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How to end Russian invasion of Ukraine

Announce that Nato troops will be entering Ukraine . Along with air support and artillery support from ships .

Announce to Putin that no Russian will be attacked unless they fire upon Nato Troops.

If Russia proceeds to retreat then it’s over. The alternative is all hell breaks loose on Russian troops.

This should have been done on day 1.
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@Roundandroundwego have you called the Ukrainians and told them to surrender to Putin? Better yet why don’t you find a ukranian in your area and tell them their country should surrender?
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metaldog · 51-55, F
America could have stopped this ages ago they're making too much money
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Ryderbike No, Putin just like every other world leader knows which are the red lines. You're suggesting to cross the red line *ourselves*, and for gaining absolutely nothing - as Ukrainian people would die off just like the rest of us in a MAD scenario.
@Elessar lol..I see ..so now he’s a logical thinker..so he would know using a nuke is mutual assured destruction.


You need to learn critical thinking skills..seriously
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@soar2newhighs on Dec 7 1941 Japan attacked America.

On Dec 11 1941 Hitler declared war on America.

Millions of lives would have been saved if America had joined in the war with allies from day 1”

You watched millions slaughtered and did nothing .
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@soar2newhighs Where am I wrong? Are you denying that Hitler declared war on America on December 11? Tell me where I am wrong?
Someone wants nuclear fallout for Christmas….
smiler2012 · 61-69
@BoredDarkLord really you have a very valid point there . a bit of a difficult call though if nobody did nothing against putins illegal incursion where would the bully boy invade next
@smiler2012 Crimea, Georgia, Chechnya…

Already happened
trollslayer · 46-50, M
@BoredDarkLord great Christmas song! Classic weird Al!
chilloutab2 · 46-50, M
I'm afraid that will only exacerbate the situation - and terribly so.

If Nato joins the fray, Putin will use nukes and the US will have to respond in kind. That WILL end the invasion, but there will be no Ukraine left, neither a lot of Europe and maybe a few other parts of the world as well!

The only way to end the war is to do away with the original reason. The US and Nato should announce that if Russia pulls out and returns all Ukrainian territory back to Ukraine and ceases to have a "sphere of influence" in Ukraine, then Nato will not expand further east beyond Poland.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
putin won’t use nukes which invalidates the rest of your comment.
I don't know about that. I think if this year has taught us anything, it's that Putin is batshit insane. However, I still like your idea of bluffing with the threat of NATO troops, because his military leaders are smarter than he is.
@LordShadowfire if Putin is insane as you claim, then, what’s the stop him from using nukes at any time?
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@Ryderbike Which is why it's time for a regime change. By one way or another. I don't sleep well knowing his finger is on the button.
Elessar · 26-30, M
You won't help Ukraine by turning the whole world in a pile of radioactive ash. NATO won't involve itself defending with boots on the ground non-NATO territory
@Elessar no one is suggesting invading Russia.

We are taking about Ukraine ,
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Ryderbike The other thread I was replying under was suggesting exactly that.
@Elessar well invading Russia is entirely different and I wouldn’t suggest that at all,
Joshagibby · 26-30, M
That would just trigger nuclear war. Also with nuclear war no one wins.
@Joshagibby exactly why putin won’t use nukes.
Joshagibby · 26-30, M
@Ryderbike Even if that were to be known information. I wonder if any of their allies would end up doing so in retaliation.
@Joshagibby no one is going to be using nukes.
justanothername · 51-55, M
Putin knows that as long as long as the threat of nukes can be used as a deterrent he can keep pulverizing Ukraine without actually resorting to using them. It’s that continuous threat that keeps NATO members cautious.
metaldog · 51-55, F
@justanothername shoot the prick
justanothername · 51-55, M
@metaldog it it was that easy to shoot Putin he would hate been taken out ages ago.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
So wrong...
First.. Its winter.. Even the ignorant Russians have more sense than to fight a Russian winter...They have pulled back to where they are safe..
Second.. All you would be doing is providing high value targets for Russian Missiles..😷
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Ryderbike Tell that to Field Marshal Von Paulus. Once and for all, everyone who ever tried Soldier to soldier combat in a Russian winter came off worst. So the Russians have done the only thing they can do. Pull back to positions they can defend and supply until spring, and they will lob artillary and missiles and sent drones when the weather allows. Any NATO forces just give the Russians something else to shoot at.. And any movement of forces on the ground is virtually impossible with the snow, ice, and if it thaws, the mud..Sometimes the only way to win a battle is not to lose it...😷
Once and for all, everyone who ever tried Soldier to soldier combat in a Russian winter

Is a bunker buster soldier to soldier? Is a missile from an Apache helicopter ? A predator drone?

What did von Paulus say about that ?
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Ryderbike Its Christmas day.. I'm not doing this with you...
Spotpot · 41-45, M
Neoerectus · M
[image/video - please log in to see this content]

He's dreaming of a white-domed Christmas...
@Neoerectus if putin is suicidal how does that stop him from using nukes at anytime?
Nuclear annihilation.
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You’re a squealer…I delete squealers @Mathers
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smiler2012 · 61-69
{@ryderbike] a nice idea but it is rather risky really . do you think putin who is complaining the west is fighting a proxy on behalf of ukraine and nato troop on the ground could be the final straw for a mentally sick putin
@smiler2012 putin understands very well that nuclear means his own destruction as well.

Putin didn’t amass a fortune because he is An ideologue. He amassed a fortune because he desires power and wealth.

He won’t use nukes.
justanothername · 51-55, M
Putin is smarter than that. He knows not to attack any NATO member. As long as he pours millions into destroying Ukraine the war can go on indefinitely and he can fuck the Russian economy and its people in an effort to pursue Stalins dream.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@justanothername Putin is not an idealogue.. He is most likely the worlds richest man. (Good luck finding it)😷
revenant · F
invade Russia
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Roundandroundwego Ukraine is a country inhabited by people who are being unjustifiably and savagely attacked by Russia for bullsh*t reasons. We're attacking nothing, Russia is, we're merely giving them the means to defend themselves.

Or are you suggesting they should get butchered in silence, while we turn the head to the other direction and pretend the world is at "peace"?
@Elessar all places deserve local sovereignty.
What about making peace? Don't all countries have to do it? Might made that stupid in Washington.
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Roundandroundwego Peace with who? There's no peace with oppressors, just truces they'll use to reorganize for their next attack. The war is between Russia and Ukraine, we don't have anyone to "make peace" with.
American republicans have encouraged putin to hold out until they control the purse strings . Then aid will stop and Russia can have Ukraine.

That is the message coming from republicans.

firefall · 61-69, M
Fantastically stupid idea, unless you like the idea of thermonuclear warfare on a large scale. There;s a huge difference between supporting the Ukraine, and directly threatening Putin with the lose of face, rapidly followed by the loss of his rule/life.
@firefall the chamberlain approach huh?
Scarfface · 46-50, M
The only way is to get Putin killed
metaldog · 51-55, F
@Scarfface yes why not just get rid of it??
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
Or, Putin, the madman, launches a nuclear attack.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
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