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I was just accused of playing partisan politics in my last post. Really? There's no such thing these days. We can barely coexist!

Who can “unite” with 70 - 80 million people in the US who are no longer interested in America being a democracy or a democratically governed constitutional republic? The Republicans want an authoritarian theocracy through sheer force of will and the raw exertion of power. They are going to try and force their values on everyone with whom they don’t agree.

It’s not that there’s no common ground anymore. There are no common facts anymore in the US. That’s one of the things in Timothy Snyder’s book on Tyranny. It’s a necessary precursor for bringing in fascism or authoritarianism. Nothing is true anymore.

If there are no common facts anymore then you can’t have good faith arguments, honest debates, and open discussions. I absolutely love to have good faith arguments and enjoy finding I'm wrong, but I will not be told I'm wrong by someone quoting right-wing conspiracy theorist Tucker Carlson.

I never thought in my lifetime I would see what’s happening in the US. There are tens of millions of people who essentially want to overthrow the government and replace it with an authoritarian theocracy. The US is about to lose its democracy.
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Amylynne · 26-30, F Best Comment
they have openly planned this for years,
it was all laid out clearly in the
Powell memorandum.
By Louis Powell, who became a scotus judge.
create "institutes and think tanks" to produce information that supports our cause, remove the laws that kept control over ever expanding control of all media, and take control of the Ideas about what america is.
they did not PLAN to have fundamentalist Christianity, in it, but Regan added that. the demonization of the poor, the colorful, the alternate, the immigrant
is a keystone,

this was no accident
it was 40 years of concerted effort

Fukfacewillie · 56-60, M
The MAGAs have replaced election officials with MAGA loyalists in many swing states. Between that and the Electoral College, there is virtually no way a Democrat will be allowed to win again.

Turns out democratic values are less important than power for this minority.
Randi1125 · 31-35, F
@Fukfacewillie You might be right but I certainly hope not.
LegendofPeza · 61-69, M
If I was an American I would emigrate.
Research history! The founders of the KKK were Democrats.

Perhaps you can explain why, knowing this, today’s Republicans fly and support the Confederate battle flag ? And why both David Duke and Thom Robb (leaders in today’s KKK) are staunch Republicans ?

Especially if they still claim the label of "Party of Lincoln", why would they ever carry the flag of those who assassinated him ? 🤔

History also tells us that former "Dixiecrats” like Strom Thurmond left the Democrats to join the Republicans when blacks became more active in the Democratic Party.
That pretty much says it all. 🙁
Montanaman · M
@bijouxbroussard just saying, it's what I read.🤷‍♀️
Besides, I'm actually sick to death of all this political division. Sick to death of left vs. Right. Sick to death of labels on people as a group. Of biased opinions, "all Republicans are racist " or "All democrats are communists " 🙄🤯
ect ect ect...i just want to go fishing and have a beer, and forget the world. 👍😎✌️
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
Who knew that one day, we'd be called white supremacists and authoritarians for quoting our founding fathers.... 🤔

@wildbill83 again, my point is Democrats point out the flaws and bad things about people in their party. Currently the GOP turns a blind eye to it all.
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
@JonLosAngeles66 how are we turning a blind eye to it?

Were it up to me; biden, harris, pelosi, schumer, all these fake news journalists, etc. would be charged for treason, rounded up, and executed...

how does that make me a racist? 🤔
@wildbill83 discussion over.
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
You have nothing to worry about. All you need is the same 80 million that voted for Joe Biden last time to vote for his agenda again and the Democrats will win again in 2024. New voters break heavily to the Democrats. If the Republicans take back the house and senate in 2022 and the presidency in 2024 it will only be because Biden’s voters didn’t get what they were promised and don’t like what happened
@GJOFJ3 Unfortunately, I don’t have the luxury of voting for the KKK because I’m dissatisfied and thinking they’ll do better.
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
@bijouxbroussard Vote for Biden again. You have a choice. That’s the beauty of our system
@GJOFJ3 I won’t ever vote for Trump, that’s a given.
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
That is why I am leaving the US on retirement. The Christotaleban are taking over and this is not the same country I took an oath to defend long ago.
firefall · 61-69, M
@Crazywaterspring thats pretty much my plan too
Randi1125 · 31-35, F
@firefall This is incredibly so sad to me. The US is a shithole country.
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
@Crazywaterspring move to Russia or China then... because things are so much better there...

perhaps you can rent a vacation home in Grozny, Chechnya; I hear they have great housing rates... 🤔
Torsten · 36-40, M
The Republicans want an authoritarian theocracy through sheer force of will and the raw exertion of power. They are going to try and force their values on everyone with whom they don’t agree.

Replace Republicans with Democrats in the sentence and you have the same exact thing. No different from one another.
Funny how those on the left or right are blind to it and think it only is the opposite side doing it. Wake up
Torsten · 36-40, M
@BohemianBabe such a fucking moron
@Torsten Look, there are other ways you can be cool besides pretending both parties are the same and you're just soo above it all.
Try skateboarding. Skateboarders are cool.
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Indeed, who can unite with ~74 million people who aren't connected to reality, deny basic facts, and don't care about existential crises dooming our species to extinction

There's no common ground with those who want to drag you under the water with them
Randi1125 · 31-35, F
@SW-User I couldn't agree more.
When information from newspapers, government stats and non-partisan organizations are discounted and not trusted it’s hard to even know where to start. Sketchy YouTube videos, podcasts and internet rumors rule the day with many. They are also, much louder than the opposition. Smaller numbers though.
Randi1125 · 31-35, F
@JonLosAngeles66 They are sooooo obnoxiously loud.
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Randi1125 · 31-35, F
@ron122 Ahh, you're threatened by me so you automatically assume I'm a guy. It must be painful to be such an insecure twit.
@ron122 A real man who had a working brain wouldn't stoop to ad hominem-style attacks when in discussion.
ron122 · 41-45, M
@SomeMichGuy So why did you say it?
Tres13 · 51-55, M
Brandon said he will unite America,he has 40 yrs of Government experience
Your post is true...and disturbing af.
ron122 · 41-45, M
You must have meant to say democrat dude.
Randi1125 · 31-35, F
@ron122 No girlfriend, I said what I said.
firefall · 61-69, M
It feels so completely surreal, unbelievable.
cycleman · 61-69, M
Too much sugar in their daily diets!

Scares me that a lot of Americans can be blind sighted with/from their patriotism.
What we are witnessing is the death throws of patriarchy and I cannot be happier.

Be strong and keep their feet to the fire.
@whippersnapper I agree. I’ve referred to it as the last gasp of Male White Supremacy
@JonLosAngeles66 100% and boy are they having a temper tantrum 😆
Strictgram · 70-79, C
Totally false premise.
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Paladin · 61-69, M
@Strictgram Not really. The bulk of the conservatives have strayed from their beliefs. Of course, not all of us.
@Paladin Thank you.

It's nice to hear that some conservatives understand that Mitt Romney used to be in the RIGHT wing of the GOP.
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Randi1125 · 31-35, F
@SW-User Kiss my a$$
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Yes it was an epiphany to me to realize about 75% of the people around me in this county and state are out of their minds..
fun4us2b · M
WSJ Editorial - You Are Living in the Golden Age of Stupidity

If it's up to "We the People" then "We in Trouble" 😓
Montanaman · M
I'm telling you, it's gonna take another 9/11.🙄😞💔🤗💞😇🙏
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
not sure what kind of bullshit you're being fed on TV, but it's the liberals trying to plunge us into another 40+ year cold war...

not sure why people think a defeated russia (again) is a good thing...

1990 was a firearms smorgasbord for any terrorist state with money to trade; arguably, more death and destruction was caused as a result of the collapse of the soviet union than as a result of the soviet union itself...

as if once wasn't bad enough, do we really need to repeat history again?
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
This idea of globalism, a "new world order", is doomed to failure; It's not a new idea, and has been tried dozens of times before, and failed miserably every single time leading to the darkest periods in history...

NATO/UN is just a modern day Roman Empire....
Yeah, anyone who thinks Leftists and Liberals can come together with Conservatives in the name of unity can fuck right off. We can't work with people who disagree with the very foundation of Western Civilization.
Khenpal1 · M
why do you bother ? few month ago you were a bloody Russian 😂
CorvusBlackthorne · 100+, M
My dear, all politics are partisan politics.

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