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Wiping off their fingerprints

I see that the Chinese Communist Party (Xi’s lickspittles), having destroyed democracy in Hong Kong, are now busily trying to remove any and all reminders of their callous behaviour in 1989 when they killed or injured thousands in Tiananmen Square

That gangster regime, led by corrupt and greedy liars, is China’s real enemy
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They're not "communist," they're a single-party authoritarian capitalist state - which is what the Republicans envision for the U.S.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@LeopoldBloom I agree 100% with that assessment
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@LeopoldBloom As opposed to the demonocrats, who are doing their bestest to destroy any opposition to their screwed-up policies, right?
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
Just like the demonocrats are doing by rewriting history and destroying statues
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow Anyone who deliberately and callously destroys democracy in the service of an autocratic narcissist is a lap dog (as Americans saw recently)

Come the revolution! 😀

(and it will)
@newjaninev2 🤣 You have got to be joking. Democracy has never existed in Hong Kong. That is totally disingenuous.

This is as childish and silly as in the early 90s claiming the former fascist nations of the Baltics and Hungary and Romania were "returning to democracy" in 1991. Come on.

Hong Kong was a colonial outpost stolen from China when the UK turned the entire nation in to drug addicts in the name of empire. This has since turned into an oligarchy that has a war going on between the oligarchs who support the Chinese government and the oligarchs that support the Fortune 500. This has never been about democracy.
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
@sunsporter1649 you are becoming more Pathetic
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@chib] an atrocisity like tiananmen square is not going to be ever going to be erased from peoples mind no matter how much the chinese government try to sweep it under the carpet . the stain of the action will never go
And the cold war cliches are back. Because every country should live in the past because Americans say so.

And democracy in Hong Kong? Surely you are joking. It is a former colony turned an experiment in oligarchy. There has never been anything approaching real democracy.

This is like in the 90s when Americans were claiming the former fascist states of Romania, Hungary, and the Baltic states were "returning to democracy." What democracy? Just makes people look ignorant and silly.
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@chibs I think your tinfoil is a bit too tight. I am sorry facts and history don't fit your cold war narrative.
ididntknow · 51-55, M
There are some mixed up people on this post, I’ll leave it to you to decide who they are for yourself
Gusman · 61-69, M
I emailed Beijing puppet, Hong Kong CEO voicing my disgust at her wanton arse licking of the Chinese Government. Though I never used those words.
I also said history will judge her poorly indeed.
Waste of space she is.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
China? You mean West Taiwan?
@chibs Well, yes, because Tibet is under Chinese domination. However, China is not "communist;" it's a one-party authoritarian capitalist state.

Tibet used to be an independent country, with its own separate language, religion, and culture. China has been relocating large numbers of Han Chinese into Tibet, mirroring the USSR's policy of moving Russians into the Baltic states.

Historical Tibet was also much larger than the part of China known as "Tibet" today.
@LeopoldBloom The only reason anyone in the US gives a shit about either one and why they are both presented in cartoonish comic book terms is because it was politically useful and still is useful for American imperial designs for the region.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow I'm worried that you're probably right.

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