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Trying to be gym consistent! How do you stay consistent?

My mom helps me stay consistent I need to send her a pic of me at the gym everyday lol

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Mandyheart98 · 26-30, F
Advice given to me was to just go even if you tell yourself it'll be a really really laid back workout just go. Most times you'll end up doing more than you thought you would.
Ferric67 · M
@Mandyheart98 the biggest obstacle is getting to the gym
Once you get there, the workout sorts it self out
DealingWithTrouble · 41-45, M
@Mandyheart98 this is great advice - keeping up the habit, even if you "take it easy" some workouts, is really important.
markinkansas · 61-69, M
68 years old . i go swimming once a week and have at home treadmill bike and a full weight bench that does many things.. edited ya look good by the way.. grin
exexec · 70-79, C
I work out at home every morning, unless it's my golf morning. It's hard to ignore the weights lying behind my desk chair in my home office. My dog reminds me to walk every afternoon.
JestAJester · 31-35, M
You just go. Don't think about it, if you think about it you'll convince yourself to stay home. Get your stuff together and head out the door. You know it has to be done, youll be happier that you did it and you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Stop thinking and just go
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
most people swear by taking classes, a gym buddy, or getting a trainer. I also find scheduling my workouts helps.
@pancakeslam my mom is my gym buddy I had to move away for school :(
Offthetop · 51-55, M
It takes a few months but then it becomes part of your life, a habit. It works best if it is something you like to do.
I'm the wrong one to ask. Discipline isn't my strong point
MrGoodbar · 51-55, M
that's great motivation
@MrGoodbar yeah but its a lot of pressure!
MrGoodbar · 51-55, M
@DeliaSecret you are probably giving your mom a lot of motivation too
Gmoney601 · 36-40, F
Stay dedicated
I consistently don’t go… 🕺
Mudkip · 31-35, M
No motivation, just gotta get to work
pdockal · 56-60, M
Take one day @ a time
Where's all the equipment?
@SStarfish in the other room. But I like to bring dumbells into the studio because its usually empty
Gmoney601 · 36-40, F
Hard work def... pays off
daaaan2000 · M
What happens if you don't?

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