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Do you think the attacks on politicians are partially due to the media?

The media commentators are engaging in much more tasteless rhetoric than was allowed 20 or 30 yrs ago!
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cycleman · 61-69, M
Hatred that is coming from Fox news and the disgusting Trump led Republicans.
Sure hope Americans are seeing the hatred they are speeing out against others.
Respect is diappearing.
@cycleman Stay up there. Your country is degenerating which makes your opinion of us even more worthless
@fanuc2013 Please provide the quotes from Maddow, Lemon, and the others calling for violence or saying things that their fans acted on the way Jones' fans did.

Waters made one statement about "confronting" conservatives, and some guy yelled at Mitch McConnell while he was having dinner in a restaurant. You're like the guy whose friend tells you he has cancer, and your response is that you know how he feels because you have a hangnail. Right wing violence and contempt for our democratic processes is far greater and more extensive than a few left wingers making ambiguous statements that make you uncomfortable.
missyann · 56-60
@cycleman And no hatred comes from CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, CBS , THE VIEW ect ? They're the mainstream media
Peace and quality work don't sell media attention. They need drama for it to be interesting
The fake news continues to spin lies about politicians all the time. The hate that is coming from the commie maggots at CNN, MSLSD, NBC, CBS, ABC against our great president Trump and fellow conservative patriots is disgusting. Fortunately, most Americans are intelligent enough to see through the leftist BS.
@Rizzle420 LOL...and at the bottom of the gene pool, there you are!
Rizzle420 · M
@BizSuitStacy not enough to win an election tho it seems....ahahahahaha...also your point is incorrect and stupid
@Rizzle420 only took you 3 months to come up with that incoherent response. Seems you're making real progress.
OggggO · 36-40, M
Yes, it's called stochastic terrorism. By continually mass broadcasting hatred, anger, and violent rhetoric, then giving people a target, you increase the odds that at least one of them will be so filled with bitterness and so worked up that they will act on it. And as you can see from some of the comments here, it's working.
WolfGirlwh0r3 · 36-40, T
@OggggO you really are a well spoken dude and i like your discord.
fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
@OggggO Very wise words!
AbbeyRhode · F
Without a doubt. The Democrats and the propaganda media have been promoting hate, division, and violence since Trump announced he was running for President. They have actively encouraged attacks on conservatives, and applauded censorship and discrimination against them. They have happily infected their brainwashed drones with mindless hatred, but now they're crying foul because people are fed up and fighting back.
WolfGirlwh0r3 · 36-40, T
I think the media, Tech, and both parties are more concerned with seperating the People as much as possible so that the American people cant overthrow them Like is our ACTUAL RIGHT
@WolfGirlwh0r3 All that will do is inconvenience me unless there's a national boycott where my participation will actually make a difference. That being said, I've stopped using Facebook, not for political reasons but because the site went into the toilet over the past few years and no longer works the way I want it to. Twitter has always been a garbage site and with Musk in charge it will either get worse or become irrelevant. I haven't had cable TV for years, so I don't watch CNN, MSNBC, Fox, or any of the other mainstream media sites. I guess if enough people feel that way, eventually those sources will disappear and be replaced by even more impregnable echo chambers.

I wish there was a social media site where I could keep up with what people I've known throughout my life are doing, and have conversations with them the way Facebook was ten years ago. Unfortunately, no site like that exists and never will again.
WolfGirlwh0r3 · 36-40, T
@LeopoldBloom so what you are actually saying is you want a echo chamber of your own then
@WolfGirlwh0r3 No, I want a social media site where I can keep up with what the people I've met throughout my life are doing. It has nothing to do with politics. Many of the people who I attended high school with are conservatives. The way Facebook is now is an echo chamber, as it prioritizes posts from people I engage with, who tend to be liberal. The more I engage with them, the more I see, and it's just a self-perpetuating feedback loop.

What I want are uncurated chronologically ordered posts the way Facebook was ten years ago. The problem is that even if Facebook changed back to that, the people are gone, and they aren't going to join any new site. So what I want is impossible to have.
I hear and read much about politics and politicians and yes, get angry or simply shake my head, but committing violence against them I believe is a willful or mentally deranged act. I’m sure millions of people on both sides of the political divide hear and see commentary that is intense, possibly even provocative, but they don’t necessarily let what they hear and see control their behavior.
Adrift · 61-69, F
Yeah, when the national enquirer has more credibility than the news, you know things have gone sideways.
TexChik · F
Partially? I would say created, disseminated, nurtured until the truth comes out and they move on to the next "attack".
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@SW-User Ba dum, tissss!
PatKirby · M
Considering how the left has been endorsing, promoting, instigating, and committing violence then getting away with it carte blanche, this incident is but a tiny reflection of what they encourage themselves and so a fine example of poetic justice - the 'I told you so' version.
wunderluv · 51-55, M
Largely due to “the narrative push” >> propaganda media outlets >> aka “fake news” networks
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
I think there are two kinds of politicians when it comes to this (Somebodies-Somebodies and Somebody-Nobodies) and it's like always the Somebody-Nobodies that get attacked.
@FloorGenAdm All of them were attacked on 1/6.
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
@FloorGenAdm How do you distinguish between a "somebody" politician and a "somebody-nobody" politician?
Miklee02 · 51-55, F
I’m so over the ads 🙄
pdockal · 56-60, M
The politicians bring it on themselves but the media sensationalizes everything which does cause issues
@pdockal So if someone attacks Trump, you’ll say he deserved it?
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pdockal · 56-60, M
@fanuc2013 unfortunately others just want to continue having turmoil and are so immature and juvinile that they can't see it
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@fanuc2013] even far back as the assassination of kennedy this has happened it should not be the case then or now . no matter how much we disagree with another politician and there views common assault to whatever is still unacceptable
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
@LeopoldBloom The ones I've heard of and the ones I only hear about when something like that happens. 📺 👀
hey, its Alexander (from a different account), my account has problems so i messaged you but you cant see it and i cant message till you respond.
can you send me please a message so i can also send you?
ronisme1 · 61-69, M
@someonefromsomewhere1 if you have a question, ask it on a post in your page
media and internet spread the message of hate and love faster. so yes..
Ontheroad · M
I think it (media, including social media) plays a role in inciting violence of all types. Whenever you give hatred, violence and the underbelly of society a platform, you are going to influence those on the fringe to step over the line and get revenge for some perceived slight or wrong done them.
bookerdana · M
In say 1992 most still read a newspaper if nothing else,maybe the evening new on tv....I don't blame media,social or other for what we have become all by ourselves

Allelse · 36-40, M
Nope. There was no media like there is today during bleeding Kansas.

This'll help -

And the civil war I mean there was no fox news back then.
Nanoose · 61-69, M
I do but I don't think you can just blame the messenger. You also have to blame the people that are feeding them the BS that gets these people all fired up. Cheers and happy weekend!
Elon Musk bought twitter and over 50 commercial supporters plan to pull their ads if he lets donnie trump back in.
@pdockal Honestly your responses should be more connected. You have been here since day one. You probably babbled on EP
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Ruined your last chance.
Bye babe. 😘
not entirely. people & things have become more & more inflamed & polarized. these times have come and gone throughout history.
fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
@lovelywarpedlemon And what will eliminate these problems?
justanothername · 51-55, M
I think the attacks on politicians are more due to lunatic Republicans willing to express their undying love of the instigator in chief, Donald “ jerk off “ Trump.

Also having readily available access to various forms of social media that is not moderated which allows anyone to develop a following of like minded people.
fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
@justanothername I rest my case! Another source of inflammation and division! It's ok to disagree, but disagree with respect! Name calling and insults are for little kids on the playground!
justanothername · 51-55, M
@fanuc2013 oooh I’m sooo sorry dud I just piss off a Republican when I called Trump a jerk off in chief?

That’s so unfortunate BWAHAHAHA
Rizzle420 · M
@fanuc2013 when the person or persons I'm disagreeing with are people that are worthy of any kind of respect then I will do so but Donald Trump and anybody who believes in him do not deserve that consideration... they deserve no more respect than a murderer or rapist...yes, i do mean that... he and his followers degrade our civilization and put it in danger
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Nope. Mostly due to the way they have been running the show.
Sure, the media has contributed and "partially responsible" I'd buy.
I think the people are tired of being lied to
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
Hollywood style baby
Im not a fan of Politicians.. but anyone who enters someone else's house and starts attacking them with a hammer is just plain psycho
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Torsten · 36-40, M
@LeopoldBloom well they have to do something for certain people at times dont they for votes. Stop being naive
@Torsten If the Republicans win a House majority, we'll see plenty of performance art for that very reason. They won't be able to pass any legislation, so they are planning to impeach Biden at least five times and will form committees to "investigate" things like high gas prices and the Afghanistan withdrawal. We can also expect crap like proposing a total nationwide ban on abortion, laws against blasphemy, outlawing Critical Race Theory, and making it illegal for teachers to mention slavery, Native Americans, or acknowledge that LGBT people exist. This is just for the benefit of the base as all of that will just die in the Senate.
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therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
Very important information/news!

They are taking us all for complete idiots right now.

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