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Mental Disorder: Woke MSNBC Claims You’re a ‘Neo-Nazi’ if You Exercise

This from the nitwits at MSNBC:

"It appears the far right has taken advantage of pandemic at-home fitness trends to expand its decade-plus radicalization of physical mixed martial arts (MMA) and combat sports spaces.

Earlier this month, researchers reported that a network of online “fascist fitness” chat groups on the encrypted platform Telegram are recruiting and radicalizing young men with neo-Nazi and white supremacist extremist ideologies. Initially lured with health tips and strategies for positive physical changes, new recruits are later invited to closed chat groups where far-right content is shared.

Physical fitness has always been central to the far right. In “Mein Kampf,” Hitler fixated on boxing and jujitsu, believing they could help him create an army of millions whose aggressive spirit and impeccably trained bodies, combined with “fanatical love of the fatherland,” would do more for the German nation than any “mediocre” tactical weapons training.

The intersection of extremism and fitness leans into a shared obsession with the male body, training, masculinity, testosterone, strength and competition. Physical fitness training, especially in combat sports, appeals to the far right for many reasons: fighters are trained to accept significant physical pain, to be “warriors,” and to embrace messaging around solidarity, heroism, and brotherhood. It’s championed as a tool to help fight the “coming race war” and the street battles that will precede it."
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F
Of course... it wouldn't do to have too many physically-fit fascists around.

What would the Antifa soyboys do...?

jackjjackson · 61-69, M
What makes you think they are men? @Slade
Slade · 56-60, M
@jackjjackson They are not. They are Pics and Leo
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Are they recruiting them in order to join the Azov battalion in Ukraine?
@LeopoldBloom Did you know a seahorse is an equine because it has horse in the name?
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow And here is a picture of a better tomorrow, according to picturesofabettertomorrow.

@sunsporter1649 Actually, that is your idea of a utopia. That picture was taken during the Yeltsin era of Chicago School capitalist paradise.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
Nice twisting of the words, they didn't say if you exercise you're a Neo Nazi. They claimed that CERTAIN groups are luring innocent people in and then inviting them to "closed chat groups" where their ideology is spread.

There's more to this, the group lays down specific rules that has people fight one another which is evidence of planning for violence. Images posted in these fitness groups are photos of Hitler and the admin who posted a picture of himself in a gym mirror that said he was training to stop "George Soros paid protesters," who we all know Soros is a dog whistle for the far right because he's Jewish and actively engages in liberal causes, obviously the far right doesn't like this.

Another user said on these accounts:

"Defend your race, defend your land, achieve immortality."

Another said they were ready to join the SS and a bunch of others accused other men of being "low T" meaning low testosterone and therefore linked to being weak and effeminate political establishment.

The far right like this user on SW who wrote this post know deep down who they are and their belief system but their aim is to have plausible deniability even if it makes these far right leaning SW users look seemingly illiterate it doesn't matter, they just have to look "innocent enough" to spread their bigotry.
bradhuskers · 56-60, M
Looks like you're aother gullible and easily duped sheep troll.
It's the left that's fascist.
Every single fascist dictator ruled over socialist and communist governments.
But because you lack intelligence, you had absolutely ZERO clue about this.
You've been lied to your whole life by left wing bullshit in the press, media and academia, including the democrat party. And because you lack critical thinking, you're just another weak minded sheep.
Today, we have actual examples of left wing socialist governments displaying their fascist behaviors. Canada and Australia are two specific examples.
With Canada actually seizing the bank accounts of private citizens.
Your MAJOR DISCONNECT is that you've been systematically brainwashed your whole life by left wing bullshit propaganda.
Libertarians, REAL liberals and conservatives, ALL stand against your left wing government control party.
We hold liberty as sacrosanct.
Your left wing party is totalitarian, authoritarian and anti-liberty.
It's stunning how duped you are.
The left loves gullible and easily duped sheep like you.
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bradhuskers · 56-60, M
My god you are duped.
And I suspect you've been duped and manipulated your entire life.
Marxism, Like ALL leftist dogma, is a collective. By definition, it's fascist and authoritarian. In fact, ALL fascists ruled over socialist and communist governments. The fascist finds a home in socialist and communist governments, because they control the weak minded sheep.
Today, REAL liberals, libertarians and conservatives hold liberty to be sacrosanct. Today's leftists are totalitarian, authoritarian and anti-liberty.
It's absolutely stunning, how gullible and weak minded you are.
The American people understand that your left wing party IS incompatible with our constitutional republic.
The state of Virginia just voted out their left wing democrat governor, and this November, it's rude awakening time for these left wing sociopath/fascists.
Stay tuned snowflake.
bradhuskers · 56-60, M
Your comments reveal just how duped you are by left wing bullshit propaganda.
It's your own party that's authoritarian and fascist. Yet you have ZERO clue.
All over, we see left wing socialist governments exerting their fascist rule.
Canada and Australia anyone?
We just witnessed the Canadian government seize the bank accounts of private citizens. That's what all left wing governments do.
Chavez, Castro, Pol pot, mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, etc....etc......ALL these fascists ruled over socialist and communist governments.
What's funny is how left wing academics changed the definition of fascism, by inserting the words "right wing" imto the definition. These corrupt leftist professors actually committed academic fraud by allowing their political agendas into their classrooms.
But I digress.........
More and more Americans are becoming increasingly aware of the left.
It started with Virginia a few months back, as they voted out their left wing democrat governor. And this November, it's rude awakening time for these left wing sociopaths.
See you in November, snowflake.
4meAndyou · F
Does this mean that all the nitwits at MSNBC will be donating their home gyms to the poor, and will now become fat and flabby to show how "woke" they are? 🤣🤣🤣
4meAndyou · F
@Thinkerbell Quite true...quite true...🤣
graphite · 61-69, M
@Thinkerbell Yep. Good luck getting past the steel gates and armed guards protecting these elitists.
Slade · 56-60, M
@4meAndyou Looking at those specimens do you really think there's more than 40 pounds of weight there?
Far right fascist groups have been infiltrating this space for a long time now as a result of the far right's obsession with the "alpha male" bullshit nonsense. Not a fan of MSNBC or US media in general but I don't see an issue with advising people that you might want to check out the background of your gym.
bradhuskers · 56-60, M
Did you say "far right?"
If you had an IQ above re***d levels, you'd understand that every single fascist dictator ruled over socialist and communist governments. It's the left wing government control party that's authoritarian and anti-liberty.
It's always been that way.
From Chavez to mussolini to Hitler to pol pot to Castro to Stalin to Lenin to Mao, etc......etc.......ALL fascists ruled over socialist and communist governments.
Today, left wing governments in Canada and Australia, revealed their fascist rule. Canada literally seized the bank accounts of private citizens.
When you have been manipulated by left wing bullshit propaganda your entire life, it's easy to see how brainwashed you've become.
The left loves gullible and weak minded sheep like you.
@bradhuskers You are so deeply confused. Turn off Glenn Beck and the Q Anon crowd. Your brain is rotting.

You have no idea what you are talking about. You have proven you don't know what fascism is or what left wing politics are.

It is embarrassing.

The only thing you have demonstrated is how much of a failure the US education system is now.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
The rise of extreme right-wing groups is problem in many countries, not only the USA, symbiotically perhaps with the coming to power of assorted so-called "populist" dictators such as Orban in Hungary, Chavez in Venezuela, Erdogan in Turkey and of course President Putin of Russia.

As I am neither American nor resident there, I do not know what US political slang words like 'populist' and 'woke' really mean - or even if they really mean anything serious at all. Nor do I know what is the MSNBC.

However, both Right and Left far-political regimes have admired overt physical fitness, and for two reasons: military fitness, and propaganda. Part of the latter shows in those orchestrated films of massed squaddies or university-students performing identical exercises in serried rows. Though it's worth noting that those were standard PT exercises, not martial-arts - high strength and stamina are far more useful than kung-fu to a modern soldier.

Such fitness regimes are not confined to the far-Right (not much difference from the far-Left except in theory anyway), though the original Nazis did fetishise it.

All you might be seeing there are organised far-right groups latching onto PT and martial-arts training more than their far-left opponents - but the overall threat is what counts.
bradhuskers · 56-60, M
Judging by your twisted thinking, it's quite apparent that you've been duped by left wing bullshit propaganda your entire life.
I've studied politics and history longer than you've been alive, and you have ZERO idea about what you are talking about.
The left isn't just in America.
The left has always been intrinsically intertwined with fascism.
All fascists ruled over socialist and communist governments. Fascism has always had a home in leftist ideology.
It's how the fascists controls the weak minded sheep.
Mao, Castro, Pol pot, mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Chavez, etc.....etc......ALL ruled over socialist and communist governments.
Today, it's REAL liberals, libertarians and conservatives who hold liberty as sacrosanct. We stand united against your left wing government control socialists.
More and more people the world over, are becoming increasingly aware of the left. It's like shining a light on cockroaches, and watching them scatter. The left relies on ignorance.
Hiding the truth of what they are.
You're just another weak minded snowflake, following along, convincing other weak minded sheep by regurgitating the bullshit you have absorbed. But when you run into anyone with an ounce of intelligence, they immediately recognize what you are.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@bradhuskers I take it "twisted thinking" is expressing an opinion or observation not your own....

I have no idea what you mean by "snowflake", because I am not American and do not speak American slang.

All I will say about your pointless abuse and its odd historical errors, is that the chatter on SW between Americans about their nation's internal politics, suggests its Left-Right spectrum of views and political definitions seems not to correspond to those of the UK and much of Western Europe.

It seems if anything somewhat to the Right of these countries; so for example what a Briton, a German or an Italian would regard as a perfectly ordinary public service of no special R/L leaning is seen as dangerously hard-Left to some Americans. On the other hand, we see what is happening in Turkey and Hungary as dangerously hard-Right and anti-democratic,... small "d".

Oh, and by the way I am not strongly Left-Wing or Right-wing even by my country's spectrum, but anyway there are good and bad in both sides' ideologies. In General Elections here the administrative performance of the retiring Governmental party is more important to many voters than mere dogma or Grandad's partisan loyalties.
These people try to lump others into categories that they build on total bullshit based on their ideology, intolerance and total stupidity, hoping others will buy into their mentality.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Good grief, I guess they want everyone to wimp out and not be able to defend themselves.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Fortunately THEY only think they can tell us what to think. THEY suck. And not in the good way either. @cherokeepatti
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@jackjjackson if people would wake up and wisen up this crap would be over.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Hopefully. At least enough will stay aware so THEY don’t totally screw us. @cherokeepatti
graphite · 61-69, M
MSNBC: Everyone who opposes us is a Nazi!
Putin: Anyone who opposes me is a Nazi!

hmmm. Noticing a pattern here.
Anyone who isnt a dem voting lunatic is the new joo.
Degrade them
demean them
Demonise them
Regards them as ‘less’
chastise them into silence and obedience.

The brave new world order

bradhuskers · 56-60, M
History reveals truth.
Every fascist ruled over socialist and communist governments.
But because left wing academics is corrupt, they've changed multiple definitions and spread revisionist history.
Today, the left wing government control socialists, are the very definition of government control fascists. They are anti-liberty and incompatible with our constitutional republic.
Elion Musk is taking over Twitter to rid it of left wing fascist control.
Little by little, more and more people are becoming increasingly aware of the fascist left.
Oster1 · M
No, they are just simply, projecting, their Soy Boy, personna and weaknesses!

This is really sad.

Low Testosterone, is a real illness!
Oster1 · M
@basilfawlty89 Lazy? Can't read? Brilliant.
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
@Oster1 so you admit I'm right that you are lazy and can't read or because it's ridiculous for you to be afraid of a bean?
Oster1 · M
@basilfawlty89 Please, you have your beliefs, I will have mine. Good luck.😊
Umm your headline has practically nothing to do with the contents...
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@SW-User And another one who can't read
Did you write this yourself or copy this from a mental health forum.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Anyone who claims their "Woke" is a f#ckwit to begin with. And everything else they say should not be taken seriously.
@bradhuskers Snowflake? You are the one having a meltdown because reality doesn't fit your feelings.

Words have definitions. Facts exist.

I get that on the right you just go with whatever your feelings tell you and make ship up but that is not how the real world works.

Nothing you have presented is even partially factual.
@sunsporter1649 And here comes the biggest right wing snowflake of all.
graphite · 61-69, M
Amylynne · 26-30, F
nazi is a useless word it means the same thing as
lefty both words mean
someone I hate
@sunsporter1649 Nazis are your camp. In fact you fit the description better than most.
bradhuskers · 56-60, M
The nazi socialists were government control.
Same as the left wing party in this country today .
Left wing academics has been corrupted, so they've inserted the words "right wing" into the definition of fascist.
Today, it's becoming increasingly clear that the left is totalitarian, authoritarian and fascist. Canada's government just seized the bank accounts of private citizens. Australia has become increasingly fascist.
It's just a matter of time before the left is completely exposed.
When that happens, you'll begin to see a shift back to the principles of liberty.
The nazi socialists were government control.

No they were not.

Same as the left wing party in this country today .

An even bigger lie.

It is not left wing academics. It is literally every academic who has studied history or politics for the last 80 years.

This idea that the nazis were leftists is completely the invention of right wing talking heads on right wing propaganda TV in the last 20 years or so.

And if you think the Liberals in Canada are leftists you are even more of an idiot.

Seizing the bank accounts of criminals is not exactly new.

And good job proving you have no idea what fascist means.
It’s all true; you either don’t want to see it as true, or you don’t care. Telegram is a notorious far-right platform and there is ample evidence to support this.
bradhuskers · 56-60, M
It's the left wing that's totalitarian, authoritarian and fascist. If you had an ounce of intelligence, you'd understand that fact.
fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
I have an obsession with the male body! Does that make me a neo-nazi?
bradhuskers · 56-60, M
No. Just a left wing tinkerbell snowflake.
fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
@bradhuskers That is a low blow! I don't like anything about the left! I was thinking about disconnecting the left turn signal on my car!
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
MSNBC can suck my dick
Amylynne · 26-30, F
@HoraceGreenley stop using TV
its all crap
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
@Amylynne What do you mean?

My comment is a general one directed at MSNBC and most lame stream media.

I'm not interested in some specific story like this. I just assume it's Bullshit anyway.
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eMortal · M
So are “woke” and “Snowflakes” @msros

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