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Abortion question....

Someone asked me a good question....The largest demographic of those who receive abortions are single African American women. If you are against abortion, does that mean that you are inherently for Black Lives matter? If you are for women's rights/proabortion, does that mean that you are inherently against BLM? Banning abortions allows more single African American women to have their babies which is consistent with the BLM movement. Thoughts?
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helenS · 36-40, F
I don't live in America but I understood BLM is about racist police violence against black citizens, so I can't see a connection to questions about free choice for women. I don't know what else to say – is your post some sort of joke or what, please? 😐
helenS · 36-40, F
@SW-User You know I respect other people's opinions very much, as long as those people are kind and polite, and I have no reason to complain about you. 🌷
@helenS You shouldn't. I always speak to you kindly. Some things I know very well and I don't sugarcoat them. To do so would diminish how well I know them
TexChik · F
@helenS It's hard to comment when the MSM is propagandizing 24/7 and you dont live here or know all the facts and details.
I'd say fighting social and economical disparities that affect black communities would prevent abortions. That belief is aligned with BLM.
Being pro choice is not anti-life and being pro life is not actually for life rather it's pro forced birth.
@SW-User 'unborn' isn't a magic threshold. 😂

Do you think a soul swoops down on the first breath?
@SW-User I think air fills the lungs at the first breath 😂
There is no such thing as a soul but in the context it's used a soul is the product of a persons thoughts and feelings and morals I guess
@SW-User That’s a matter of opinion re the soul part.
Black Americans have more abortions per capita because they are more likely to be poor. Poverty is absolutely correlative with abortion rates. Wealthier people have abortions too, of course, including some who are supposedly "pro-life" (it's easier to surreptitiously have an abortion when you have the funds and the means) , but abortion is much more common among low-income women. Banning abortion doesn't prevent abortions from occurring. Following the overturning of Roe, demand for abortions soared in states where it's still legal due to people coming in from states where it is banned. What might prevent abortions, however, is more social welfare for the impoverished. So that those people do not feel like their lives will be over if they have another child. If you really want to stop abortion, then stop the motive for it, including supporting access to and encouraging the use of contraception. As long as the pro-life movement continues to think that women who get abortions are bloodthirsty baby-killing monsters, they will get nowhere in their cause.
chrisCA · M
@SW-User Real classy. You would probably be the first to complain because she does not "put out". No wonder you are single.
@chrisCA It works every time genius. Now back to mommy's basement with you
@SW-User Go away.
There is more to life than a heartbeat. Being anti-abortion does not make one pro-life, despite what that movement calls itself, and allowing women the option not to give birth doesn't make one anti-life.
@NerdyPotato Do I have to give you a blow by blow account of different abortion processes at different stages?

Grow up. You know the tooth fairy doesn't magic the baby out of the womb

You make me sick. Demon.
Oh great, writing a reply and then blocking me so I can't read it. 🙄 But I very much doubt it addressed any of my points or questions anyway. It was probably just a bunch of name calling because she already ran out of facts to support her stance, right? 😁
Lila15 · 22-25, F
@SW-User If killing defenseless children is always wrong, are you against warfare? Because war inevitably kills children.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
It puts those people who don't want the baby and most likely can't afford the baby into a situation where they are pushed even more into poverty. I'm not sure that is being pro-BLM. Those against abortion generally are only interested in the baby as fetus. Once the baby is born, those so-called pro-lifers generally move on and don't care about the actual person or his/her relatives involved with affording to live.
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@SW-User do you speak to your mother like that?
Lila15 · 22-25, F
@LilithoftheTrees Of course he does.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
Actually pro lifers can technically be called pro birth, it's not really life per se that they care about, it's only about the baby "being born at all costs," with all costs being the key phrase here.

Black and Hispanic women have abortions because they can't afford another pregnancy with working the maximum hours to care for their young ones. They also face less access to reproductive services so birthers are throwing fuel onto already societal problems that haven't been solved. Birthers are upholding a system that systematically discriminates against poor people.

Here's the facts, we know that widespread access to abortion doesn't make "more abortions occur" but less. There's actually more abortions with less access to care, have abortion illegalized doesn't make a difference in the number of abortions performed.

I'm sure white pro birthers want to do as their ancestors did pretending to be holier than thou to black and Hispanic women but it's not true, sorry.
luv2fish · 70-79, M
I'm from Minneapolis and I saw what BLM did to our city.
Lila15 · 22-25, F
@luv2fish So Black guys are automatically BLM? Were the white guys automatically Proud Boys?
luv2fish · 70-79, M
@Lila15 Obviously you were not there to watch what I saw. Lose the racism.
Lila15 · 22-25, F
@luv2fish You need to lose the racism. What proof do you have that Black rioters were BLM members? BLM denounced the violence.

Several white gangs like the Proud Boys, the 3 Percenters, and Patriot Prayer specifically condoned the violence their members were committing.
Graylight · 51-55, F
That's a controversial statement to begin with. Who has abortions is open to wide interpretation depending on the data sets, hypotheses, data collection and analysis methods, and so on. Each link below provides a different, calculated answer.,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D

The one thing they all have in common, though , is the agreement that women in their early-mid 20's account for the most abortions when age is considered. Are you inherently against young women if you support choice? Neither is it with BLM. Everything else is making inferences and creating connection points that don't exist.
This is called politicizing human issues. Politics should be kept separate from human issues.
chrisCA · M
@ABCDEF7 True. Especially when some pander to certain religious groups to get votes.
@chrisCA While that is true I have to disagree with ABCDEF7s comment. Religions are inherently divisive. Each religion (especially the abrahamic ones) claim truth to their belief while dismissing the other side and especially dismissing science. Political parties just capitalize on that fact to gain votes
@SW-User "Humans are just not a homogenous group therefore it's impossible to just represent humanity. People are different but should be equal in treatment." :
Why they should be treated equal if they are different? Because the common thing that make you think they should be treated equal is the human in them, and recognizing that is humanity. It's about respecting the differences.

"Divide is impossible to avoid but should be kept in line. Different groups of people face different problems and situations that are intertwined with broader society and it's structures." :
They face different problems and situations because some people/politicians don't let you accept/forget the difference. Political mindset also uses religion to to fulfil their purpose. Even some religion can be formed out of political mindset.

Spirituality(not to be confused with getting religious) makes you love every life irrespective of any attribute related to your body/birth. But you will not find any political party promoting spirituality. Because it ruins their business of divide and rule. If they can support a religion, why not spirituality?

"Religions are inherently divisive. Each religion (especially the Abrahamic ones) claim truth to their belief while dismissing the other side and especially dismissing science." :
Take the example of Hindu religion(definitely not Abrahamic) where they have different faiths and different type of faiths, but all live in harmony. Even the religions that stem out of Hindu religion like Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism etc. don't even fight with each other. The religions that either emerged out of political mindset or those whose control later become a political are only trying to create a divide among religions. A religion by it's nature should only teach people to live in harmony unless it is created to benefit of divide or later gets politically controlled.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Black lives matter is about the police murdering unarmed black people these aren't related issues outside of broader concepts about structural racism and poverty.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@CountScrofula you are joking
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@MasterLee The thread ain't about if you support BLM if it's BLM and abortion have anything to do with one another.

It's like asking "What was Reagan's policy on Guatemala?" and answering "Trickle down doesn't work!"
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@CountScrofula you have twisted logic there dude
meJess · F
Banning abortion doesn’t allow more women to have babies, it forces women who do not wish to have them to do so.
meJess · F
@SW-User difficult to get jeans on that way
TexChik · F
@meJess no one forced them to get pregnant either.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@meJess wear a dress
I do find it funny that some people who are pro-life act like they care so much about what goes on with Black women and the Black American community now. When enough of them never have and will make terrible jokes about some black kids not having a father/ demonize single black mothers who have many kids. Even before RvW was overturned, on occasion I’d hear about Black women having the most abortions, but not knowing why that is.
akindheart · 61-69, F
the 2 don't connect. whether i am for or against abortion has nothign to do with BLM. nothing.
carpediem · 61-69, M
You speak of BLM as if they're concerned about the lives of black people. And we now know they're professional extortionists who are out for the few folks that run the show. They do NOTHING to make the lives of black people better.

I think most normal people are supportive of the rights of women. You don't have to be pro-abortion to value women's rights. Most people also support the lives of people of all colors black people included.

You must be really confused. Intentional? Maybe.
REMsleep · 41-45, F
There is no connection between BLM and abortion full stop.

Ridiculous in my opinion to try and link those two separate movements.
33% of abortions are had by whites while 38% are had by blacks.
But because blacks only make up 13-14% of Americans you are correct that its a comparatively large percentage of abortions had by blacks.
Being that financial concerns are one of the most common reasons for abortions and being that blacks tend to be lower on the economic ladder and have less family resources than whites on average perhaps abortions should be linked to poverty issues but not BLM.
Thats why folks called them Klanned Parenthood
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@YourMomsSecretCrush the original intent by the founder was to stop blacks from reproducing. She was a staunch liberal.
@YourMomsSecretCrush Ironically, the modern anti-abortion movement was started by racists like Jerry Falwell. Falwell began as a segregationist, but pivoted to the trifecta of opposing abortion rights, gay rights, and "feminism" when public sentiment turned against segregation. Falwell's political involvement began after the Brown v. Board of Education decision, because he didn't want his kids attending school with Black kids. It was further cemented by the Green v. Kennedy decision, which prohibited government funding of religious schools that practiced segregation. Bob Jones University famously paid back their tax exemption rather than integrate, and even as late as 2000, still prohibited interracial dating among their students.

The anti-abortion movement was started by racists and is still supported by white nationalists and other racists.
Possibly the most shallow connection ever
I can’t believe how rudely some people replied to your post. Interesting question.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@LilithoftheTrees Because enough people voted to support the program regardless of my personal view. That's how government works; we're not going to like everything.
@Graylight interesting. I wonder what my government’s policies are.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@LilithoftheTrees They should be available anywhere, depending on your country. Never before has so much information been so widely available.
Abortion and BLM have nothing to do with each other. The reason for the higher abortion rate among Black women is lack of quality sex education, difficulty in obtaining contraception, and higher poverty rates making pregnancy and raising children out of the question for many of them. Banning abortion wouldn't solve these systemic problems and would make some of them worse.

BLM's goal is to reduce the number of deadly interactions between Black citizens and the police. Anyone truly concerned about Black people (and not just using them as a cudgel to complain about liberals) would support both BLM and abortion rights.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
Is it really the largest demographic? If so, that is probably too simplistic to make conclusions, unless one this demographic represents a significant majority.

But I do know the main reason people seek abortions is for financial reasons. Heath reasons are significant second. If you could solve some of the economic issues for the lower classes, and solve some of the health care issues, abortion rates would likely drop significantly without having to ban anything.

I will say this again - abortion restrictions are about control. If they truly cared about fetuses as humans, they would examine the issue as a whole and find other ways of reducing abortion rates instead for throwing all their effort into legislative and judicial solutions.
MarineBob · 56-60, M
The part of abortion I am against is that the tax payers have to keep paying for them
helenS · 36-40, F
@MarineBob In European countries the costs are payed by the woman's health insurance.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@MarineBob I know what you mean. I mean, a child...what's that, right? Or a young mom-to-be who's wondering how she'll juggle school, a job and a child all while risking being thrown out of her house? Or that woman who had the audacity to be raped and now spends every waking moment wondering how she'll be able to love her 1st child because it reminds her of her worst day.

Tell me, Bob, are you just as mad at education or infrastructure? How 'bout Putting Fish on Treadmills, Proving That Gingerbread Houses Are Earthquake-Proof, Finding Out if Playing With Barbie Dolls Helps With Facial Recognition, NASA Research on How Religious Groups Would Respond To Aliens? All studies underway.

Are you angry your money goes to paying for shady doctors to stay in business? Subsidizing massive agricultural corporations?

Or is it just abortion and those tax dollars, Bob?
cycleman · 61-69, M
fricken sad to see/hear the land of the supposed free and the brave are being divided with hatred for the benefit of a major ego.
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
This is conflating two wildly different points. Bodily autonomy is what abortion is about.

BLM is about how quickly violence and police use of force escalates against black people.

To me, the fact that black lives matter means that they should have the right to bodily autonomy.
ron122 · 41-45, M
Democrats want to encourage black women to have abortions. Democrats are the real racist.
chrisCA · M
@ron122 What support for single moms do Republicans offer?
Northwest · M
Huh? You do Glenn Beck proud with this proposition.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Years ago when smoking was extremely common in public buildings, bars, and restaurants, it was argued the new laws were racist.

The argument was that the largest smoking demographic was black females.

Circular reasoning.
Your demographics seem to be wrong.White patients accounted for 39% of abortion procedures, black patients for 28%, Hispanic patients for 25%, and patients of other races and ethnicities for 9%.5
Torsten · 36-40, M
the BLM organization doesnt even really care about Black lives. Its a front to get rich and nothing more
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
You're over thinking this.

Besides, here in Australia, the Doctors used to recommend hysterectomies to Aboriginal women and told them it was reversible.

Moral of the story is the people in charge are dicks.
This is a really grotesque post that says a lot more about you and your shallow mentality than the straw men projections you're trying so ineffectually to bait
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@RogueLoner As a radical leftist I am just offended you called liberals radical 😂
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