Why exactly do the liberals who are ignorant of WWII history think the Nazis believed "white people" were his idea of a superior race?
I don't understand why some of the most vocal liberals always use the term "white people" when referring to the type of people Hitler thought were superior.
His #1 enemies that he wanted to commit a genocide against were Jews and Slavs. Both of which are considered "white people" by the standard of whiteness that exists in American racism. Slavs may be disadvantaged in Europe, but theyre white in America. Same goes for Jews.
Hitler may have viewed the so-called "Aryan people" (What he really meant was Germanic people) as being the most superior, but.... since when are they the only white people on the planet?
His #1 victims, like I previously stated, were Slavs and Jews. Both of which are white. Further proving the claim that "The Nazis ideology were about preserving the white race" is just factually incorrect.
Maybe it's because that in Hitlers' writings (like "Mein Kampf") he blames Yews for bastardising and introducing impurities (non-white blood) to the white race. Which makes the white race weak, in his delusional reasoning.
Yes, Hitler saw the Aryan and by extend the Germanic race superior. He never said they were the only white people. Considering that he talks about "the french" and their whiteness. He wasn't about the preservation of the white race, he was about the preservation of the "Germanic nation" (People or Folk).
Also, Hitler didn't give a fuck on what Americans considered white in 2022.
@Kwek00 OK.... so it seems that Hitler viewed Jews as people who maliciously tried to "corrupt the white race" but... that doesn't really address anything I've said.
Even in the same book you're quoting from, Hitler stated he did recognize the Jews as being German at first until he decided to stare at one for a long period of time and ponder "if this creature is really human." Yet... Jews became the primary target for the genocide. Even moreso than the "non-white races."
I mean, a big part of the reason why the Nazis made Jews wear the star of David was because, at face value, a lot of Jews did seem indistinguishable from other whites and they needed a way to distinguish among them. Further concluding that the Nazis racism was based on something more than just simply skin color.
@MickRogers Well, maybe this is a bit more clear to you know:
I don't understand why some of the most vocal liberals always use the term "white people" when referring to the type of people Hitler thought were superior.
Since he did seem really fascinated by the white race. And by extend, the Germanic race who he believed had remnants of Aryan blood inside of it.
Even in the same book you're quoting from, Hitler stated he did recognize the Jews as being German at first until he decided to stare at one for a long period of time and ponder "if this creature is really human." Yet... Jews became the primary target for the genocide. Even moreso than the "non-white races."
The first targets of the NAZIs were internal and external. Internal, because fascism believes in the idea of order and purity. Even in the political sense, there should be no politics inside the body politic (the German nation). Therefore, all dissident voices that didn't agree with the new imposed NAZI norm, had to go. We are talking about left-wingers, liberals of all kinds, transvestites, gays, adicts, handicaped people, etc.. Then you have the groups that are perceived external to the Germanic Nation, which are all perceived as a thread. This conception is defined by the NAZIs themselves, and the NAZI doctrine defines "Germanic" through bloodline that can be traced back to the German soil. If you can't trace your ancestry back, you are not Germanic in the eyes of a NAZI. Prime target? The Jew, who was quite literally the scapegoat for everything that could be perceived as an ill of Germanic society. The Jew was blamed for: Socialism, Marxism, Communism, Social-Democracy, Liberalism, the enlightenment, WW1, Versailles, the perceived decline of culture, the perceived decline of purity, ... etc. NAZIs ,just like all antisemites, had an entire conspiracy theory about Jews, a group of people that were all out to get them. Jews in NAZI ideology, were never Germanic, they are just an impurity that also needs to suffer their wrath for getting the blame of everything they don't like. And if the NAZIs didn't remove the Jews first, the Jews would eventually remove them. It's a them or us kind of framework. What these people looked like, was just as important to the NAZIs, as 2022 conceptions of whiteness. NAZI racial theory is linked to bloodlines and soil. It's not not primairily based on looks.
I mean, a big part of the reason why the Nazis made Jews wear the star of David was because, at face value, a lot of Jews did seem indistinguishable from other whites and they needed a way to distinguish among them.
They also talk about groups of people that are clearly distinguishable by outlook. But even if someone looks Germanic, has largely Germanic ancestry, ... those couple of percentages that can be labeled Slavic, African, Jewish, ... etc. Will grant that person the concept of being "impure" (Non-Germanic, Non-White). Because NAZI racial theory is linked ot bloodlines and soil and not primairy on looks, that doesn't stop them from labeling themselves "white". And perceiving that what is labeled impure as a thread to the white race.
You're forgetting the fact that Hitler did not view Jews as White, as many White nationalists do not. White meaning European, not just one with white skin, (as even some Hispanics have white skin). That is what white in the truest sense of the word means. So, he believed in European superiority very clearly, however, like Madison Grant wrote in his "passing of the great race" book, Hitler viewed Europeans in 3 categories: Nordic, Alpine and the Mediterranean. He viewed alpines as the lowest of the European races and the Nordics as the pinnacle of human civilization.
So, while Hitler did view Europeans as superior than other races like blacks, he still thought that there were some groups of Europeans that were superior than the other Europeans.
Something else that is interesting to note: Adolf Hitler did NOT, I repeat did NOT view Jews as an inferior race as many claim. He actually viewed them as superior in many ways and has even admitted this in his table talks. He admitted that they are more clever and intelligent than most, and could take over a country far easier than other races could. This is why he wanted to get rid of them, because he thought that they were too smart for their own good essentially and they used their cleverness and intellect for evil.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow Well, America did put Jews in American and Canadian concentration camps during WWII and even sent some to Nazi Germany during the shooting.
@Diotrephes Internment camps were more a thing with the Japanese. Sadly our governments both refused boat loads of Jews attempting to flee. Definitely a national disgrace.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow The US forced the South American countries to expel the Jews so that they could be placed in US and Canadian concentration camps. The US routinely sent Jews to Nazi Germany and some Japanese to Japan.
And interesting fact is that none of the Japanese in Hawaii were placed in the concentration camps.
I believe Martin Luther hated the Jews, and remember that the Jews helped the Muslims to conquer Spain and fought on their side against the Spanish Christians for over 700 years.
The leadership of the German Jews wanted to destroy Germany in WWI and they wanted to impose a communist government in Germany. So, it was only natural that a nationalist such as Hitler would regard them as legitimate domestic enemies of Germany. And that idea was further enhanced when the Zionists were able to get a world-wide boycott of German goods and services going before the shooting started.
Technically, Aryan or Arya is a term originally used as an ethnocultural self-designation by Indo-Iranians in ancient times. Maybe I'm missing the part when White Germans became Iranians. Hitler should have paid attention in school.
Nazis such as Hitler had a lot in common with the American Confederates in that they considered Whites, especially German Whites, to be at the top of humanity. Of course that goes against beliefs expressed in the Bible and in the Jewish Babylonian Talmud which claim that Jews are at the top of the heap and that the world was made for them.
Based on actual pictures taken of Jews when the concentration camp were liberated they were not overly abused. The skin and bones people could have been other ethnic groups but they are not wearing the Jewish prison clothes like the fat ones are.
Some people continue to whine about Hitler because he focused his efforts on killing Whites instead of Blacks and Browns. If he had followed the traditional script he wouldn't have gotten the bad PR. When have you heard of anyone lambast what the Japanese did in Asia or what the Italians did in Africa or what Churchill did in India? Did you hear about the tens of thousands of Black people the Union Army killed in the Civil War?
@SW-User Yes, it is a very complex issue. If you are so inclined you can read Theodor Herzl's The Jewish State for free https://www.gutenberg.org/files/25282/25282-h/25282-h.htm
If you want to do detailed research, you can subscribe to the New York Times archives for a small nominal fee, and you will have access to the stories about all kinds of issues as they were written about in the past.
And, if you can stomach it, you can read the Jewish Babylonian Talmud = http://www.come-and-hear.com/talmud/index.html
Uh...because at the time Jews were seen as a different race in Nazi Germany? And even in the U.S. until Roosevelt pushed to change that narrative? Don't quite get the "Liberal" thing though. What's your point dude? Is it just one of the weak-ass 'enemy' things? Sad.
@MickRogers Was there a part of "I'm over it" that you didn't understand? I have ZERO interest in being 'educated' by someone like you. Especially from a brainwashed kid. None. So stop. Thanks.
@Ynotisay If you weren't interested you would have never responded in the first place. Proving, yet again, you're a dishonest attention whore. You're acting like nothing more than a child throwing a tantrum just because you're upset at the fact that you're more conservative than I am.
And out of the two of us, the only one who is a brainwashed non-intellectual is yourself. You've recognized that the system you make excuses for rips families apart from people, oppressing the ones they love, you just don't care. Meaning I'm not gaining anything of intellectual value by talking to a pathetic waste of life such as yourself.
For someone who likes accusing others of "just being white dudes" you don't seem that bright enough to recognize your own level of privilege. We on the progressive side call that projection 🙄
@MickRogers I didn't read anything you wrote. It just sucks that now I have to block you, because you'll bring nothing to table other than bullshit, and I don't have a whole lot of blocks remaining. I tend to remove nonsense and I wanted to pick and choose. That's why I said 'stop' and 'thanks.' Thought you'd get that. Should have known. That's out of your reach.
One of Hitler’s biggest admirers and ally was the Grand Mufti al-Husseini. Yasser Arafat’s mentor. He wasn’t white, but stated he and Hitler had common enemies. This was before Israel existed as a state.
For years before Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany, he was obsessed with ideas about race. In his speeches and writings, Hitler spread his beliefs in racial "purity" and in the superiority of the "Germanic race"—what he called an Aryan "master race." He pronounced that his race must remain pure in order to one day take over the world. For Hitler, the ideal "Aryan" was blond, blue-eyed, and tall. which Hitler was not blond or blue eyed.
@SW-User He quite literally hated Jews and Slavs more than he hated black germans. A commenter here even pointed out that one of his personal allies was Mufti al-Husseini who wasn't white but had a common enemy; the Jews. Who were white:
@SW-User There were Black troops in the German Army. The American Army wouldn't let Black American troops fight White German troops because they didn't like the idea of Black people getting used to killing White people in an organized manner.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow That position isn't factual though, and not a single historian on the planet actually agrees with you.
Whether or not Jews and Slavs were "considered white" at the time has no relevance to the point. Hitler's fascination wasn't towards white people, it was towards Germanic people. The point being, Jews and Slavs are white-appearing. They have white skin. Meaning Hitler's fascination wasn't towards "white people" but a specific type of white people.
Not even a single place in Mein Kampf did Hitler even claim he advocated for preserving "white people" but of thr Aryan race. Meaning your claim is, by definition, ahistorical.
True enough.Heres a good example of what you're talking about:when Japan allied with the Axis during World War 2,he made the Japanese "honorary ayrans".
@MickRogers most Jewish people from Europe by DNA studies have Middle Eastern ancestry. Further European i.e Ashkenazi Jews aren't the only Jews. You get Sephardi and Mizrachi Jews, the latter never left the Middle East after the destruction of the Second Temple and you can literally not tell them apart from Palestinians or Lebanese.
@basilfawlty89 And yet.... all you needed in Nazi Germany was Jewish ancestry in order to be one. You were treated the same whether or not your skin color was darker than another. That's the point.
@Harriet03 There was no one named "Jesus" before about 1630 A.D. So, the character could have been anyone but, according to the fairy tale, he was a Jew.
@Shaveit Hitler wasn't the sharpest knife in the kitchen. He didn't even know what any Aryan is. He thought he could conquer the world with a small army and no navy. He couldn't invade England. He didn't have a collection of advanced weapon systems. He couldn't defend Germany from counter attack. He couldn't attack America. He didn't have sufficient allies.
He lost the war when he fired the first shot, just like Japan did. Italy was never a major player.
If he had focused on killing Black and Brown people there wouldn't have been any problems.
Because they are incapable of seeing beyond their own modern American concept of "whiteness" and have no sense of history. Nazism was all about a Nordic/Germanic ideal.
Poland and Russia were full of white people the nazis tried to kill. The Romany people are white and about a million of them were killed. France and Belgium were invaded and crushed.
Somehow the Japanese got “promoted” to honorary Aryan status.
he viewed Jewish people as a different race though. I think people are more ignorant today by comparing anyone they dislike to Hitler such as Donald Trump or anyone they dislike (white men) as Nazi's. People today have completely took all meaning away from what it means to be a Nazi and I think that is just ignorant
@MethDozer That doesn't change the plain fact that Hitler's mission was to preserve the Germanic race not the white race. Not a single place in his autobiography does he even mention a mission to "preserve the white race" because the only "white people" he actually wanted to preserve were the Germanics.
By the way, Jews and Slavs weren't "considered non-white in Europe" because the concept of "whiteness" is only a term thats exclusive to North America. So Jews and Slavs might have been considered non-white in the US, but the same standard doesn't apply in Europe since racism in Europe is largely dependent on what region you were born in. Not your skin color.
because the concept of "whiteness" is only a term thats exclusive to North America.
Historically incorrect. It was a concept developed by English and Continetal Royal houses and Aristocracy and was pushed harder as imperialism came into vogue.