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How many pets do you have? I have three and my husband wants more

How many is too many?
i have one and that's enough (well there's also a bird but doesn't belong to me)
smiler2012 · 56-60
@SlippingAway 🤔one a cat called jess she is on my avatar lol she is the boss 😆
itsok · 31-35, F
I think I have 11ish. Two dogs, two birds, two fish, and 5 snails. Too many is when you can no longer care for them all well, when you no longer enjoy them all, or when you start to resent them for hindering other parts of your life
@itsok That's a nice family
@itsok cool....i like the fact you have snails....they seem like interesting creatures 🐌
If you can afford it there is no such thing as "too many".🤓
WonderGirl · 36-40
I have 12 cats. 🤗
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
@WonderGirl 12???
WonderGirl · 36-40
@Quimliqer Actually 14. 🥰
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
@WonderGirl You’re running a cat house!!
TheFragile · 46-50, M
1 cat. I love him. He's my little buddy.
@TheFragile mine too 🤗
Ontheroad · M
That's, I think, a personal thing... some have, want and can care for a whole farm's worth of animals, others one or two is plenty.

If three is your limit, then he needs to deal with that or be able and willing to take full responsibility for any additional pets. It's also good to think about tomorrow... as in, what if you have to move, do you want to travel and myriad other things? Pets should be a lifetime commitment for both parties.
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
One J-Hound. I’ve been thinking he maybe needs a sister.
@Pinkstarburst Do you actually call him J-Hound, or is it a pet name?
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
@UnderLockDown His name is Jasper but I call him J-Hound too.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
Two cats and a dog.

That's probably enough, one more would be too many.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
0 pets 🥺
meggie · F
None. Just a few tame robins.
@meggie robins are pretty friendly here too....
I just have one cat
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
I have a Guinea pig.
I want a cat so badly
@Jenny1234 get a cat...i know they are a pain in the butt to adopt here. it's like trying to adopt a child. they actually interview you and ask for references ffs. it's no wonder why there are so many in the spca or sanctuaries....i got lucky and got mine from a stranger who couldn't keep her....
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
@beermeplease I want to but two of my boys are allergic. I was thinking of an adoption exchange where I get the cat and the rescue adopts my boys lol
@Jenny1234 as an added bonus you could trade in hubby 🤣
robb65 · 56-60, M
Six dogs, four cats, and two kittens that I just saw for the first time this past week.
@robb65 you have a gang
LilPrincess · 41-45, F
3. Bearded dragon, Russian tortoise, Munchkin cat
Jeephikelove · 46-50, F
LilPrincess · 41-45, F
@Jeephikelove thank ya. All three are best friends
VisionQuest · 51-55, M
At one point we had 3 dogs, a cat, 3 bunnies, a dozen or so degus and a fish.
Jeephikelove · 46-50, F
Whiskey and my dads dog.
I once lived outdoors on a mountain and we fed and cared for a double clowder of cats, over seventy at one point. Not too many if you like them. They're not really all seen at once.
@Roundandroundwego wow that's an army of cats
DerSilberneKonig1 · 22-25, M
Depends on the people, space, the size of the animal(s) and how well you can care for them.

My family currently has 3 dogs, 4 cats, a leopard gecko and a guinea pig.
DownTheStreet · 51-55, M
Dog + 2 cats
How many are too many? When you don’t have the time, space and money to give them a good life.
RuyLopez · 56-60, M
If it costs the nearly as much to board your pets as your hotel stay when you go on vacation then you need to stop.
Zaphod42 · 46-50, M
A cat and a dog that I love, and a couple of peeves that I’m trying to rehome 🤭
LavidaRaq · F
If you can afford them then as many as possible lol
@LavidaRaq that's pretty much my opinion, I can't afford anymore right now. Vet visits is out of control 🙂
None now. I live with 4, but they’re others’ pets.
thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
Four, two cats and two dogs.
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
2. That’s all we need!
None anymore, yet.
BLP11520 · 61-69, M
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
I used to have a few now I have none
Don't do it.
@Spoiledbrat get another pet?
Only too many more that you cannot afford - including veterinary treatment. That's what a lot of people don't think about before getting a/nother pet.
@Nihiless agree, it's expensive. I am staying at three due to finances
caccoon · 36-40
I couldn't count them all, if we're including fish, snails, shrimp etc.

But I have two doggies
@caccoon I forgot about our fish, so we have a lot more counting those
Azlotto · M
Several hundred...All my pets are aquatic.
Azlotto · M
big fish eating the little fish

I haven't had that problem, yet.
@Azlotto if i remember correctly the little fish were super small minnows to feed the big mouthed fish that sat at the bottom of the tank....kinda like putting a mouse in a snakes aquarium
Matt85 · 36-40, M
@beermeplease Tadpoles ate my goldfish alive. Honestly, he was alive and they were all ganged up on him, eating him.☹️
DDonde · 31-35, M
Start a zoo

I don't have any pets right now. Though I had one for 7-ish years, she died in 2019.
@DDonde I had my elderly dog of 17 pass in Jan. We just got a new puppy a couple of weeks ago, so now we have 2 dogs and a cat and a few fish.
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
0 but I would really like one
Musicman · 61-69, M
We have one.

iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I have 2 cats and that’s enough
Lilnonames · F
I had a man once but he wasn't house broken so I tossed him to the curb lol
@Lilnonames the most expensive kind of pet
Lilnonames · F
Depends who takes care of them

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