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sassyleah25 · 26-30, F
It doesn't really matter... Even without Pennsylvania the other guy wins.
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Uachtarain · 26-30, M
@MarmeeMarch yup. He was. He was put up by the Democrats because he had the best chance of getting Trump out.

Mission accomplished 😊
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SteelHands · 61-69, M Best Comment
This is informative. I've heard that Dominion voting machines and Smartmatic software were originally set up for Che Gueverra's socialist fraud voting. If that's true then these systems are/is even more vulnerable than Diebold machines and used in 30 states.

So check out this video you kids. Watch it and weep. Your future. Either you have a say or you don't. Don't be lulled into acceptance just because you think you actually wom. If you wom by cheating you're only screwing yourself in the long term.

sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@LeopoldBloom And that from a left-wing nut job. Amusing
@sunsporter1649 Who, Steelnuts? He doesn't come across as left wing.
daisymay · 51-55, T
self adoring media hyped government paycheck collecting tan skin fake white fake person of color garbage con man

That is probably the most succinct description of the Impeached Forever Orange Traitor I have ever seen.

Nice work!
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
I hate to break it to you but Pennsylvania certified their results in the presidential race yesterday giving it to Biden. The order only prohibits certifying the rest of its election results in down ballot races. The order would prevent the state from further action on the presidential race except that there is no further action, electors have already been appointed.
@Budwick Lol. Says the guy who supports a loser who is sulking like a toddler and you are supporting overturning an election to spare his feelings.
Viper · M
@Budwick Republicans have struggled since there have been Democrats?

Okay, if you say so.
daisymay · 51-55, T
Your party has struggled with honesty since there's been democrats!

Not as mightily as your reading comprehension skills, apparently. Wow, you're even dumber than I thought and I already thought you were almost too dumb to be left unsupervised.

Sheesh, someone probably needs to have you committed soon.
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Uachtarain · 26-30, M
@IstillmissEP You’re absolutely full of shit but you know what, at this stage, I kind of hope there are hundreds of thousands of illegal ballots.

It would give you Trumptards a taste of your own medicine for stealing two Supreme Court seats and the 2016 election 😂😂😂
KristinaM · 36-40, F
@acpguy I’m definitely a freak. I wouldn’t say socialist freak. Peace✌️
Viper · M
Funny how you leave the important facts that disagree with your argument.

The very next line that you failed to include
“Respondents are preliminarily enjoined from certifying the remaining results of the election, pending the evidentiary hearing.”

Meaning the PA certification of the presidential election results, which happened on Tuesday, still stands.

Not only that, but this lawsuit argues that the Republican main Trump argument that the State Legislators decide the electorals is wrong, as the State Legislators (majority Republicans) passed the law they're trying to overturn, which is in the Constitution.

So even if this lawsuit effects the down ballot races (which is what it's stopping from being certified), and flips the down ballot races.

One might also have to flip the Presidential certification (which usually most states have no process or ability to do) AND maybe change the US Constitution so that State Legislature don't get to control their states electorals. Which is never going to happen.

The best this MIGHT be able to do, MIGHT cause enough doubt that Congress doesn't use PA's electoral and Biden gets 286 (still at or above 270). And there isn't even a good shot at that.

First, we have to see if this case quickly get thrown out for being completely BS like the Trump ones did...

The Republicans seem to be suggesting this lawsuit should be tossed out quickly too

The Republican-controlled state Legislature responded, in legal filings, that the case should be dismissed because Act 77 didn’t alter the requirements of who constitutes a qualified voter, and that the Legislature is constitutionally authorized to prescribe the method by which those electors may cast their votes.
@Viper Hey, that’s no fun. Buttstick wants to think that this is the start of the election being reversed. Why let the truth spoil that?
Viper · M
@LeopoldBloom True, but sometimes I feel like someone should actually education him. Or he'll continue to believe the lies he spreads.

But I guess he's in his 70s, you're right, I should let him die with his blissful ignorance.
@Viper He's in his 70s like Biden is in his 20s. Butthead also claims to have donated a kidney. Next he'll be telling us that he dated Elizabeth Taylor and was an astronaut.
RodionRomanovitch · 56-60, M
'Hmmm, it looks like the election isn't over quite yet.'

To a deluded fool maybe , to the rest of us not so much.
spjennifer · 56-60, T
Well, in reality, tRump is winning because every day he continues to perpetuate this fantasy, the trumpites are pouring money into his slush fund, so he'll keep it going right up to inauguration day and beyond, it means millions into his pockets. It matters not a whit if it's true or not, he and the RNC are raking in the cash!
spjennifer · 56-60, T
@hippyjoe1955 Suggest you read this, about 2/3rds of the way down the page, RNC gets 40% of each donation:

But the fine print indicates much of the money donated to support that effort since Election Day has instead paid down campaign debt, replenished the Republican National Committee and...
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@spjennifer So the point that the courts are now ruling in Trump's favor have been lost on you? Very strange. Votes can not be certified by court order.
spjennifer · 56-60, T
@hippyjoe1955 What are you on about now, exactly where are "the courts ruling in tRump's favour"?

You need to get your news elsewhere than on Breitbart 😄
deadgerbil · 22-25
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout get some butter on that popcorn
@Budwick If it came from Clinton, it was obviously a lie, right?
Budwick · 70-79, M
@LeopoldBloom Hindsight - 20/20
deadgerbil · 22-25
@Budwick lol provide a source for that

And let's say it was from Clinton-trump took that conspiracy and ran with it

And several trump supporters on this site believe obama is not born in america. So they believe Clinton conspiracy? Lmao
SteelHands · 61-69, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow You're resorting to an awful lot of evil Hilarious's name calling but that won't help.

You're out of fake ammo.
@SteelHands Just stating facts. If you don't want to be called a crazy conspiracy theorist try presenting something that isn't on par with Alex Jones and gay frogs.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow Being called crazy by a liar is proof I'm over the target.

Idgaf if you call me alex or gayfrog when the like of you have been referring to us 90 million Americans as fashists and notsies, calling my jew friends anti synthetic, and brown ones unkl trons. (Spelling changed to avert Google cramping)

Quit your baloney. Trump won and everybody knows it including you. You just don't care the election was screwed with in many ways because if you did you'd check, then you'd know. Just like I AND OTHERS ALSO KNOW.

Biden and Harris with her encouragement and his aquiescence of this year's rioting mobs could never have won to the numbers he'd have needed.

Those two couldn't even fill a gymnasium. To not know these things you'd need to be so naive you'd be as senile as Biden himself. And let's be honest. That's what he is.
I can’t wait when Biden is officially president so this nonsense is over. If Trump ends up going to jail for state crimes then good, no one has to listen to him anymore.
@Budwick A long wait? The reason Trump is doing all this crap (attempting to hinder certification, asking his staff about self pardoning, etc.) is because once he leaves office next year he’s screwed and he knows it. That’s what he gets for commiting tax fraud.
Budwick · 70-79, M
@SW-User Yes - a long wait.
@Budwick Doesn’t look like it will be since Trump’s lawsuits have been thrown out multiple times for lack of evidence. Resulting in his lawyers lying to the public rather than in court to prevent getting in trouble for lying under oath.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
Viper · M
And in 3 days this lawsuit was thrown out for being completely bullshit!

They even failed to file it in the correct jurisdiction...

The Republican Legislators correctly predicted it would be dismissed. Their reasoning was because the lawsuit failed to understand the correct definitions being used.

But it was also tossed because “They have failed to allege that even a single mail-in ballot was fraudulently cast or counted,”

So a total bullshit waste of time, and made those who believes in the lawsuit look quite damn stupid
Viper · M
@whowasthatmaskedman which is why all the real active attorneys walked away after the first couple and Rudy Giuliani had to come out of court trial retirement for this.
spjennifer · 56-60, T
@whowasthatmaskedman And that "joke of a lawyer's" name issss Rudy, just fixing my shirt, Giuliani! Look for him to have another "meltdown"!
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@spjennifer As long as he works for free and doesnt argue with Trump he has a job for life. 😷
Uachtarain · 26-30, M
I notice that you Trumptard’s standard response at the moment is:

We’ll see what the Supreme Court has to say.

Then it will be:

We’ll see if Congress actually certifies the results.

Then it will be:

We’ll see if Congress agrees to count them.

Then it will be:

We’ll see if Biden is actually inaugurated.

Then, frankly, I think you’ll all quit this site as you will literally have nothing left😂😂😂😂
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M

The fraud grows like a metastasizing cancer, what these scumbags and their stooges in the media did to our voting system was voluminous and egregious. Bien was a joke and so were the fools cheating for him. Trump will have a second term, that is beyond doubt now....
Rose0415 · 36-40, F
It seems that you forgot Part II, where the court actually rejected Trump's request to block Joe Biden from being the winner of PA. Sorry to make you look like an idiot. Actually, I'm not sorry 🤣.

A federal appeals court on Friday rejected a request by U.S. President Donald Trump’s campaign to block President-elect Joe Biden from being declared the winner of the battleground state of Pennsylvania, dealing another significant setback to Trump’s bid to overturn the results of the Nov. 3 election.

"Free, fair elections are the lifeblood of our democracy. Charges of unfairness are serious. But calling an election unfair does not make it so," wrote Stephanos Bibas on behalf of a three-judge panel.

"Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here," he wrote Bibas, who was nominated by Trump. The case could still be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
This order does not impact yesterday’s appointment of electors. - PA's AG
Viper · M
@QuixoticSoul Even the Republicans disagree with this lawsuit. And if you thought it was illegally, why wait until AFTER you have lose the race to mention it.

Could have got it resolved before the election.

But Republicans think this lawsuit will be rightfully dismissed.

The Republican-controlled state Legislature responded, in legal filings, that the case should be dismissed because Act 77 didn’t alter the requirements of who constitutes a qualified voter, and that the Legislature is constitutionally authorized to prescribe the method by which those electors may cast their votes.
Viper · M
And this lawsuit has now been tossed so it did nothing be give hope to the stupid people that thought it might be real.

“They have failed to allege that even a single mail-in ballot was fraudulently cast or counted,”
lol still grasping at non existent straws , time to give up the charade
acpguy · C
@looking4thesun You are an idiot Canuck that has no right to be commenting on our government or elections as you are from a country of whimps that gave up your rights to a socialist run government as as most Canucks you are a pervert as I see you enjoy showing your Butt Crack. So keep your head up your ass in your third world country and out of ours.
@acpguy lol well we already know who the idiot is, someone that thinks he master and lord are going to overturn the election... just saying.. lmao
jim44444 · 70-79, M
"Hmmm, it looks like the election isn't over quite yet".
That is a true statement @Budwick and it won't be over until January 20, 2021. These frivolous lawsuits are damaging the Republican party and are only useful for stirring a strong emotional response in President Trump's most ardent followers.

As has been shown multiple times in court there is no credible evidence of wide spread fraud. Every election has technical problems which is why we have provisional ballots. Every election has some fraud which is why we have criminal prosecutions.

This judge has issued an order to delay until Friday further certifications pending her review of evidence presented. Do note her order did not reverse certifications already completed. Most likely she will dismiss the lawsuit and it shall join the list of the frivolous.

Have a great Thanksgiving.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M

Uachtarain · 26-30, M
Too late, FAR too late 😊
KristinaM · 36-40, F
@Budwick Actually sometimes I’m very bad, but I do love kitties. I don’t really see what that has to do with the topic though.
Jake966 · 56-60, M
@Uachtarain too late ? It took 30days for Gore to be declared the loser
Uachtarain · 26-30, M
@Jake966 yes, because that election was close.

This time, Trump lost by a landslide, and everyone, except for Trump and his so-called legal team, has moved on, forgotten about him, and is preparing for President Biden in January.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
daisymay · 51-55, T
It's like this. I can allege that you're actually part of the Cabal that eats babies. According to you and your ilk, I don't even need a single shred of evidence to expect everyone to believe me without question.

Are you sure you're ready to live that life? There's no way you're man enough.
@daisymay Actually, I'm wondering if the people behind QAnon are, in fact, child sex traffickers, who are using the cult as a way to direct attention away from themselves. QAnon has not only failed to bring a single sex trafficker to justice, or save a single child, they're counterproductive in that they waste the time and resources of the people who are going after real sex traffickers, by submitting false reports.
daisymay · 51-55, T
@LeopoldBloom Yep, the pro-bioterrorism QAnon true believer guy that must have blocked me sure struck me that way.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
Wow Budjack, you just never give up do you? Time to face up to the facts: There was no widespread voter fraud, The election was not "stolen". Trump lost fair and square. Biden will be President on Jan 20, 2021.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@independentone Come on... he needs to be coddled.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
Thanks for that update. Now will someone please report the fact that Mark Zuckerberg plowed hundreds of millions of dollars into this election to buy judges and election officials please?

That would be good. Thanks.
@SteelHands Zuckerberg is a Trump supporter.
@Budwick I thought you people supported capitalism. I guess only when a company is pouring toxic waste into a minority neighborhood, but not when they exercise their free speech rights.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
daisymay · 51-55, T
Did you hold your breath this whole time? I don't think you did, because, OOPS, this lawsuit was tossed out and laughed at.

Tough break, Trumpansy 🤣
ppl in the comments are so mad, never change sw 😂
ok wittle @MarkPaul 👶
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MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@SW-User Yeah... like that.
monte3 · 70-79, M
My quick search show PA did certify the results. What is your source?
Peapod · 61-69, F
@monte3 The judge has issued an order to delay further certifications until Friday pending her review. This does not undo what has already been certified and it will likely not prevent full certification of Pa.
Jake966 · 56-60, M
I guess that disproves the claims that it’s all being verified .
daisymay · 51-55, T
Did you like spending 3M of taxpayers' hard-earned dollars (aka theft) to produce more votes for Biden in MN? No? Why not, it was at the behest of your Orange Lord and Master, after all.
Uachtarain · 26-30, M
@daisymay you’d better tag him to make sure he responds 🤭
daisymay · 51-55, T
@Uachtarain @Budwick is too much of a chickenshit loser to respond without being a disingenuous pile of shit. It's impossible for him to engage in a factual discussion of any kind.

He's a loser, just like his favorite PotUS. (spoiler alert: Trump is still a loser)
@daisymay Buttstick's response would be that recount only proves the entire process is corrupt.

Another cult member on here told me that the "constitutional" process would be to call for a revote, with all voting in person and ID required. It's hilarious how people who have never read the constitution, use the word "constitutional" to mean "stuff I like."
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
I think "evidence" is expected there on Friday.... That seems to have been the problem all along.😷
Viper · M
@whowasthatmaskedman This is NOT Trump's team... this is a Republican(s) that ran for office in PA and are suing because they lost.

The PA Constitution defines who constitutes a qualified voter.

The lawsuit claims Act 77 redefined who constitutes a qualified voter.

The Republican-controlled state Legislature say the lawsuit is wrong and should be dismissed.

The Republican-controlled state Legislature responded, in legal filings, that the case should be dismissed because Act 77 didn’t alter the requirements of who constitutes a qualified voter, and that the Legislature is constitutionally authorized to prescribe the method by which those electors may cast their votes.
@whowasthatmaskedman It doesn’t affect the appointment of the Democratic slate of electors, however.
daisymay · 51-55, T
@Budwick Did you hold your breath this whole time? I'm thinking no, since it didn't go your way. Sad 😥

Tough break, Trumpansy 🤣
Miklee02 · 51-55, F
4meAndyou · F
LeoWulf · 36-40, M
Election is over. Biden is going to the WH.
Republicans did gain some advantage in the House. Why cry over election results when you can actually get back at Democrats by just doing what they did to Republicans when Trump won?
And Conservatives can follow the footsteps of Liberals and Far-Left and do a copy paste. "Disrupt" is the keyword 😂
Budwick · 70-79, M
@LeoWulf Not helpful.
Budwick · 70-79, M
Biden is going to the WH.

Tell him he can get tickets from his state representative.
Steve42 · 56-60, M
Not like waiting until Friday will change the results that Trump lost.
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"But but but... there is no evidence!" 😭😭😭
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@PrivateHell There is no evidence.
deadgerbil · 22-25
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow I wonder how many trumpists will watch this video and actually see how poorly this is playing out for trump. Then again, it'll probably take a defeat at the supreme court, if it even makes it there, to wake them up.
@deadgerbil Agreed. And he seems to think based on his professional opinion there is a 99% chance the SCOTUS will refuse to hear the cases partly because they are a hot mess and 2 because they can't invent new law on the spot just to please them This will also be a rude awakening for Trump who thinks because he appointed judges he owns them now.
Uachtarain · 26-30, M
@deadgerbil @PicturesOfABetterTomorrowNo, there is no way they will ever accept that Trump has lost. Once the SCOTUS politely tells Trump to feck off, they will then place all their desperate and pathetic faith in Congress to simply ignore the results they are obliged to accept and ensure a second term for their Dear Leader.

Seriously, I’d be surprised if anyone in North Korea is even approaching the level of slavish devotion that the Trumpettes have. 🇰🇵
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
daisymay · 51-55, T
Hmmm, it looks like the election isn't over quite yet.

Tell it to Trumpy's GSA. Oops.

Better luck never, douche.
Uachtarain · 26-30, M
Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court has overturned this demand 🙂

After the Pennsylvania Governor appealed, saying there was no conceivable justification for the decision, Justices agreed, saying:

Free, fair elections are the lifeblood of our democracy. Charges of unfairness are serious. But calling an election unfair does not make it so. Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here

Sorry @Budwick 🤭
daisymay · 51-55, T
@Uachtarain Yeah, it's almost as if Rubs Dick is just a really fucking stupid example of the typical mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging, shit-eating bigot that infests the Republican Party Swamp Boat.

Weird. I can't believe no one has commented on how mind-numbingly ignorant and 100% wrong he is about anything and everything.

Sad. 😥
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M

The PA governor should take a cue from Trump and just ignore the judge and certify the vote anyway.

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