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its bigotry to ask "what is a woman?" so you all better not do it.. damn bigots


how did society get to the point where we all let lunatics warp reality and ignore it to try and claim such things like men can get pregnant?
truly baffling

I will say this guy in the video is also wrong with at the end saying "we need to stick to the truth that god created men and women"
yeah that is not the truth, that is his belief. Very different things
Biological women who identify as males , can give birth too yeah . It's not that complicated
Torsten · 36-40, M
@PurplePumpkin on a rather dead site most of the time, replies are nice for sure
Funlov · M
@PepsiColaP well that doesn’t even make sense it’s because they’re a woman they’re not a man or a woman so of course they can have a child
Wiseacre · F
@PepsiColaP if they id as males, y would the want to give birth?
TheBatQueen · 26-30, F
We always went along with the easy answer that women are what women supposed to be, women do what women does.

But if you went deep ans tried to think of an actual definition, you can't because it's a very loose abstract concept.

If you went with anatomy when you will be excluding women who born with birth defect, some women were born without a vaginal canal, no pussy no Cervix no womb nothing.
What about the women who had "their female organs" removed du to cancer? What does that makes them?

And If you went with behaviour and said women are creatures who gets too emotional, and behaves this way ...etc you will be excluding millions of women who don't fit into this definition and including millions of men who do fit into this definition.
PurplePumpkin · 31-35
@Emosaur I do. You talk about what some one feels like inside. This is a converastion about the physical reality of how human life is created.
revenant · F
@TheBatQueen give me statistics.

Should laws be made and arranged for the very few exceptions ?
because it's a very loose abstract concept.
It's not an abstract concept. A woman is an adult female.
What I find fascinating is why some people care about how others lead their lives.
@SW-User Oh, others living their lives includes indoctrinating the impressionable children with LBGT propaganda? It wouldn't be an issue if the LBGT wanted to live their lives without trying to proselytize the rest of the world with delirium.
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@RocktheHouse gays were accused of the same nonsense
@RocktheHouse in my 57 years on earth, I’ve never met a gay person who goes after kids.

Pedophiles are flawed individuals, not gay.

To the point of the rest of your post, if Christians stayed in their lane, the world would be so much better.
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
This stuff is degrading to women
Torsten · 36-40, M
@HoraceGreenley yes it is
Mysticeve · 22-25, F
@Torsten Please, tell me more about what is degrading to me. I was under the impression old, religious, white men were degrading to women but I must be mistaken since the old, religious, white men don’t think so.
Torsten · 36-40, M
@Mysticeve funny because I wasnt even talking about you. I dont know if you're a real woman or not. fair to assume most so called women on this site are men pretending to be them, especially within that age bracket of yours.
But please do continue with the outraged female shtick.
revenant · F
We live in a world of childish make believe.
Torsten · 36-40, M
@Guitarman123 thats bullshit. Everyone who identifies as trans is not labelled as a sexual predator. Some for sure though with good reason.
its rather simple, stop trying to shove your sexuality and beliefs down others throats all the time and you will get treated like most every one else.
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@Torsten matt Walsh would strongly disagree with you, as would those who follow him. How is identifying as a different sex to the one they were assigned with at birth shoving anything down your throat? I'll answer that for you, it isn't. What you said is just a another excuse by transphobes to justify their vocal disdain for trans people whereas the reality is a trans person just wants to be treated with respect that as a human being they deserve. Jordan peterson makes the same excuses but if he was reffered to as mr peterson rather than Dr peterson he'd lose his shit
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Bang5luts · M
[image deleted]
Funlov · M
@Lovingsomeone priceless
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I'm not entertaining nonsense any longer. Biology is biology. How you feel is up to you, but what you are born with is final.
@Guitarman123 If in doubt, refer to my OP.
@Emosaur But I'm right, so I can't be wrong.
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Kwek00 · 41-45, M
Oh lawd, it's another snippet where a conservative politician is conflating gender and biological-sex so he can score some brownie points with the people that want to be angry by anything that makes them think about their own believes.
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@Torsten You are not defininig your Terms Torsten, so then I'll have to define them for you and answer the question accordingly. Which I did, you can reread it, I didn't erase it or anything. Just put it under the right bracket.
Torsten · 36-40, M
@Kwek00 defining my terms? I am asking you a very basic question to get a simple answer out of you. You dont need to try and explain around it, its a yes or no answer.
You not answering it though as simply a yes or no thing, gives it right away that you do believe men can get pregnant because biological women living as men can get pregnant, correct?
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
You not answering it though as simply a yes or no thing, gives it right away that you do believe men can get pregnant because biological women living as men can get pregnant, correct?

I find it strange that you start by saying that I not answered your question. While I said:

@Torsten I'm sure transexual males that still have their womb can get pregnant. [...] Which is kinda hard to argue against considering that there are transexual males that delivered babies [...]

So I agree with that statement after the terms have been cleaned up: "[...] you do believe that a segment of people that identify as males can get pregnant because biological women living as men can get pregnant, correct?". And we are not just saying "men", because that's again that confusion about terms. As if the word "man" can only be applied to biological males. Something that we would never casually do in our daily lifes, but certain people want to claim that word for all kinds of reasons (that includes bigotry btw).
redredred · M
People who “identify” as female but we’re born with male genitalia are mentally ill. No amount of surgery or hormones will ever change that. You are what you were born as. A chromosome test will verify it.

The absurdity of this cultural aberration will amuse historians for centuries.
redredred · M
@Guitarman123 Wrong! The Chromosomes will not change no matter how much surgery or hormones you do. The chromosomes are what matter but keep trying it’s fucking amusing.
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@redredred chromosones don't define gender
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@redredred as theirs more than two genders
TexChik · F
It got that way because we stopped bashing the freaks when they started saying those weird things
Torsten · 36-40, M
@TexChik yeah It certainly is the stupidest logic out there
TexChik · F
@Torsten It's how they believe they will change normalcy. They need to be locked in a psych hospital, strapped to a bed
Torsten · 36-40, M
@TexChik that will never happen. It will never be normal outside of the internet such as twitter and so on but yes psych hospitals are well needed in their case
If you want to stick to chromosomes and genitals sure use that definition but reality is not that simple and just like every definition "woman" is a constructed category that evokes a different image in anyones head when the term is used. Some may picture a tradwife with all characteristics ascribed to a tradwife but is it tradwife = woman... no it's only one description of a stereotypical kind of woman.

The term woman in society has much more to do with social implications and norms than with biology same goes for men.

And trans men can get pregnant. Now you can be a proud reductionist and tell me that's false but I won't care. In the end there will be anti-trans people and those who know that they are who they are. On the basis of law making those fractions will keep fighting.
@MasterLee based on that social norms are created around what a woman is or should be. It's stupid.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@RebelliousSpirit worked for many millenia
@MasterLee What? 😂 No it didn't. You look at history and especially at womens history and are like: yeah that worked great
Who even takes these clowns seriously lmao
@SW-User I know, right? A man thinking he can get pregnant just because he's transitioning from mtf...Lmao 😂 You were either born with a penis or a vagina, end of story!
@SW-User 🦊
Mysticeve · 22-25, F
@Lovingsomeone It’s funny that you think people actually believe that. You know there are people who transition from ftm also, right?
CestManan · 46-50, F
Most people, trans included, are just out there trying to live a normal life. Most of this mess about men getting pregnant or pronouns etc is just arguing on the web.

Here is a hard question - so if an FTM does have a baby and later splits from his partner, what gender would the legal system consder the FTM then? Would they say "female" and give the FTM custody or would they say "male" and take away custody?

One thing that goes on in the TG community that many are not aware is that non-trans people tend to "Gender" the transgender folks according to what is convenient at the moment.

Yeah the world screams about MTF "You were male at birth!" but if a product or service costs more for women, SUDDENLY it is like, "Oh yes, come on in Ma'am, we will be glad to serve you."

So could a trans person then hide behind their birth gender when it is convenient?
Torsten · 36-40, M
@CestManan I couldnt agree more actually
Mysticeve · 22-25, F
It’s not bigotry to ask, it’s bigotry to not recognize trans people as the gender they are living as.
Torsten · 36-40, M
@Mysticeve yet that is not what this discussion is about. Its about if men can get pregnant. the what is a woman title thing was just me making fun of the woman who said it was bigotry to ask that question
Mysticeve · 22-25, F
@Torsten That’s exactly what it’s about. You’ve had dozens of people explain the same thing to you and you’re still hung up on man vs male semantics. Biological females who are living as men can get pregnant. That’s an objective reality. Whether or not you consider them men is up to you. You clearly don’t from your comments here, so wear it proud.

There’s a difference between saying “people can live as whatever gender they want” for the sake of argument (like you did) and actually respecting people’s identities.
Torsten · 36-40, M
@Mysticeve you can identify as whatever you please, but that dont change reality. Men can not get pregnant. No ifs or buts about it
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Until liberals figure out only biological women are women they can just grin and bear it.
Torsten · 36-40, M
@MasterLee i love how they try telling others that they ignore biology and science with this type of thing while claiming the absurd things they do haha
How did society get to this point?

By getting rid of morals and moving away from the Bible

Once that happened, anything is up for grabs and nothing will make sense
@Torsten It may not be funny to you, but the shitstain who is the current governor of Tennessee has photos showing him in a dress, and he explains it away as "just having fun."

Call me when a drag queen guns down a bunch of kids during story hour. If you had any integrity, you'd be calling for churches to be shut down instead of your wishy-washy "oh, I don't go to church and I most certainly don't approve of pastors raping kids."
@Stargazer89 The people defending pedo trans are people like you who send your kids to church where they are preyed upon by priests and youth pastors. If clowns raped kids as often as clergymen do, it would be illegal to take your kids to the circus.
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It is IMPOSSIBLE for a biological male, even if he's transitioning from mtf, to get pregnant!
specman · 51-55, M
I agree with the chairmen. Men cannot get pregnant and there’s only two sexes male and female.
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
Ye it's such a ridiculous and stupid question, worse that these morons are passing it of as a deep and complex question
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@Torsten because of its strawman nature so that the person asking the question can criticise a complex issue in a overly simplistic way as they can't just flat out say they are transphobic so they have to resort to such a stupid question as a means of disguising their true intent of demonising anyone who identifies as the opposite sex to the one they were assigned with at birth
Torsten · 36-40, M
@Guitarman123 its not complex. it is incredibly simple. people try to make it complex to justify their feelings
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@Torsten and what are those feelings, that they support trans rights and don't want them to be demonised by Conservatives?
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
I identify as a 22 year old Thai beauty queen
Torsten · 36-40, M
[image - please log in to see this image]
idk whether it's hilarious or tragic that this is actually a debate in the west...I guess both?

I just hope individuals with these views don't try to destroy other people's cultures like they're destroying their own.
Torsten · 36-40, M
@SW-User its both funny and tragic as fuck.
Oh they will move on to other cultures and forcing their ridiculous beliefs on them also without a doubt
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@Emosaur gender identity has fuck all to do with science, and any biologist will tell you that.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
NO, a simple question that appears to be very hard for Americans

Supreme Judge - unable to answer a simple question

A woman who is born with a vagina that can have children, and some ladies are unable to have children

MALES - cannot fall pregnant
TheBatQueen · 26-30, F
It's not bigotry to ask what makes a woman.

But it's bigotry to say women are birth machines.
Torsten · 36-40, M
@TheBatQueen nobody is claiming women are birth machines and people normally ask this question so that people stop trying to erase what being a woman actually is. Its not asked as a attempt to put down women but instead prop them back up
PurplePumpkin · 31-35
@TheBatQueen No one said women are birth machines. Only women can give birth is what's being said. I dont' see how you can turn that into "birth machines"?
PurplePumpkin · 31-35
@TheBatQueen Says a lot about the bais in your operating system. You're not on no one's side but the truths, you're bias to one side.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
In a hundred years this will be as normal and obvious as anything else. It's just very shocking and shaking people up because it's still fairly new. But babies being born as intersex and women identifying as men yet getting pregnant, isn't that new when you think about it.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
@Torsten It's not about lasting. Your gender roles are fucked up and you're confused. But you'll get used to it the same way people got used to touch screens and electrical cars.
Torsten · 36-40, M
@Queendragonfly it is about lasting actually. This all is not grounded in reality. Once its over and dead with, that is the end of it. It will not continue in the future
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
@Torsten So said Swedes for a while too when they abolished homosexuality as a mental illness 1979. It took a few years but today everyone finds it shocking how it was considered a desease to begin with.
We've reached this point in time because all human beings haven't evolved, mentally, at the same rate.
Torsten · 36-40, M
@softspokenman cant argue that
nedkelly · 61-69, M
This is a question from the nutter

Triggered a transphobe so much he blocked me ☺️
Turns out if you remind transphobes that trans women are women and trans men are men enough they get their pwecious feewings hurt that don't like reality
PurplePumpkin · 31-35
@nedkelly im already there went from his user profile
PurplePumpkin · 31-35
@nedkelly The IRONY! The dude makes a THREAD about other ppl blocking him, just to BLOCK ME!!! ha ha ha :D
it's funny and annoying at the same time.
Torsten · 36-40, M
@nedkelly haha I was expecting that somewhat. Damn i wish i had a dollar for everytime someone called me a transphobe here. I could retire and live in luxury 😆
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
[image - please log in to see this image]
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@Torsten pretty sure testosterone would be a huge problem with pregnancy
CestManan · 46-50, F
@Torsten You have a point there, a lot of trans do work as much as they can to get away from their birth gender so they can present, best as possible, as their new gender role.

But something far more disturbing is at stake with that photo - Someone actually f*cked that ugly thing? 🤮
Torsten · 36-40, M
@CestManan what is more disturbing is that will be someones mother. Imagine being that child and trying to explain that you came out of that 😆
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justanothername · 51-55, M
Is it shit stirring to put up a post asking the question?
Torsten · 36-40, M
@justanothername i wouldnt know. never happened to me. How did that go for you? I imagine that must have been rough
justanothername · 51-55, M
@Torstenwhen you are not interested in what people say to you there is no point in explaining anything.
Torsten · 36-40, M
@justanothername actually i am but only if they stay on subject and dont resort to personal attacks to make their argument.
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Torsten · 36-40, M
@MalteseFalconPunch haha so its bigotry when i ask it but you get a free pass? Mate if i am a bigot for asking it, so are you. You cant have it both ways.
Teirdalin · 31-35
To be fair, Dracula's been asking what a man is for years.
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
Torsten · 36-40, M
@Kwek00 that is a woman living as a man getting pregnant. So i ask you again, do you think men can get pregnant?
PurplePumpkin · 31-35
@Kwek00 They can get pregnant 'cause of the biologica factors, not 'cause what they choose to identify as.
I just saw the clip taken out of context so maybe this is argued as a detail of a bigger whole, that should not be argued in this way if you see the whole context?

So this thread... identify as something else, out of the whole?
@Kwek00 men can not get pregnant, end of story
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PurplePumpkin · 31-35
@SW-User U are cute :D
@Torsten There's no point in arguing with a lunatic. You sir are a lunatic.
Torsten · 36-40, M
@RocktheHouse yes i can see how the truth would give you the impression of a lunatic. Very rare for someone to be so honest these days
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Piper · 61-69, F
@RogueLoner I did not accuse you of bigotry, though. I saw the reply that was construed as bigotry, since I participated on the post on which it was made. I know that it was not just your referring to the "T" next to the individuals name in your reply that was considered bigotry, but the other the words you used along with that...with a *giggle.

Although I did see the post you call "illegal" (🙄), I did not participate on it, "heart" it, or report you or it.

You are judging my intent because of a preconceived notion that your friends have of me. You think because I point out Trump's humorous antics, occasionally and fairly defending him when his haters are being hypocritical, that I am a MAGA Trumpster "cult" member, automatically making me a bigot, a fascist and a hater.

Surely you jest. As you pointed out to the OP of a post last month; "we have social media history". Going on 12 years of it, to be 'exact'. I can tell you for sure that nothing I think or have ever thought of or about you, has a whit to do with what anyone else thinks or has said.
Piper · 61-69, F
@RogueLoner I was not referring to just that, by a long shot.

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