What are your plans for this valentine's dayy? Red is the colour for the week! I have no plans going back home for reading week and going to catch up with friends! (1)
Daily accountabiility gym post lolMy mom is still making sure I go to the gym even though I moved out and she even copies the pose I send her lmao I am grateful or else I would be much lazier if she didn't make sure I was going. Even her water bottle is copying me! (1)
How do you pose for pictures without feeling awkward? Which pose do you like the most? Why? Poll (35) See Poll Options (3)
Trying to be gym consistent! How do you stay consistent?My mom helps me stay consistent I need to send her a pic of me at the gym everyday lol (1)
How good is your balance? Do you think it is important to train? I would say mine is pretty good haha i definetly didn't fall after the picture! (2)
Are you a church person? My family is really religious I don't go to church anymore but I still follow teachings that mom makes me follow like "treat others how you want to be treated" or "if you ask you shall recieve". Other than that churches make good photo spots LOL (2)