Bowenw · 61-69, M
I prefer #3 as we can see more of your pretty face. The pose is also interesting as compared to the other two where you are simply standing in a pose.
I have never found a way to not feel awkward, but you look good so you don't have to think about it.
I have never found a way to not feel awkward, but you look good so you don't have to think about it.
DeliaSecret · F
@Bowenw aww thanks!
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
The best way to pose for pictures is to not pose. Just go about doing whatever you would normally do. Get a remote to set off the camera if you're shooting yourself, or figure out the time delay settings. Even better, get someone else to shoot you.
Also, don't look into the camera lens.
Of the three samples you have here, the first one is not good, body position wise. Rigid as a mannequin. The second one is better — the position of the feet, touching the doorframe and such — but it's still passive. The third one is better still — love the kick, it has a lot of personality. But your upper body is still rigid and immobile, as is your face.
So, figure out a way to just get shots of you moving about normally, doing whatever it is you want to do, but being active. Animate your face — sing along to a song you like, or tell yourself your favorite joke or whatever. Having other people there with you helps this sort of thing because you'll be interacting with them and that will help you have natural expressions on your face.
Good luck. I hope this helps.
Also, don't look into the camera lens.
Of the three samples you have here, the first one is not good, body position wise. Rigid as a mannequin. The second one is better — the position of the feet, touching the doorframe and such — but it's still passive. The third one is better still — love the kick, it has a lot of personality. But your upper body is still rigid and immobile, as is your face.
So, figure out a way to just get shots of you moving about normally, doing whatever it is you want to do, but being active. Animate your face — sing along to a song you like, or tell yourself your favorite joke or whatever. Having other people there with you helps this sort of thing because you'll be interacting with them and that will help you have natural expressions on your face.
Good luck. I hope this helps.
DeliaSecret · F
@DunningKruger wow thank you so much for the advice!
I like 3 the most. Looks fun plus I really like your boots!
I don’t really have a a way to be not awkward. I just put myself in the mindset of the vibe I want it
I don’t really have a a way to be not awkward. I just put myself in the mindset of the vibe I want it
DeliaSecret · F
@Blake10Exe thankss
EagerDaddy · 46-50, M
You have a really gorgeous face, Delia, so I'ld say '#2', but please zoom in some, so we can see more of that very beautiful face of you. And, to be very honest, I love seeing those legs as well!
So, legs a bit apart as in #1, total posture as in #2 and face as in #3!❤
So, legs a bit apart as in #1, total posture as in #2 and face as in #3!❤
I say any way that makes you feel most confident in yourself. The pose can be super simple or as out there as possible. It all matters how you feel.
Maritocorneo · 56-60, M
Love the boots, much more spontaneous, and you can see your face the best. Fun picture!
Love the boots, much more spontaneous, and you can see your face the best. Fun picture!
sciguy18 · M
I hate being in photos. As far as yours, I like #2 because it shows all of you.
Holden · 26-30, M
I like 3 the most. Btw wanna maybe chat some time? I was gonna message you but it won't let me.
Someone as gorgeous as you should never feel awkward about being photographed.
The first picture is super cute 🥰
The first picture is super cute 🥰
DeliaSecret · F
@Onestarlitnight aw thankss
PotatoSmasher1890 · 22-25
I'm just an award person, in general.
I'm looking like a garry's mod pose whenever someone catches me off-guard.
I'm looking like a garry's mod pose whenever someone catches me off-guard.
496sbc · 36-40, M
i like them all
Lostlostlost · 51-55, M
Close up selfies are my favourite
All look good, but I like the middle one best.
dale74 · M
Which pose do you like the best I went for number two
Lostlostlost · 51-55, M
And you have an interesting face
Sarahdavies · 22-25, F
Gorgeous photos xx
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Pose 2 because it's natural but has a bit of interest to the pose.
DeliaSecret · F
@ChipmunkErnie it is definetly not natural lmaoo #3 is probably my most natural 😂
The third one is different 🙂
Offthetop · 51-55, M
None of these are as awkward as your profile picture. What's up with that?
pdockal · 56-60, M
Don't pose
Just take pics and see which ones come out ok
Just take pics and see which ones come out ok
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HotPizza71 · 51-55, M
They look like stills from a video..pretty woman though
matthewjames · 18-21, M
Secretsmile · 51-55, F
Checking the bottom of your shoe?
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