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Do you find deep voices in a woman attractive or nah?

I'm tryna see how many of you lie
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Ferric67 · M
Well, I've had this mini crush on a coworker (she looks like Emily Blunt) who actually works at a different location than I do. She does stop in at the my location kind of sort of regularly. About six months ago I began to subtlety flirt with her. About three weeks ago, she began to reciprocate the flirting...she even stopped in on Monday while she was off and kinda hovered around me a little.
Anyhow, as she's flirted with me....I noticed that her voice is deeper than I would have expected....and I don't know how I feel about that. I mean, she shill looks great and from what I've seen of her, she seems like a good person.
@Ferric67 did the attraction go after noticing her voice?
Ferric67 · M
@HijabaDabbaDoo she looks too good not to be attracted to her, and more importantly she's a good human being (from what I've seen her interacting with other people...I've seen her get hugged by several people who were legitimately happy to see her....showing me that she has positive relationship with people).
Juvia · 22-25, F
makes me want to hump them
@Juvia relatable
SailorMarz · F
I like a medium voice. Not too deep, not too Mickey mousy.
@SailorMarz i can't help but think people aren't being serious when they sound like a Disney princess on helium but I recognise that's because most women in my life sound like rappers
scooogy · 31-35, MVIP
@SailorMarz Donald Duck?
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Juvia · 22-25, F
[image/video deleted]

CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@Juvia BAWK
hunkalove · 61-69, M
The love of my life had a deep voice when she was depressed. Which was often. I could always tell.
antonioioio · 70-79, M
A lot of things come in to play before you would hear her voice and at that stage it would not matter 😂
AntisocialTroll · 56-60, F
I love deep voices...they make me weak at the knees.

I'd love my own voice to be deeper, can't stand the sound of my own voice!
Well depends on their character & style imo. It suits some women really well
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
I have a low voice (quiet), but I wouldn't call it "deep". Just soft I think.
RoxClymer · 41-45, M
depends on the voice
@RoxClymer whatchu mean?
RoxClymer · 41-45, M
is it low and seductively sexy?

or is it low and gravelly from 20 yrs of smoking?
Strongtea · 22-25, M
I did go out with a girl who had a deep voice once, I liked it but I probs prefer more normal voiced girls in general.
rfhh1959 · 61-69, M
Kathleen Turner worked for me
@Straylight we love an equal opportunitist
PhilDeep · 51-55, M
Lauren Bacall had an AMAZING VOICE! I've been told my baritone voice is attractive to women and good for radio!
I doooo. My natural voice is childish so yeah I’ve always wanted to have a deep and seductive woman voice ☺️
looping · 22-25
i prefer deeper voices so yeah it's pretty hot
hunkalove · 61-69, M
The love of my life had a very deep voice when she was depressed and suicidal. Very scary. As though she was possessed by evil spirits.
Muthafukajones · 46-50, M
I find a throaty trail off like Rachel Ray very sexy. I’ve heard it’s a marker of higher testosterone and a very high sex drive which is awesome for a woman to have!
Gangstress · 41-45, F
Get your sex voice on luv
@Gangstress for free? With this cost of living crisis?
Not today hun
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
Depends on the girl, everyone's got their vibe and it can be sexy because it's them
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@Jexie rough and clear sounds like an oxymoron
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