Just so you know, it doesn't look like most of these people were illegal immigrants. As far as I can tell. they had come to the border and requested asylum status, and they're here while their status determination is pending.
@ItsSteve Just so you know, that's BS. It's a rumor and there is no official demographic and legal breakdown of the migrants, but almost all admit to having come from another country illegally and it looks like most are not asylum seekers in the legal sense.
But if you've got a single reputable source, the by all means...
@ItsSteve A fact doesn't depend on whether you believe it or not. They either are who they say they are, they aren't and those details have been disclosed...nowhere, or it's rumor intended to vilify the victims.
I appreciate you recognize the inappropriateness of the situation regardless.
The guy (DeSantis) is a legend. We need Republicans who understand the Democrats are their enemies and there's no room for compromising with them. Stop being afraid of being called "racist" because the racist Democrats are going to call them that anyway.
@NoGamesTolerated Half of America and most of the media is promoting Democrats destroying our Constitutional rights. They better be careful or they might end up on the Democrats' enemies list themselves.
The New Jersey governor won't allow a bear hunt despite being overrun with bears. Maybe somebody should say the bears identify as unborn babies and the governor will promote slaughtering them all over the state.
DeSantis, responding to Newsom's threats to use the Democrats' DoJ against him, said Newsom's hair gel was interfering with his brain function. 🤣🤣🤣 (There is so much grease in Newsom's hair, he could singlehandledly solve the state's petroleum shortage.). At long last, Republicans are fighting back instead of genuflecting before the Democrats determined to destroy them.
THAT WAS QUICK: Buses Arrive at Martha’s Vineyard and DEPORT Illegals Off the Island On Friday — less than 36 hours later — the sanctuary island of Martha’s Vineyard DEPORTED the illegal aliens in buses.
The racist elites kicked them off the island.
According to officials, the illegal immigrants will be transported to Joint Base Cape Cod.
@Namor69 If these Democrats were true to their word, they'd be saying, "Please, send more! I've got 10 unused bedrooms that can hold 30 of our friends from south of the border!" Instead it's "Ahhh! We don't want these people here! Think of what that will do to our property values! Now excuse me - I have to take my private jet to the latest climate change conference!"
@llloydfred Did anyone say Florida is drug free? It's Florida, Dude. You know what? I heard since there's so little murder in Wyoming that murder doesn't even exist in Wyoming. Are you 8?
Any guess as to who smuggle the precursors to make Fentanyl to Mexico? 100 points if you said the southwestern US states! There are no wolves at our doors. Anything we buy, we solicited and wanted in the first place.
And this defends the latest asinine and unconstitutional move against minority groups how?
@Graylight illegal minority groups, chad and steve, our florida, South Western States, Wyoming Murders. I know your one of those people that would blame a chemical company for a huffing habit. Before you start ranting, ranting and insulting think what your missing. Remember to share. You cant be always right. I am just using more of what you mentioned. LOL
@llloydfred On your first challenge, I am most certainly not that type of person.
On the 2nd, I don't have to be right all the time. I live in Florida, I've worked in public safety here, I understand what I'm talking about. Feel free to play expert on something your own prejudices won't let you see the landscape for. Just know you sound out of your depth.
@carpediem Send all the illegal aliens to all the sanctuary cities. There they can receive billions of dollars of combined aide. And the libs will wake-up saying " Hay Wait a minute, YOU democrat leaders are giving those illegals what we libs want to be Entitled for.
@llloydfred With this illegal situations with the magic number millions, is how democrat leaders are going to play liberals, conservatives and independents out of the conversation. Here comes Bureaucracy with a brass band.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow PitifulBitterToday - Don't they have anger management counseling up there in Canada? Miserable and furious over what's happening in a country that you don't even live in is no way to go through life, son.
@llloydfred Oh, here we go. Because you blindly follow the orange insurrectionist, you assume that I'm being told what to do by somebody above me. It couldn't possibly be that I arrived at the opinion I hold today because of my own research.