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Have you seen or experienced something extraterrestrial?

Montanaman · M
Was at work at a power plant in the New Mexico desert.
Outside smoking.
And it came from very high altitude to almost ground level very quickly.
No sound. And hovered over the ponds
Search lights of sorts shining about.

I convinced myself that it was some new high tech helicopter with advanced " silent hover mode."
That's in the movies right? 🤔😳🤭🤫😎
AlittleBitGenX · 46-50, F
@Montanaman lots of crazy things out in the desert!
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
Three of us saw a disc with lights on the edge in the evening up in the clouds goung slowly against the wind up in Moorhead in August of '79. Same night that a policeman's car ran into a glowing sphere in the highway just north of us. B52s were stationed with nukes over in Fargo back then. I called it in.
AlittleBitGenX · 46-50, F
@Tastyfrzz wow crazy!
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Dunno. There is a secret American base on the Nullarbor Plains. We just assumed the weird lights in the sky at night was them testing some flying machine or other.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
@Tastyfrzz That’s it. I”m feeling homesick now. I lived in Ceduna for many years. The scout leaders loved to take us kids camping at Perlubie. My family would drive across to Perth every year and back again (2 adults, 4 kids, no screen devices, 1 station wagon) Camped and explored the Nullarbor many times. 👍
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
@Thevy29 what is there? Like camping on a sheet of wallboard.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
@Tastyfrzz Between May and October, Southern Right Whales come to The Great Australian Bight to give birth to their young.
One if the best Surfing Beaches in South Australia is at Penong.
There are lots of Caves to explore, most of them not on the map.
The Nullarbor is good place for Stargazing.
There is a grape orchard and wine distillery out there, they built their own desalination facility to water the grapes.
There is a couple of Aboriginal communities. I think the one at Yalata does the tourist bit.
I'm not sure where the American base is supposed to be, somewhere in the centre of the Nullarbor.
Take your own swag or caravan if your going to go there.
Zaphod42 · 46-50, M
What?! No! Definitely not! I’m a regular erth born hooman…no extraterrestrial experiences here. Normal hooman…two eyes, 32 teeth, 10 toes nails…hooman. 👀
AlittleBitGenX · 46-50, F
@Zaphod42 👽👽👽👽
Zaphod42 · 46-50, M
@AlittleBitGenX No, no! I have a long form erth certificate and everything! No aliens here!

Look over there! An alien! 👉

AlittleBitGenX · 46-50, F
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Sidewinder · 36-40, M
Once, when I was very young. (about 6, maybe 7)
Yes and I don't believe in ufo's
Convivial · 26-30, F
Only some people here..
Nothing yet
Mudkip · 31-35, M
Ynotisay · M
Sorry. Nobody has. Just like no one has seen Big Foot. Or a ghost. Those are human constructs. We do that as a species. It's interesting.
Lilymoon · F
Montanaman · M
@AlittleBitGenX 😆
Naked guys too. 🤪

LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Normally, I'd put a joke here about having an extraterrestrial raven for a roommate, but I feel like giving a serious answer.

One night, when I was about 8, we were leaving a Trailblazer game. My dad was cheap, and wouldn't pay for parking, so it was always a long walk back to the car in the dark. (Not that I minded. I actually enjoyed the fresh air.)

Anyway, this particular night, I noticed what I thought was a regular airplane, flying above us. Standard flashing red light, just cruising along at normal speed. Then it was just... gone. And that's when I realized there had been no engine noise accompanying the airplane. One second it was there, flashing away like a normal aircraft, and the next, nothing. It was flying low enough that there should have been a sound.

My parents didn't believe me, of course, because I was just a little kid. But I remember what I saw. And I know what it was.
AlittleBitGenX · 46-50, F
@LordShadowfire oh that’s spooky

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