I thought I was wrong once.. but it turned out I was right.. So I was wrong about being wrong 🤓🕺
They display arrogant behaviors and attitudes. Have grandiose fantasies about their superior intellect, beauty, power, and success. Displays a sense of entitlement, expecting special treatment or automatic obedience from others. Feels excessive jealousy toward others and assumes that others are jealous of them.
I don't understand why you used the question mark. Take a look at and have a listen to one D.J. Trump to understand what a know-it-all and a grandstanding know-nothing is. On top of that, he thinks he looks like Elvis.
They suffer Trauma, that comes from being neglected...during childhood... growing up... and build themselves up trying to overcome this...and they end up being the know it all ..this needs to be recognised... , or best is to hang pout less around em :)
9/10 very narcissistic, it’s all about them. Over confident but often just scared of failing, argumentative and critical and full of their own self importance.
My paternal Grandfather had a saying he told me when I was 19 in 1989, the more we learn, the more we realize the less we actually know, the knowledge of this is the key to all wisdom.