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Voter ID laws are NOT racist

HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
I live in Massachusetts. A few years ago there was a Presidential Election in the Dominican Republic. To assist DR citizens who were not in the country at the time, voting stations were set up in a few cities in Massachusetts where the most people from the DR lived.

Anyone wishing to vote had to show ID, as required by DR law.
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
@whowasthatmaskedman how do you make voting compulsory?
MethDozer · M
@whowasthatmaskedman Forcing someone to vote is just as wrong as denying someone a vote. Compulsory voting has no moral or logical basis.

@WoodyAq Or anyone who values free on of choice and from force.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
We will need to disagree on two points.. First, voting is the peoples part of the democratic freedom/responsibility deal. If you don't hold up your end, then you cannot complain when a guy with 20% of the vote takes the nation down the toilet.
But more importantly, mandating compulsory voting all mandates the full and fair provision of proper voting facilities for all, everywhere.. A BIG problem under the current system.@MethDozer
They can be and have been but they’re definitely a disadvantage for the poor and disabled. I say make voting easier and more accessible so that more Americans can vote..
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
@MethDozer People always comparing Europe to US; criticizing our polices, rights, etc.

I say next time some genocidal maniac tries to take over Europe, we should just sit back and watch them burn... wouldn't want to be called "warmongers" for getting involved (like they've accused us of for the last 50 years) now would we? 😂
MethDozer · M
@wildbill83 We are war mongers, but so are they and they started the Atlantic slave trade, Colonisation, and started both World Wars acting like spoiled children. Yet we are the worst nation on Earth. Makes no sense the double standard.

We are fucked up, really fucked up. But across the pond they try and act like they aren't or never have been. It is extremely weird how obsessed they are in our internal affairs that don't effect them too. Like when someone from.another country actually cares about our gun or immigration laws it is just nosey weirdness. Like what is it to you? Get a life
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
@MethDozer It's like all the whining about racism/slavery...

"ooooo, you're white... your ancestors owned slaves... you're evil, blah blah blah"...

So we're guilty of buying slaves... sure. But who sold them to us to begin with? Oh yeah... blacks... Africans sold their own people to us... are they not just as guilty?
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Sure is funny how they prevent minorities from voting though.
katielass · F
The interesting facts are that in multiple locations the legislatures have offered to not only pay for anyone's ID but to pick them up and take them to get the ID and then take them home. The dumbos are always against that and the reason is because illegal aliens and felons DO vote.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@MethDozer Sure. If the IDs are free and easy to access then I have way less of an issue. The concept of a voter ID doesn't have to be racist. But when voter fraud really isn't much of a problem, I wonder what problem we're solving.

To go back to OP's statement - voter IDs don't have to be racist. But they tend to be suggested by politicians who have a vested interest in preventing certain demographics from voting.
MethDozer · M
@CountScrofula All politicians have a vested interest in preventing certain demographics from voting. None of them should ever be trusted or to feel secure.
AbbeyRhode · F
I love how liberals pull that word out of their pockets to hurl at anyone or anything they disagree with.
AbbeyRhode · F
@LadyBronte I do, too. And it's not like they give a damn about minorities. If they thought for one minute that illegal aliens were voting Republican, you'd be able to see the border wall from Mars!
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@AbbeyRhode Nobody is actually worried about illegal aliens though. It’s just not a practical concern, in fact in-person voter fraud is remarkably rare. But from one of the architects of this bill we have things like this:

A state senator who had tried for over a decade to get the bill into law, told The Huntsville Times that a photo ID law would undermine Alabama’s “black power structure.” In The Montgomery Advertiser, he said that the absence of an ID law “benefits black elected leaders.”

This is Alamaba we are talking about. Priority #1 for the GOP there is to lower black voter turnout, that’s just basic strategy. This isn’t their only strategy either, some are downright silly.

The bill’s sponsors were even caught on tape devising a plan to depress the turnout of black voters — whom they called “aborigines” and “illiterates” who would ride “H.U.D.-financed buses” to the polls — in the 2010 midterm election by keeping a gambling referendum off the ballot. Gambling is popular among black voters in Alabama, so they thought if it had remained on the ballot, black voters would show up to vote in droves.
LadyBronte · 56-60, F
@AbbeyRhode You are soooo right!!! That wall would have been up yesterday!
windinhishair · 61-69, M
Not at all. Just because they specifically focus on minorities and denying them the right to vote doesn't make them racist.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@LadyBronte Not bullshit. But outdated.

Over the past few days, stories claiming that Alabama had closed DMV offices in predominantly black counties went viral. The concern is that the closure of these offices would make it difficult for people to get proper IDs to vote.

But the stories getting attention were almost all from 2015. Since then, the state has partially reversed the closures and expanded some office hours after a federal probe found that the move disproportionately hurt black residents.

So basically, they tried, but the feds told them to knock it off.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
LadyBronte · 56-60, F
There has to be a personal responsibility on the part of the card holder. "Difficult to obtain" is relative.
Make deals about nothing much?

Here we've required ID's for voting for years and years. As long as I can remember.

I wish people gave a shit about things like going to the polls and finding them out of ballots and provisional ballots and being told 🖕.
Alabamarednek · 36-40, M
I never said a dam thing about race. And it's not race. It's poor people that they don't want voting in mass numbers and poor poor come in all colors.

Color, religion and sexual orientation are the most commonly used dividing lines to keep all poor and middle class people against one another.
Ramon67 · 61-69, M
@Alabamarednek if these poor people are living off govenment subsidies , how are they getting help without a proper ID ?
Ramon67 · 61-69, M
@Stereoguy and if they are here illegally , they shouldn’t be voting .
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Xuan12 · 31-35, M
Photo IDs are also NOT required to buy groceries. XD
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
@Xuan12 Some products in supermarkets do require ID
Xuan12 · 31-35, M
@HoraceGreenley Alcohol, tobacco, and pharmaceuticals. I wouldn't call those groceries though.
MarineBob · 56-60, M
Hillary thinks they are
@MarineBob Oh, she's hillaryious, that one! I thought you patriots had bumped her off and tossed her in a roadside ditch close to where the beavers could get at her and build their own wall!!
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
@EugenieLaBorgia No, we're not that lucky
@HoraceGreenley That's a great one!!
Alabamarednek · 36-40, M
Your rite. Their classist against poor people who are disgruntled at the rigged system that keeps the poor poor while making the rich richer.
Alabamarednek · 36-40, M
@katielass the super wealthy and well connected bribe our government day in and day out and peddle deceptive policies focused on the super wealthy waging unspoken war against the non wealthy and its even way bigger then deceptive policies that promote income and wealth inequity.

From mass incarceration to war around the world to mass incarceration to police brutality.
Stargate · M
@Alabamarednek having an ID is not racist nor is it against the poor
katielass · F
@Alabamarednek Do you have any idea how utterly stupid you sound regurgitating what some dottering old fool taught you to say? No, of course you don't.
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WoodyAq · M
@IstillmissEP Ah yes. The mass fraud theory that Trump knows exists, but for which there is no evidence, and he still can't find any.

"... if they want to vote."

If the Republicans wanted them to vote, it would make it less costly for them. Instead it is making it more difficult, in a variety of ways.

The id concept could be a valid idea, were it not for the context, which is an attempt to disenfranchise a certain portion of the population.
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WoodyAq · M
@IstillmissEP Those are words, but what does that mean?
Graylight · 51-55, F
I'm not picking a dog in this unwinnable fight, but here's a little info on the subject.
WoodyAq · M
No. But they tend to be applied in a racist fashion.
MarineBob · 56-60, M
How is it government it is on the individual
Stargate · M
@WoodyAq how?
WoodyAq · M
@MarineBob If you don't drive, generally you don't have picture i.d. You may still have a birth certificate and a SIN number, which you may have been misplaced the physical copy of. Reattaining those documents can be a real pain in poor areas that are chronically underserved by the government.
lorne13 · 61-69, M
no, its just that minority groups tend to have trouble getting ID
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MarineBob · 56-60, M
Funny that's what the last one thought
WoodyAq · M
@MarineBob 😀
Ramon67 · 61-69, M
Yes I agree
Blast!! I knew there was a catch!!
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MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
So what do you really want to say?
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MethDozer · M
It really isn't, nor is it unreasonable. That said their needs to be a free, concrete, and lifetime ID system to do it or it is not right. An expired or lost ID should not preclude a citizen from voting.

It is just like when people say we need to do.more to get people to register. Well it is about the easiest thing you will ever do. Fact is if you don't bother to register until someone begs at your door to do it, then you don't really care enough or have enough ambition for me to care about your lack of representation and see you as too dumb and lazy to want you to vote.
MethDozer · M
@LadyBronte Again,Constitutional rights are not privileges. A voter I'd should not cost anything or expire otherwise it is bullshit.

Nor should criminals be denied a Constitutional right. It is actually UnConstitutional to deny them. It is an absurd travesty of justice and basically gives government a way of denying citizens. Don't want your group to have voice? Criminalize them.
LadyBronte · 56-60, F
Illegal aliens don't have constitutional rights.
MethDozer · M
@LadyBronte You said criminals not aliens. And actually yes they do have Constituional rights that aren't specifically given to citizens only. The courts have rules on this and it actual is mentioned in the document.

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