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Is Tony Blair a traitor?

I read just now that Tony Blair had been advising President Macron on how best to prevent the UK from leaving the EU. I don’t know the details, but if this is true, should Blair not be charged with treason?
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Harriet03 · 41-45, F Best Comment
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MartinII · 70-79, M
@Harriet03 Best answer awarded for wit and entertainment value, if not strictly for relevance. Thanks also to everyone else for some interesting replies.
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
@MartinII pfftt

whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
If he is, then by that criteria, so is every anti Brexit politician. As someone who remembers haw hard the French made it for Britain to get into the Common market I would immediately be suspicious of any plan where the French wanted Britain to stay in.
MartinII · 70-79, M
@whowasthatmaskedman Technically you are right. Whether the same is true in practice, given the conduct of Brexit negotiations, I’m not quite so sure!
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@MartinII I would be more concerned with the British who wanted a No Deal Deal. They stand to make more money and have a strong motivation to take short cuts to get what they want.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@whowasthatmaskedman It was never the "Common Market". That was Edward Heath's name for the European Economic Community (now the European Union of the Cities and Regions, to give its characteristically unwieldy but revealing full title).

It had always puzzled me why France in General Charles de Gaulle's time resisted Britain joining the EEC. I learnt only recently it was not pique. He realised the UK and the EEC were just not compatible, for various reasons.

On the other hand, Heath knew and supported the aim he denied but has never been a secret, of the Community / Union becoming eventually a single nation - hence the EU's full title. Well, he appeared to had some encouragement, being alleged to have collected a handsome personal cash "award" for signing the country's accession.

As for Tony Blair, his disdain for Britain, and especially England, was pretty clear when he was Prime Minister.


There is one very odd aspect to de Gaulle's post-War premiership. In the closing stages of WW2, the RAF discovered and bombed what would have been the Nazi's V3 weapon, later found to be not missiles but a very-long-range gun battery, being built near Calais, aimed at London about 90 miles to the North. Canadian forces captured the site after D-Day. For reasons we will probably never know, Gen. de Gaulle did not want the battery destroyed....
plungesponge · 41-45, M
The elites see the EU as preserving their power, so yes in some respects it is a betrayal of what the country voted for. But at some other level, the EU was created as Europes answer to superpowers like the US, Russia and China, if Europe fragments into a whole bunch of countries, there's a higher chance it'll be divided and conquered by a strident and coordinated greater power in the long run.
spill2484 · 51-55, M
no Nigel should not we did not vote for a deal we voted to leave the middle class employers want to stop Brexit as a large work force = lower wages and more profit for them a small work force is a employees market give the worker power to move jobs and races wages as employers have to raise wages to keep staff as it was in the 90's before blair signed the Maastricht treaty off his own back flooding the UK with cheap labour decimating wages especially in construction where even a labourer was on £10+ an hour that was 1995 now they get minimum wage and you wonder why the working class voted leave
gol979 · 41-45, M
Tony B-liar. Infamous war criminal and one of the faces of neoliberalism.
Should farage also be charged with treason for meeting with Italian politicians to try and persuade them not to ratify an extension to article 50?
What we have here is two hegemonic powers fighting for economic dominance and us mere plebs are the fodder
Not to mention the whole invasion of Iraq.. any WMDs yet?
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout actually yes, they had them in 91'; with the information available at the time, was no reason not to believe that they were producing them again/still had them in stockpile

The UN security council dropped the ball on that one; it was their responsibility to ensure disarmament and accountability instead of depending on unreliable Iraqi inspectors...🤔
Braveheart · M
If you havnt already listened to this take a listen and let me know your thoughts.
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
[image/video deleted]
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
Blair is a toxic figure to most of the British public because of his role in the Iraq War.

Any involvement by him actually damages the popularity of what he supports.
Crazychick · 36-40, F
@Burnley123 Why wasn't your answer marked BA? I would have made it so if it was my question.
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
I guess for him it’s not a betrayal of the 48% who voted Remain. Ah who knows what he’s thinking?
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pdqsailor1 · 61-69, M
So you will miss Boris?
MartinII · 70-79, M
pdqsailor1 · 61-69, M
@MartinII Good.. The man is a bombastic clown and the world does not need bombastic clowns....Not everyone is supportive of Brexit... or what it will cost the UK.
Crazychick · 36-40, F
YES! Nothing to do with the EU, he's been a traitor for years.
katielass · F
Not sure that's treason because it's subjective.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
He has always been a shyster. Even when I agree with him on something I really don't want to.
nuddie · 61-69, M
Not just Tony Blair but the majority of all MPs traitors to the majority of British people
No-but he needs to understand the result of the referendum.Can't call anyone who ended eighteen years of Tory misery a traitor.
Crazychick · 36-40, F
@TheSirfurryanimalWales Tony Blair didn't end 18 years of Tory misery, he added another 13 years of it on. He's no Labour man, he's a closet Tory and he always will be. He's also a worse dictator than Thatcher ever was.
MartinII · 70-79, M
@Crazychick Come on, neither Blair nor Thatcher, nor any other British Prime Minister, was a dictator, whatever you might think of them.
Crazychick · 36-40, F
@MartinII Blair is.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
The scourge and plague of leftist totalitarianism has infected England like a virus. You either stand up and throw all those lefties out or soon become a nation of sharia law. Your choice, do what is necessary to insure your very survival as a free country or suffer the consequences of leftist fairy tales gone awry.
That’s so silly.
5thApprentice · 31-35, M

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