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Why is the plight of the Ukrainian people seeming more important than that of the Kurds, Palestinians or Yemeni people?

I think it's because Ukraine is in Europe and therefore feels more "relevant" to Europeans. I wouldn't say more "important". It's natural & understandable. Also the US is a NATO member along with many of those European countries who share a continent and feel close to Ukraine on certain levels.

Then there's this global fear of a giant military force like Russia with the dangers of slipping into WWIII.

Similarly, for Arab countries other Arab counties might seem to be more "relevant" too.

Personally, I'm against war and killings of civilians in all forms no matter what country or ethnicity. Nobody is more important than the other in that sense. Life & humanity above anything else.
@SW-User Amen!
@SW-User Thank you 🙏
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
It's definitely important to the media right now. Whether or not Ukrainians are valued more than other groups isn't something that can be accurately measured right now, there is a MASSIVE propaganda campaign highlighting their current plight and forcing a divide between them and Russia.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Convincing 🤠 @Lila15
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@jackjjackson Hey Jack, sorry for the late reply.

I feel like that knowing who to trust and what information is truly accurate is the bain of the modern age. You are old enough to remember the trust we had in our news media 40 years ago when Ted Koppel, Peter Jennings and the muck rakers at 60 minutes dug into things and were convincing in that they truly seemed to be looking into things that mattered and what the told the American public was accurate.

It's tough to know who to trust and what to believe.

I've made my focus on watching what people do, as opposed to what they say. The Biden administration is paying a lot of lip service to the rising rate of inflation, but what have they actually done to address it??? My understanding is they are reluctantly going to raise interest rates but really that's about it. So I don't believe they actually care about that, and I was appalled that Biden is now trying to pin the blame for this on Putin. It's pathetic.

I've also developed a network of people on Substack that I follow and listen to. Matt Taibbi, Glenn Greenwald, Bari Weiss, and Michael Tracy are all people I follow and have come to trust for they all navigated several controversial stories accurately like Russiagate, the Hunter Biden laptop, and the response to Covid 19.

I get that am agree. In THEORY however aren’t we just like them in getting only the news the government allows us to get? How do we KNOW really KNOW this isn’t exactly the way it is in Russia?

We don't, truly. But everytime to navigate through one of these correctly, for example I feel fairly good about the way I discerned what truly mattered and what was going on during the Covid 19 pandemic. Those kind of experiences can give you confidence that you kept your head during a "crises" and you can take stock in that and feel good about your own perceptions and thoughts on the matter.

I agree we have access to the truth IF we review everything and figure out what the truth is. My point is THEORETICALLY we could be being controlled and don’t even know it

We absolutely could and we might never know. We could all be in "The Matrix" or the dreams of the Old Gods. 🤷‍♂️

I don't believe that though and try to proceed the best way forward for myself and my family.

Feel free to PM me if you want to talk about this more.
Lila15 · 22-25, F
@SumKindaMunster Agreed - the problem isn’t access to information, but too much information from questionable sources. So it’s easy to find news that merely reinforces your existing worldview without checking if it’s accurate or has an agenda.
Unlearn · 41-45, M
Because normal Ukrainians are law abiding people who can co-exist with other religions, communities and race peacefully.
@Unlearn I see, you feel its a racial or cultural issue. That only those that meet western standards are deserving of help?
Unlearn · 41-45, M
@Ozymandiaz I feel organic food Is healthy for us all...
@Unlearn That is nice
I don't know exactly about the world but here I know you guys were supportive of Palestine a few months ago when they were under attack in Gaza. I don't know what else to say because on the other side Arabs have been complaining but to me I find it ridiculous that people can be jealous that it's not an Arab country that's burning this time and they got so used to the idea of Arab countries always being on trending news that they feel left out.

Some even went to type ridiculous things like "they won't say the word terrorist to Russia but when it's a Muslim person they do" and that's basically dumb because hello those are too different things the west has always been against the Syrian president for example, terrorism is different from armies attacking civilians. Plus the Ukrainian president did call the Russian terrorists which again doesn't change anything, killing is wrong and that applies to everyone doing it.

To me we simply are all the same and I'll keep thinking this way I'll support the oppressed without having to sort them according to whatever because that's what brings us into wars to begin with.
@PiecingBabyFaceTogether Thank you. I feel that was insightful and balanced
BlueVeins · 22-25
The Palestinian conflict has gotten more news than Ukraine at numerous points throughout recent history whenever things heat up. The basic reason why Ukraine's at the forefront right now is that they're currently fighting the first major conventional war since Korea; this is when the action's happening. Generally speaking, the Ukraine conflict is a much more cohesive story because it's being fought between highly-organized countries with clear and major differences to each other, which makes it considerably easier to follow. The fact that it's geopolitically important to Europe also contributes to the greater coverage, as does -- unfortunately -- the skin color of the combatants.
room101 · 51-55, M
"Seeming" is the operative word here.

When the war in Syria began in 2011, the news feeds here in Europe broadcast it 24/7. They showed the refugee camps, they talked about the Yazidi genocide. They covered the resistance by Kurdish forces and the casualties that they sustained as a consequence. The coverage continued for quite a few years.

Similarly with Palestine. Every time there is another attack, the news here in Europe is inundated with it.

Admittedly, coverage of Yemen has been sparse. But is that because "white's don't care about people of colour" or, is it because having the word "PRESS" displayed in Yemen is akin to painting the proverbial target on oneself?
room101 · 51-55, M
@Ozymandiaz It is bigger. As @Elessar has already pointed out, this is the only time that the leader on one side of a given conflict has threatened to use nuclear weapons against anybody that interferes.
@room101 Show me that?
room101 · 51-55, M

There are plenty of other online news articles covering this topic. I've chosen three that a) don't require subscription and b) cover a global perspective and audience.
A few reasons. One is that Ukraine is in the western sphere of influence now. Even though we were aligned with the Kurds, before Trump dicked them over, they were never really part of the West.
Another thing is that we already had a bad relationship with Russia, so the media is comfortable calling them out. Whereas with the Palestinians, obviously the media isn't going to call out Israel for their war crimes.
@BohemianBoo Very true
I do not think anykne is saying it is more important but right now it is more urgent.

The conflicts in Palestine, Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan did receive media and funding requests. Aid was sent.

Ukraine is being invaded by a nuclear power, millions of people in Europe are at risk from this threat. The impact of the refugees affect Europe more and the loss of resource from.ujraine will have a massive impact on Europe.

Those tbat look at ukraine and say "what about....." need to consider where is there a bigger concern for peoples lives and safety
@Ozymandiaz and sorry for all the typos
@InOtterWords I didnt even notice any 😂
Lila15 · 22-25, F
@Ozymandiaz You've got to be kidding. There's a Russian-backed separatist movement in Donbas that includes actual undercover Russian soldiers ("little green men") and mercenaries. As a sovereign country, Ukraine is entitled to resist that.
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
Ukraine is new. The other conflicts have been around for a long, long time.
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
@PiecingBabyFaceTogether Habituatation to stimuli
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HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
@Darksideinthenight2 I know. But the latest thing to happen is this invasion.
It isn’t…it’s just the media coverage that made a difference.

Watching russia attack a peaceful country without instigation or cause is unforgivable….this mindless fuvkery has to stop…no matter where it’s happening.

No war is comparable to another …They should end these wars and call it a ceasefire.
@Vivaci I guess the Russians would tell you there has been cause.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
At a time like this, now you want equal attention?
@MarkPaul No need to feel indignant or threatened though
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@Ozymandiaz No need to take offence at calm indignation, you know.
@MarkPaul good man. You are right.
Eternity · 26-30, M
Because they're white and non-muslim to be quite honest.

Its wrong as hell but that doesnt mean what russia is doing is right.

I dont agree with the US's bloody meddling in the middle east either.
@Eternity When the Soviet Union was committing war crimes against various white ethnicities, America didn't care, because the Soviet Union was our ally. We didn't start caring about Eastern Europeans until the Cold War started.
So no, it wasn't about race, just politics as usual.
@Eternity could be
Elessar · 26-30, M
I don't remember the heads of state of the parties involved in those other conflicts threatening to nuke the world, in case of defeat or foreign intervention?
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Elessar I don’t think that is a threat. He is stating the obvious.
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Ozymandiaz Well, first and foremost Crimea isn't Russia, it's a part of another country he was previously successful into claiming and taking as his own, but not recognized by literally anyone as such. But aside from the Crimean question, this wasn't the first nor the last "hint" he gave towards the possible explosion of a nuclear war as the direct consequence of interference in this conflict.
Budwick · 70-79, M
I think it seems that way cuz that is how media presents it.
Sooo many people don't really have an opinion of their own - just what media tells 'em.

So, I think your question is better directed to the media.
@Budwick I don’t think i would get a response
Cierzo · M
Because russophobia has never gone away in the west, and it is fine and cool, but if you dare to say anything opposing Israel or Turkey it is antisemitism or islamophobia, and this cannot be tolerated.
@Cierzo There is something in this I think.
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
Because Putin is a psychopath and Zalensky didn’t up and leave his country. They are fighting for their freedom with everything they can and got most of the world to come together for them.
@Keepitsimple so are the other folk though
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
It is more important to me because it concerns me directly. I don't know about other people.
@CrazyMusicLover Sorry to hear that. Are you Ukrainian?
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@Ozymandiaz I have Ukrainian heritage but also I live in the country bordering with Ukraine, not that far from the border. There are various problems emerging from the whole situation.
@CrazyMusicLover i can imagine. It may only get worse.
IncredibleMom · 36-40, F
european country in a democracy vs tribal people following a religious cult
@IncredibleMom Any proof of those claims?
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@IncredibleMom A uninformed explanation Karen
Sazzio · 31-35, M
Just for a year or two. Then media will b seeking out new stories. Pre 2020, they showed the war in Middle East Baghdad / Tehran area every other week, even if it was a school's been bombarded they'd show it for a few minutes.

Covid has been pushed back into "No new news" and Ukraine news, will just give a year or two if it's an ongoing war.
@Sazzio Bad news sells
Would it be mean-spirited to speculate that it’s because the Ukrainians are "white" and therefore more relatable to people in Western cultures ? 🤔
@bijouxbroussard I wouldn’t say so. That it is mean spirited that is.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Morally, it's not. Politically, I suppose because Ukraine is an extant sovereign nation being invaded by a wanna-be-again superpower and the similarities in Putin's reasoning echo Hitler's reasons for invading Austria, Poland, etc., etc. Also possibly because of the sheer numbers involved, with 40 million Ukrainians in the Largest nations in Europe.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
It's not more or less important.

It's as important.
G00GLE · 26-30, M
It's in Europe
@G00GLE Double standards in action?
G00GLE · 26-30, M
@Ozymandiaz for sure. It's heartbreaking nonetheless
@G00GLE Agreed
That’s because Ukrainians aren’t Muslim. Muslims are considered terrorists that raise terrorists therefore it’s ok to bomb them in their homes while they are sleeping. ☹️🥺
Lila15 · 22-25, F
@basilfawlty89 I think it's more because Armenia is isolated and what happens there doesn't have much of an effect anywhere else. Ukraine on the other hand is in Europe and the potential for a wider war, while remote, does exist.
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
@Lila15 in way I'd agree, but if you look at Palestinians, Yemenis, Copts, Assyrians and Yazidis, you kinda start to note a pattern. Granted an exception with this in Europe is Cyprus, because Turkey was allowed to basically colonise Northern Cyprus, but that's because the West relies on Turkish resources and military bases.
Lila15 · 22-25, F
@basilfawlty89 Again, all isolated areas having little effect outside their immediate vicinity. Same reason why the war between Tigray and Ethiopia is virtually unknown.

The Israel-Palestine conflict gets more attention because Israel is a close ally of the U.S. and anything concerning Jews is of great interest. If Israel was replaced by an Arab country, nobody would care what happens to the Palestinians.
Nanori · F
A news reporter said "well these are ppl who are just like us, I mean they're white"
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@Nanori People relate to other people who look like them. This is common across all human groups and segments. It's not a surprise.
Nanori · F
@MarkPaul I see so we still can't see everyone as our equal and a human being
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@Nanori No and here's the dirty little secret. We never will.
eMortal · M
By attacking Ukraine, Putin is in fact threatening to bring back the old Soviet Union, his life’s dream.
@eMortal How so?
Roadsterrider · 56-60, M
The time frame, that is why Ukraine is in every headline every day. The Kurds, Palestinians, Yemeni and anyone else that fell through the cracks are just victims of poor timing. If gas was still $1.80 a gallon and inflation was not exceeding the early 70s inflation, Ukraine wouldn't even be a blip on the radar. But, when it looks like the US is in for hard times, the powers that be make sure we see on the news that we have a distraction. We can all look at Ukraine and realize that it could be worse.
Carissimi · F
It depends how useful it is to the politicians. Russia/Ukraine is extremely useful to their agenda.
@Carissimi It is all smoke and mirrors
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@KlonB Maybe
good question, 4 sure we are not supposed to care about whats behind any of the three doors
LadyJ · F
Because the west are up to something as usual 😏
@LadyJ Isn’t everyone 😂
LadyJ · F
@Ozymandiaz True..but i say the west because eventually it affects us
media coverage
@Dewms Part of it for sure
Yemen is out of control.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
For sure. @Spoiledbrat
Fukfacewillie · 51-55, M
Given the historical connections to Europe, the Cold War, the size of Putin’s invasion, the bravery of the Ukrainians, the media access, I’m not very surprised.
@Fukfacewillie Could be. What news sources do you use?
Fukfacewillie · 51-55, M
@Ozymandiaz NY Times, Washington Post, NBC, Reuters.
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TexChik · F
The democrats want to avert attention from the disaster they have created here in the US
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
Because, as much as we claim racism doesn't exist anymore, it's cause they're not white.
@basilfawlty89 I considered this.
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@Darksideinthenight2 Could well be

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