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So...What do you think about checking each others phones?

Is it toxic lol? Many people say you shouldn't do it because it's a sign that you lack trust. But I also feel like it's a double entendre because let's be honest. If you have a problem with your partner exploring your phone, doesn't that mean you have something to hide? Idk. What do you all think? My ex and I didn't have this issue. He had an android, and I had an iPhone. So we would use each other's phones for different reasons. We had each other's passwords to everything as well. Out of human nature/curiosity, we've both gone through each other's phones lol. Albeit it was only once or twice. I personally don't like people going through my phone because my search history is a little wild. Not going to lie...
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Saucylover · 26-30, F
Just as a gentle reminder, this is a post asking about your thoughts on this question. It is in no way in support or against phone searching lol. I just wanted opinions, but it seems that most of you are against going through each other's phones. I think in today's times, our phones are more private than our social security cards. They have so much personal information on them. It was interesting to see everyone's responses.
Yungj87 · 36-40, M
@Saucylover I just want to talk to you
LucyFuhr · 56-60, F
That's right up there with checking someone's purse or wallet for me LOL
I usually carry 2 phones, one is personal and the other is usually provided by my clients and there are some really questionable things on them that would be misunderstood, out of context. Even by a significant other.
I (personally) don't have anything to hide, but if I did, it'd be my prerogotative.
Being in a relationship doesn't mean complete disclosure. At least not to me.

For the record, I used to be a checker... til I found something I didn't want to see LOL
I don't like the idea but if we're both ok with it happening like twice a year just for fun and out of curiosity it wouldn't hurt. As for the passwords no that's a bit too much.
Only done if you suspect them of being unfaithful. Otherwise that’s just a weird habit to routinely have
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
My bf and I don't invade each other's privacy, including phones.
Strictmichael75 · 61-69, M
Certainly not gto go through someone else’s phone
Funlov · M
Never I do business on my phone never let anybody have my phone
PurpleBearCub · 31-35, F
I would never do that.
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
I don't like other people using my stuff.
SarithBorn · 18-21, M
it shows trust issues 🤔
Heavenlywarrior · 36-40, M
No thanks. I won’t go through anyone else’s phone. And I want the same respect.

I’ve been there. The anxiety is too much. Next you’ll be trying to figure out who the hell they are texting and why they are smiling so much.

They could be writing a novel on their phone. Lol
Northwest · M
Why call it a relationship if you do that?
Saucylover · 26-30, F
@Northwest I don't do that, and I am not in a relationship. I am just asking what people think of it. Some people think it's ok, and others do not. I personally don't care either way. I think it depends on the relationship and the rules you have in place.
If I can’t pick up my partners phone and I use it without him freaking out, that’s a problem. But at no point should I feel good about going through his phone looking for the fucked up shit he does.
Going through someone’s things for the purpose of checking on them and what they are up to is a pretty good sign that I have no self worth and/ or the relationship is trash. And if I have no self worth I should probably walk away until I can see my worth.

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