith is a bad man and that Trump shouldn't be indicted because it is partisan. He's guilty. But let the jury decide.
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@Vin53 Exactly—which is incredibly stupid on his part and absolutely infuriating to his lawyers!
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
Best thing that’s happened for America since the 2016 election—but it pales before the upcoming indictments and convictions!
Vin53 · M
Funny, the trump-humpers have all gone quiet..
I think it proves that if you have enough money, you don't go to prison.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@orioninthenight Just like the hildabeest!
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Spread out by the FBI for dramatic effect. @orioninthenight
It's funny how mad he's getting, but it probably won't lead to anything else. The politically powerful are above the law in America.
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Means nothing if they don't indict Biden as well.
IronHamster · 56-60, M
@MarmeeMarch Assassins don't change their spots any more than leopards.
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IronHamster · 56-60, M
@MarmeeMarch Wrong.

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