WintaTheAngle · 41-45, M
I suppose we think in life times. We miss the people we lose and we track the progress of our children against our own lives.
A life time is long and short all at the same time.
A life time is long and short all at the same time.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
The short lens is the easiest one to look through.
A thousand years ago the understanding of soil related sciences, the methods of raising livestock were thought of as highly technical.
Ten thousand years ago battle strategies and conquering were raised to such detailed significance, again, language was not "technically" adapted yet, about 85% of the males were eradicated from the planets population.
A couple thousand years ago speech and languages became highly refined and in that frame of time the written forms and printing in uniform ways with paper manufacture began. This was undisutably extremely technical.
With each phase of human advance the new dilemma's required originality, adaptation, and sometimes painful struggle but humans have continued to prevail. There are always those who overreact and their counterparts, ones who use them for personal or group advantages.
A thousand years ago the understanding of soil related sciences, the methods of raising livestock were thought of as highly technical.
Ten thousand years ago battle strategies and conquering were raised to such detailed significance, again, language was not "technically" adapted yet, about 85% of the males were eradicated from the planets population.
A couple thousand years ago speech and languages became highly refined and in that frame of time the written forms and printing in uniform ways with paper manufacture began. This was undisutably extremely technical.
With each phase of human advance the new dilemma's required originality, adaptation, and sometimes painful struggle but humans have continued to prevail. There are always those who overreact and their counterparts, ones who use them for personal or group advantages.
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
Have you heard of the long now foundation? It was created in 01996 (leading zero for future computerized sorting) with the idea that we should foster the idea of longer term thinking. That the next ten thousand years is the long now.
I can't say whether they are noble long term thinkers or just rich people with grandiose ideas about how important they could be in the future as a way to ignore the short term issues of now. I never looked that deeply into them. I haven't even thought about the group in years, but the thought that 100 years is so short a time reminded me of them.
I can't say whether they are noble long term thinkers or just rich people with grandiose ideas about how important they could be in the future as a way to ignore the short term issues of now. I never looked that deeply into them. I haven't even thought about the group in years, but the thought that 100 years is so short a time reminded me of them.
Miram · 31-35, F
@ViciDraco That is interesting,but since we cannot even orderly plan and cooperate and manage our problems for the next decade, it is too idealistic to be planning for the next thousand years.. even among rich tech elites' interests,it seems to be unrealistic. Too much conflict of interests and beliefs.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
Material progress, electricity rapid transit, awareness mastery through cinematic insights.. these are a mere drop in the ocean and very recent paradigm shifts of ground alerting magnitude. There are thousands of others be they soil sciences or the gutenberg press these make massive alterations in both the configuration of brain biochemical states and the plasticity to adapt even more rapidly.
I'll put it in a simple way even though it's not simple. Perspectives about long scale lapses of time or objective insights to how the sentient mind are concept vectors too nebulous for the efficient functionality of the axis of reasoning, the weight of emotive decision capacity and self control or understanding of and the external locuses required to encapsulate what even is the thing we call mind. Much less semanticise it accurately through speech or writing.
I think that humans have many built in natural traits of what is needed to intellectually and physically handle, if handle is a complete enough word, the changing world. Those that think otherwise are probably only a contingent that's present to remind us all how incomplete the past always was.
I'll put it in a simple way even though it's not simple. Perspectives about long scale lapses of time or objective insights to how the sentient mind are concept vectors too nebulous for the efficient functionality of the axis of reasoning, the weight of emotive decision capacity and self control or understanding of and the external locuses required to encapsulate what even is the thing we call mind. Much less semanticise it accurately through speech or writing.
I think that humans have many built in natural traits of what is needed to intellectually and physically handle, if handle is a complete enough word, the changing world. Those that think otherwise are probably only a contingent that's present to remind us all how incomplete the past always was.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
The vast majority of our existence as a species was in what we now call the pre-historic period.
Even in th last 2000 years, there has been a great acceleration in technology.
To use military example: A Roman Army could probably beat a medieval one with twice as many men. Both would get wiped out by a few drinks be strikes.
The rapid development has created problems because I think we lack the evolutionary maturity for this one kind of power. Hence climate change.
Even in th last 2000 years, there has been a great acceleration in technology.
To use military example: A Roman Army could probably beat a medieval one with twice as many men. Both would get wiped out by a few drinks be strikes.
The rapid development has created problems because I think we lack the evolutionary maturity for this one kind of power. Hence climate change.
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MyGirlPhotoswell · 61-69, M
@Burnley123 when has climate never changed?
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@MyGirlPhotoswell I meant man made climate change. Ask a scientist.
It's pretty astounding when you consider the length of time that we've even been sentient compared to the length of time the earth has been habitable. We're a tiny dot in history and yet we've grown like Covid-19.
OldBrit · 61-69, M
Given every atom in your body is probably billions of years old then yep I agree. Hydrogen which is most prevalent is most likely 13.8 billion years old as made shortly after big bang
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
I've been learning a lot about geology/paleontology and humans have been around for an astonishingly short amount of time. Wildly short amount of time. Almost nothing.
Miram · 31-35, F
No, I am not high. I am impressed by our creations and advancements in understanding and controlling our environment, all while waiting for some dudette to leave a public toilet so I can go pee and reflect more there.
Gibbon · 70-79, M
Lol. No one would have guessed the question actually involved thinking about centuries waiting for a toilet.
Now I gotta go pee. It's all your fault.
Ok cats time to move.
Now I gotta go pee. It's all your fault.
Ok cats time to move.
100 years is so little in cosmic terms yet way longer than it takes for modern society to forget about history. It’s very sad.
eMortal · M
Yeah it's nothing. Civilizations existed 10000 years before Jesus Christ.
For some reasons "some people" think that life started with Abraham or Jesus Christ.
For some reasons "some people" think that life started with Abraham or Jesus Christ.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
We're already a quarter of the way through it. Someone please, step on the brakes!!!
SteelHands · 61-69, M
Depends if you're looking through a longer lens.
SwampFlower · 31-35, F
I turn into a philosopher when I have to pee too.
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
really? are you Methuselah or have you lived 1000 lifetimes recently? 🤔 or is this about who killed your grandpappy's Grandpappy again?
Miram · 31-35, F
@pancakeslam This comment is why you got hemorrhoids