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Biden Sells 1 MILLION Barrels of Oil from Strategic Reserves to Chinese Company Hunter Biden Invested In

Right in our faces. No worries over conflict of interest. Wonder what sort of kickback the Biden crime family receives?

DallasCowboysFan · 61-69, M
The oil was sold through Hunter Biden's oil company.
I don't think Hunter knows a damn thing about oil or running a successful business.
But he knows about buying influence and access to his father.

This is the most recent home video that was released by Hunter Biden. Smoking crack while he is in a float tank.


Biden can't even read a teleprompter anymore.

4meAndyou · F
The Treasury Department and all involved employees are complicit in hiding this information from Americans.

Hunter's lawyer claims that he divested ALL his foreign interests 4 months ago, but the CCP and their oil company BHR still have Hunter on the books as a 10% shareholder in BHR...the same company to whom Biden SOLD 500 million gallons of our Strategic Oil Reserve.

With over 150 carefully hidden SARS reports, (hidden by the NOW criminal Treasury department), and a major coverup in the works, even the FBI and Christopher Wray, who says China is our greatest threat, refuses to order a forensic analysis of the money and bribes received by Jim and Hunter Biden, and refuses to look at whether or not Joe Biden has shared in those bribes.
graphite · 61-69, M
If Don Jr. did the stuff Hunter does (with impunity), the FBI would be certain to arrest him at 3:30 am at his home when his 5 kids were there, with CNN cameras in tow.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
Oster1 · M
Been writing this for months, and the insurgent's, still support 'Idiocracy'.
Tres13 · 51-55, M
And buys Russian oil off the Indians Build Back Better
Bill1372 · 51-55, M
Who voted for this idiot ?
PatKirby · M
His Fraudulency was selected, not elected as Resident of the White House. Everything he touches turns to s*it, he should be called the King Midas of krap.
Slade · 56-60, M
@PatKirby Shit Midas II

First was his boss
PatKirby · M
And here I thought they just got drunk on Kool aid.
[image/video - please log in to see this content]
. I voted for Trump
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
@lovebeingasissy Pretty sure I now know who admins voted for...

InHeaven · F
“Aid to Ukraine” also goes to gas pumping companies they invested in. Everything they tell us on TV zombie box is BULLSHIT aka “news”
akindheart · 61-69, F
is that impeachable??? did he do it with Congressional knowledge. after all China put us through, he would help them?
Slade · 56-60, M
@akindheart China owns him through Hunter
@akindheart It would be impeachible if the president's last name was Trump. There is some language from the DOE that allows the president to draw down the strategic reserve to help lower prices. Yet, gas prices continue to rise. And selling oil to foreign entities won't help.
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
! million barrels is a very very very very very tiny amount btw. A 'barrel' is 42 US gallons, or about 159 L. Basically, 1 million 44 gallon drums of crude oil. so 159 million litres.

The US oil stockpile has capacity for about 700 ish million barrels, so selling just 1 of those millions to China is a drop in the virtual crude oil ocean. get over it peoples.

The US uses around 20 million barrels per day, so that's 1/20th of the total daily domestic usage of oil in industry and the automotive sector and land transport (road and rail) and domestic shipping.
@zonavar68 Do you even begin to understand the concept and purpose of a strategic reserve? Clearly not. Think...emergency catastrophic event.

And is Biden replacing the strategic reserve? Nope. Not yet at least.

How long will the strategic reserve last under normal consumption rate? You should know since it appears you pilfered the numbers from me. A little more than a month.

Originally, the idea was to use the strategic reserve to help lower gas prices. And per the numbers...1 milliion barrels is 5% of the daily use. We still see gasoline prices going up. So that failed. Now the administration is selling it to a number of foreign entities. And once such entity is a company in China in which Hunter Biden is invested in.
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
@BizSuitStacy less than 1 pct of emergency stockpile is stuff all. get over it. The shortfall will be replaced immediately with more sourced domestically or imported. If the USA is so intrinsically dependent on crude oil to operate as a country, the place is already fooked!
@zonavar68 1%? Hello McFly...the use and sale of the strategic reserve has been going on for a while now. Oh...but let's pretend this is just some isolated incident that can be dismissed. Let's ignore the real issue. Biden claims the purpose of the drawdown was to lower gas prices. How's that working, McFly? And how is selling the oil to foreign entities going to lower prices at the pump?
Slade · 56-60, M
Great article about that right here👍

zonavar68 · 56-60, M
They're selling some of it to Australia too.
AbbySvenz · F
My first thought was “if they don’t buy our oil, they’ll buy it from Russia” 🤷‍♀️@gdon39
gdon39 · 46-50, M
@AbbySvenz I hope you understand that I wasn’t trying to be a butthole, I was just venting. My words are true though
Oster1 · M
@gdon39 WHAT????? 🤔
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Oster1 · M
@Stereoguy Mass Formation Psychosis. Excuses are no longer tolerated.
DallasCowboysFan · 61-69, M
@zonavar68 Because every president does that. Carter had a peanut farm. He gave control to another man but do you think he didn't call the man and speak to him every once in a while?
Trump gave custody to his adult children that he trusted.

Besides, giving away the nation's oil reserves, which are supposed to be reserved for a national emergency, to a nation as hostile as China, through a company run by a crack smoking, CEO that was kicked out of the NAVY for drug use, who heads a company in an industry that he has ZERO experience in, should be a concern to everyone.
@zonavar68 tell us about Trump's criminal portfolio of businesses. This ought to be good 🍿
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Slade · 56-60, M
@PatKirby tire tracks would be better...
PatKirby · M
Slade · 56-60, M
@PatKirby Yeah baby!
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Bill1372 · 51-55, M
@MarmeeMarch I feel sorry for those people… I can’t understand what it must be like to be completely void of common sense.
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