“… and to again help our partner Trump to become President.” — Russian State TV
Notice the word ‘again’?
If there ever was any question whether trump was a Russian asset and a Trojan Horse installed to destroy democracy from within - there sure as hell isn’t any longer.
Now maybe this is genuine and accurate: Which is diturbing of course. Or maybe it is staged, for American consumption, knowing that it will fuel the division within America on the subject of Trump, which has gone just a little off the boil lately. That would play well in Russia right now. That is equally, but differently disturbing.😷
@Randi1125 On that we agree completely. I am one who believes Trump being financially in Putins pocket was a gift to Putin. But hes out of office now and Putin has already said he will be pursuing the Trump debt this year,.😉
@Randi1125 That's reassuring, because he's getting beaten to hell in his own backyard. My God, for as stable and measured as the world might be Biden, they must view Americans as bat-shit crazy. I didn't think any nation wished the bull in the china shop was still in place (well, a strategic few), but I'm hoping wiser people can hear Biden's words rather than the way he utters them.
Trump Tower Moscow, also known as the Moscow Project, was a series of proposals by the Trump Organization to develop a Trump skyscraper in Russia. Michael Cohen testified in February 2019; Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump were regularly briefed about a proposed Trump Tower in Moscow. maybe he can get that tower built .
Donald Trump had hardly gained the Oval Office key when he started to show his naivety in international affairs; and he has certainly expressed admiration for some pretty unpleasant regimes.
Nevertheless I'd be surprised if Putin regards Trump as any genuine "partner", or even has any real respect for him; but more likely admires the attitudes of Trump and his followers to the rancid political and social divisions already existing within the USA he (Putin) despises.
You Americans have to consider that all your bitter but petty internal arguments are seen world-wide, and although not relevant in detail or personality, in entirety they may be very useful to your many enemies.
@markansas Oh, I think Putin has shown his dishonesty and duplicity to the world. Even China seems now finding him an embarrassment - to China, at any rate.
We agree on many things. But I personally believe trump to be a Trojan Horse. At the very least he’s a Manchurian Candidate. He needs to go to prison for treason.
@Randi1125 Trump's so damn stupid, if he was an undercover agent, he would have gotten caught by now. Look at how many of his crimes he got caught doing. He does need to go to prison for treason, though.
It has occurred to me that one of the factors leading to the Russian invasion of Ukraine was probably the Trump presidency. Putin would have thought that a divided USA would be unable to intervene much in Ukraine. Did Putin actually try to engineer the division? Well, judging by the history of the last few years, then... probably!
Typically spies are shot. I imagine that trump is keeping the CIA busy with wire taps. I pity the poor bastard that has to listen in and transcribe those conversations. It might be that they're keeping him around as punishment for new recruits who don't keep their shoes polished.
Trump to Ivanka Doll, call dat Vlad ask what dese fo, one of ‘‘em says direct line to associate on it use dat in, oh papa he say make calls on ‘‘em den throu dem down the toilet, OK then thank him for dese
@Oster1 Who knows how much under the table. No wonder the turtle mcconnel is not interested into looking into hunter, since he owns a shipping company doing business with china, and guess what the turtles wife does for a living....
The Wanna-be King of Babble-on, is a quisling. quis·ling /ˈkwizliNG/ Learn to pronounce noun noun: quisling; plural noun: quislings a traitor who collaborates with an enemy force occupying their country. "he had the Quisling owner of the factory arrested"
I can't tell whether they are telling the truth to the Russian people, or telling a lie to further divide the American people. Either way, it's fucking diabolical.