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What makes a person selfish?

Now a days when people be nice, they get taken advantage of...

And if don't be nice, they get called selfish.
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Reject · 26-30, M Best Comment
Those who lack want the most. If someone is selfish? It’s because they’re deprived somehow. Usually they’re neglected by themselves.
MartinII · 70-79, M
@Reject That might be true sometimes. But in my experience the most selfish people tend to be those who have the most, want more, and can't be bothered to think about others.
Reject · 26-30, M
@MartinII It might look like they have the most. Same as how you’d think all rich people are happy. That’s not always the case though.
sahi81 · 22-25, F
@MartinII i have seen few men around me who have pretty wives, still get jealous of any type attention i get from men ( even negative sexual type attention, for example : cat calling.) . They get excited and show attraction towards me (🤮) if i show them negative attention (anger) when they provoke fights with me intentionally out of jealousy.

I personally never got positive attention from men in my life. Lol maybe their wives don't show them any attention or not going good with their wife, married them only for money ( they are little rich). They couldn't get any girl/women's attention except negative attention in their lives even if they have everything, i think in their young age too no girl/women showed them attention ( could be due to culture or some other reason), maybe even their own wife never showed them attention. These same men try to suppress female sexuality and romantic feelings ( out of their own distrust and insecurities ) ! They try to suppress me too ( can't see me happy or have any freedom or grow in life despite me being average looking and average wealth)! They are very insecure of themselves and go to prostitutes just to show off and brag to other males.

All of those men are very insecure of themselves!

I believe bad people do get their karma even if they only show off their good things in life on outside.

Fishy · 36-40, F
Tbf tho, sometimes selfish people will call others selfish just because they didn't get what they wanted.

I think the term used for that is called projecting?
I dunno, lol
sahi81 · 22-25, F
@Fishy Exactly. I don't think just not being "nice" to someone makes other a bad/selfish person. It's not selfish... people don't owe others anything unless they themselves wanted and promised them to.
sahi81 · 22-25, F
@Fishy I think causing others problems is considered selfish or putting ones needs/desires at expense of others also can be considered selfish.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
selfish /sĕl′fĭsh/

1. Concerned chiefly or excessively with oneself, and having little regard for others.
"a selfish child who wouldn't share toys."

2. Showing or arising from an excessive concern with oneself and a lack of concern for others.
"a selfish whim."

3. Caring supremely or unduly for one's self; regarding one's own comfort, advantage, etc., in disregard, or at the expense, of those of others.

4. Believing or teaching that the chief motives of human action are derived from love of self.

5. Holding one’s self-interest as the standard for decision making.

6. Having regard for oneself above others’ well-being.

7. Concerned chiefly or only with yourself and your advantage to the exclusion of others.

Given there are seven slightly different definitions, there's got to be more than one reason.

It's like explaining fruit. There are many types.
val70 · 51-55
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
Many things can cause selfish tendencies.
Bleak · 36-40, F
Absence of Empathy.
sahi81 · 22-25, F
@Bleak i don't think so.... someone who lacks empathy might not do good but might not do bad either. I think its some kind of "weakness" that makes people selfish. Weakness such as jealousy, fragile egos and such things.
novaguy2u · 70-79, M
Not necessarily.
it doesn't really matter
Magenta · F
Humans are selfish by nature.
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@sahi81 Sometimes mee to act foolish. And I openly say it like, "I was foolish to do/think/say so."
sahi81 · 22-25, F
@ABCDEF7 not everyone can handle being called foolish... especially if they have low-self esteem.
@sahi81 SW anti abusive filter hide the words used & suggested by you, but not the word fool used my me. This tells you what is more abusive word. And clearly fool is not an abusive word as you might be thinking.

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